I want to big chop again!


Well-Known Member
Man, I think I started something when I did the big chop this year. I was so in love with the cut, that since I have been growing it out, I think about doing it again and going a bit shorter. Not because of the ease of style, but because I looked so good with it :lol:
bubblin what's the update on your hair? i used to follow your progress but then you (seemingly) disappeared for a minute.

then i saw you post last week and i was like, hey, she cut her hair!

what mad eyou decide to cut? why don't you ever wanna grow it out again? do you think you'll ever relax?

did i miss all of this in a thread or something? :lol:
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I say "Just Do It!!"...especially if you liked how you looked then. Also, your hair grows really fast from what I've seen.
Bubblin, you know that you can cut and regrow your hair whenever you choose.
I loved your long hair but you also looked fab with the short cut.
Maybe you're at the infamous in between stage and just need to get over the hump.
Whatever you decide, I am sure you will look great.
bubblin what's the update on your hair? i used to follow your progress but then you (seemingly) disappeared for a minute.

then i saw you post last week and i was like, hey, she cut her hair!

what mad eyou decide to cut? why don't you ever wanna grow it out again? do you think you'll ever relax?

did i miss all of this in a thread or something? :lol:

I chopped because I got another relaxer.
I will grow my hair out again ,but I am at a crossroads about big chopping one mo' gin.
I will never relax again. :nono:
If you like it, I love it! Go ahead and chop it girl if that's what you want to do. Hair grows back. Enjoy it at all its stages and lengths.
I love ur hair. When I cut all mine off I found a bglh update on when u cut yours and it made me feel better, like it will grow. Whatever u do I wish u luck.
You did the long hair thing and didn't enjoy it. Please don't let OUR OPINION stop you from having a cute cut you like. I'm not surprised you wanna cut again so I say GO FOR IT!!! You seem happier with short hair. As for me and my hair, we rebuke all scissors LOL

By the way did you get any hate mail when you cut it all off? :lachen:
You did the long hair thing and didn't enjoy it. Please don't let OUR OPINION stop you from having a cute cut you like. I'm not surprised you wanna cut again so I say GO FOR IT!!! You seem happier with short hair. As for me and my hair, we rebuke all scissors LOL

By the way did you get any hate mail when you cut it all off? :lachen:

:lol: @ rebuke.

No, no hate mail :grin: