I want to believe


New Member
I was brought up Catholic- baptised, communion, confirmation- everything. But at some point I lost my faith, I became 'atheist'. Now I do not know. Sometimes, I feel as though there is more than just the life we know, but I'm not sure. I see the stars and planets and wonder, how can it be?

My grandmother passed about 3 1/2 years ago. About a year (I'm guessing here) I became involved in this CHristian org at my college and around that time my uncle calls my mom, asking if I am ok. He said he had a dream that my grandmother came to him and said she had been praying with me. I was stunned because I had not paryed for a looooong time - something like 2 years maybe more and after a while I forgot about it. But recently, I have been REALLY thinking about life & DEATH and if there really is an after life. - I'm thinking that is one heck of a coincedince

I have 2 contradictary thoughts:

1) Man created the idea of a higher being and after life, to deal with the thought of death (selfishness &/or denial), to also maintain the control society (people will be good- for the most part- if they belive someone is watching them and that there are consequences to their actions.

2) Someone had to have created EVERYTHING, how else could it have come to be- EVERYTHING CANNOT be created from nothing- as a discovery channel program explained.

SO my question to you ladies is, why & how? Have you ever had a spiritual experience of any kind that made you know for sure- other than beliefs being passed down thru religion or family?
very good question!! I don't know the answer. However, I am a believer. I'll wait for the scholars..
First, thank you for your courage to share.

Secondly, I submit that you did not "lose" your faith. It's still there. It's what brought you here to this forum at this time. If anything, your faith might have become dormant (due to challenging circumstances in life, for example), and you need a charge, like a battery in the coldest of the winter cold. But once you get charged up, your whole body, spirit, and soul will warm up and you'll bubble over with new joy!:) :lol:

Your point here:
1) Man created the idea of a higher being and after life, to deal with the thought of death (selfishness &/or denial), to also maintain the control society (people will be good- for the most part- if they belive someone is watching them and that there are consequences to their actions.

is more about RELIGION than SPIRITUALITY. There's a BIG difference between the two. At the end of the day, one's personal encounter and experience with the Lord Jesus Christ cannot be denied. I can tell you from my personal experience that there is a God, there is a Creator of the Universe(s), that this God in the personhood of the Lord Jesus Christ is real, just, honest, good, and honors His word. I know, receive, and accept this because of the limitations of humankind cannot make something out of nothing. A true creator makes something out of nothing. Even if one considers the perspective of evolution, where did the first, minute, cell of that first organism come from is my question.... But anyhow....

You make a good point that many of us "inherit" our religious beliefs and practices. When done well, it is a good foundation and parents allow the space for their child to grow and come into his or her own, believing the scripture in Proverbs 22:6 that says "Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it".

I like this translation: "6Train up a child in the way he should go [and in keeping with his individual gift or bent], and when he is old he will not depart from it." (Amplified)

I can offer a first-hand account that even as a child, I had a desire to pray (not of my own but the Lord prompting me to, even when I could not articulate that desire). I recall at a young age asking the Lord to show me the right way. That I did not want to be in church and STILL go to hell. At age 20, I changed churches, which really upset my mother. But here's the thing: the differences are (kinda) minute, but I still believe the Lord Jesus Christ...it's really more of a denominational thing:ohwell:

I said all that to say that the Lord honored my request and I did come into my own relationship with the Lord. Also, I know that at the end of this world as we know it, just like we die alone, we will stand ALONE in judgement, so regardless of what dad or mom or auntie or uncle or granny did or did not believe and do, we have to be accountable for our own actions.

I encourage you to take a (baby) step of faith, get into a private corner somewhere, like a closet, somewhere where you will not be disturbed. Go there, close your eyes, take a deep breath, and just open your mouth and empty out your heart unto God. Just talk to Him like you would your friend or loved one. Talk about your cares and concerns. Cry if you want/need to. And ask the Lord by faith to help you. I know that my Lord can handle anything you tell or ask Him.

Also, you mentioned your grandmother. Were you close to her? Did she pass unexpectedly? Is there something on your heart that you are concerned, even angry about? Is there some unresolved issue that continues to bother you? That has bothered you for quite some time? I just sense that....

Apologies for the length of this post. I do hope you find it helpful. Peace unto you.
I will post something quickly. We discussed this once in a class. Man's idea of GOD or a higher being is that He is perfect, all powerful and all knowing. If we are imperfect, not all powerful, and not all knowing, how can this thought or idea come from us? It has to come from GOD and GOD alone. GOD had to have been there from the beginning to place the thought within us. Basically how can someone that is imperfect think of something perfect. We only know what we are taught. When I say we I mean us and our ancestors. If we are imperfect the thought of perfection is beyond us on our own because we don't know what that is unless the idea is given to us by someone who is perfect. HTH Q
queeny20 said:
I will post something quickly. We discussed this once in a class. Man's idea of GOD or a higher being is that He is perfect, all powerful and all knowing. If we are imperfect, not all powerful, and not all knowing, how can this thought or idea come from us? It has to come from GOD and GOD alone. GOD had to have been there from the beginning to place the thought within us. Basically how can someone that is imperfect think of something perfect. We only know what we are taught. When I say we I mean us and our ancestors. If we are imperfect the thought of perfection is beyond us on our own because we don't know what that is unless the idea is given to us by someone who is perfect. HTH Q

This sounds like the religion class I just finished........
klb120475 said:
This sounds like the religion class I just finished........
Actually it was a philosophy class. We covered a lot of things but I remember this one vividly. Q
I don't believe that man created a higher being. I believe we knew there was something bigger than us from the beginning. This higher being (God)created us and everything we know. It was just instinct. Just like many of us know it is wrong to kill someone without someone tellling us. We didn't have to create that rule. We just knew it was wrong. I believe that many of us did not know what to place this higher being as and many people went on to create there own gods or idols with there own rules to justify there feeling or why things happen or are the way they are.

Just like you said there is so much more to life. Where were we when before we were born and how come we don't remember it? Why can't we just be satisfied with what we have instead of trying to get more? Why is it many of the things I have, once I get them they do not thrill me anymore? With many of us there is a void. We are in search of truth. And the truth is in God through Jesus Christ. :) The truth is the only thing that is satisfying, and I think your grandmother was trying to get you closer to the truth.
RelaxerRehab said:
First, thank you for your courage to share.

Secondly, I submit that you did not "lose" your faith. It's still there. It's what brought you here to this forum at this time. If anything, your faith might have become dormant (due to challenging circumstances in life, for example), and you need a charge, like a battery in the coldest of the winter cold. But once you get charged up, your whole body, spirit, and soul will warm up and you'll bubble over with new joy!:) :lol:

Your point here:
1) Man created the idea of a higher being and after life, to deal with the thought of death (selfishness &/or denial), to also maintain the control society (people will be good- for the most part- if they belive someone is watching them and that there are consequences to their actions.

is more about RELIGION than SPIRITUALITY. There's a BIG difference between the two. At the end of the day, one's personal encounter and experience with the Lord Jesus Christ cannot be denied. I can tell you from my personal experience that there is a God, there is a Creator of the Universe(s), that this God in the personhood of the Lord Jesus Christ is real, just, honest, good, and honors His word. I know, receive, and accept this because of the limitations of humankind cannot make something out of nothing. A true creator makes something out of nothing. Even if one considers the perspective of evolution, where did the first, minute, cell of that first organism come from is my question.... But anyhow....

You make a good point that many of us "inherit" our religious beliefs and practices. When done well, it is a good foundation and parents allow the space for their child to grow and come into his or her own, believing the scripture in Proverbs 22:6 that says "Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it".

I like this translation: "6Train up a child in the way he should go [and in keeping with his individual gift or bent], and when he is old he will not depart from it." (Amplified)

I can offer a first-hand account that even as a child, I had a desire to pray (not of my own but the Lord prompting me to, even when I could not articulate that desire). I recall at a young age asking the Lord to show me the right way. That I did not want to be in church and STILL go to hell. At age 20, I changed churches, which really upset my mother. But here's the thing: the differences are (kinda) minute, but I still believe the Lord Jesus Christ...it's really more of a denominational thing:ohwell:

I said all that to say that the Lord honored my request and I did come into my own relationship with the Lord. Also, I know that at the end of this world as we know it, just like we die alone, we will stand ALONE in judgement, so regardless of what dad or mom or auntie or uncle or granny did or did not believe and do, we have to be accountable for our own actions.

I encourage you to take a (baby) step of faith, get into a private corner somewhere, like a closet, somewhere where you will not be disturbed. Go there, close your eyes, take a deep breath, and just open your mouth and empty out your heart unto God. Just talk to Him like you would your friend or loved one. Talk about your cares and concerns. Cry if you want/need to. And ask the Lord by faith to help you. I know that my Lord can handle anything you tell or ask Him.

Also, you mentioned your grandmother. Were you close to her? Did she pass unexpectedly? Is there something on your heart that you are concerned, even angry about? Is there some unresolved issue that continues to bother you? That has bothered you for quite some time? I just sense that....

Apologies for the length of this post. I do hope you find it helpful. Peace unto you.

Well said!:)
I think this is God's way of trying to rekindle a relationship with you. The questions are great because you will eventually find the answers. Isn't it better to live life knowing there is a God then to live life without God and later to find out there is one, but it's to late?

Your questions are just pulling you closer to God.

I was raised just like you (religiously speaking). I was raised in a Catholic family and did the whole nine. I stem off to be just a Christian. I believe through faith in Jesus Christ I am saved and accepted.

I also feel with your grandmother being gone she now knows more and is in a better place and is trying to tell you seek God.

I have spiritual experiences everyday. Whether there little and I don't recongize them till much later or big. There are plenty of times I should have been dead or probably should not of graduated or could have even gone to jail. Whatever the case, none of these things happened to me. I am in the position that God wants me to be in because I lean to him for everything and give all glory to him.
Wow, you ladies are good and shared it very well.

If I was not a believer, I would want to become one just by what you all have shared;)

Blessings to you all!
tatje said:
I think this is God's way of trying to rekindle a relationship with you. The questions are great because you will eventually find the answers.
Isn't it better to live life knowing there is a God then to live life without God and later to find out there is one, but it's to late?
Your questions are just pulling you closer to God.

I was raised just like you (religiously speaking). I was raised in a Catholic family and did the whole nine. I stem off to be just a Christian. I believe through faith in Jesus Christ I am saved and accepted.

I also feel with your grandmother being gone she now knows more and is in a better place and is trying to tell you seek God.

I have spiritual experiences everyday. Whether there little and I don't recongize them till much later or big. There are plenty of times I should have been dead or probably should not of graduated or could have even gone to jail. Whatever the case, none of these things happened to me. I am in the position that God wants me to be in because I lean to him for everything and give all glory to him.

You hit it right on here....awesome!
Thank you ladies for your responses. I appreciate them.

To answer the question. Me and my grandmother had a great relationship, which I think it would have been much better now- because I was really introverted then. She passed the week I went back to school.
I got this book from the library the other day and thought about this thread....

Ten Prayers God Always Says Yes To: Divine Answers to Life's Most Difficult Problems (Hardcover) by Anthony DeStefano

Here are some of the chapter titles:

I Wish I Could Believe: God, Show Me That You Exist

What's In It For Me: God, Outdo Me in Generosity

I Can't Take It Anymore: God, Get Me Through This Suffering

Am I A Terrible Person: God, Forgive Me

This Stress is Killing Me: God, Give Me Peace

Okay, I Admit It: I'm Afraid: God, Give Me Courage

Will I Ever Be Happy Again: God, Bring Good Out of This Bad Situation

Why Am I Here: Anyway: God, Lead Me to My Destiny

Excerpt here: http://www.randomhouse.com/doubleday/catalog/display.pperl?isbn=9780385509909&view=excerpthttp://www.amazon.com/Ten-Prayers-God-Always-Says/dp/0385509901

Hope this is helpful.... Peace.