I want to be saved...


New Member
Hello Ladies, VERY LONG

I am really going to bear myself here. I have grown up in church all my life I have been taught the bible and God's teachings. My mother is a devote christian, and she continues on me about giving back to the church as far as my time goes. I surely know that I am favored by God because in the last year so many things have turned out positive, even if I ha to wait a while. I just feel like I want to be saved but I dont know how. I am almost embarrased to go up to the alter when its time for people to give ther life to the Lord. I think because I have played a large part of church growing up I think people expect me to have been saved already. I also dont feel totally fulfilled with the church I grew up in. I was raised methodist, but I enjoy much of an uplifting service. Sometimes I leave church and I haven't been touched at all.
When I tell my mother I want to attend another church she doesn't speak to me for the whole day. She is very loyal to our church and she wants the same from me, because I was born into that church (you could say). I dont know what to do. How do I live my life like God wants me to if I am not getting anything out of the church. I feel so lost. I have strayed so much spritually, I dont know how to come back.

Hi Vixen...

I just first want to say that I appreciate your openess and your honesty in sharing your dilemna with us.

Romans 10:9-10 says "That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus and belive in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved." You can say a prayer to God right now and be given eternal salvation...its your heart that God looks at not where you are or whose looking. I encourage you to say a simple prayer affirming your belief that God sent Jesus to die for you and ask for that blood to cleanse you of your sins. After that, its done! II Corinthians 5:17 says "Therfore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature; old things are passed away; behold all things are become new." So if you have said that prayer to God, you are now his child and have obtained his salvation. Its that simple...Welcome!:grin:

When it comes to your situation with your mother, first pray and ask for wisdom. Gods word says that if we will ask for wisdom, He will give it to us liberally. Second, look to God's word. I encourage you to read Matt 8:22, Luke 9:60, and Mark 8:34 for guidance...

It has been my experience that you have to do what is best for YOU and YOUR spiritual growth. You and your mother have different needs in Christ and you have to go where you are being fed and growing spiritually. Attending another church doesnt mean you have to forsake the church you grew up in...you can still be involved by attending social events, visiting on an occassional Sunday, etc. You may want to start off just by visiting other churches in your area during their midweek service until you find a church home for you and then make the switch...that way its gradual.

And let me assure you that if you mom is truly devoted to Christ like you have witnessed, she will come around. She will be more elated about your spiritual growth than upset at the fact that you worship somewhere else. Just pray that God would move in her heart and He will. Believe me..I went through this when I was in high school. It will work out just fine...Romans 8:28 says "For all things work together for the good of those who love God and are called acoording to his purpose." It will work out for you.

I pray that you find the Spiritual support that you need and that you have a successful and fulfilling journey in Christ!
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Precious Vixen, I believe that your heart has been saved all along. Don't worry about your mom; for we will ask the Holy Spirit to move upon her heart to 'release' you to Him and allow Him to direct your paths, your heart, your pre-ordained Destiny. For God does have a plan for your life that no one can prevent.

Here's a prayer for Salvation. It really doesn't matter what words you use, for what God sees is your heart and that's really all that matters when we invite Jesus to live in our hearts.

Here's an outline (an example)of a Prayer...

Lord Jesus Christ, I believe that you are the Son of God. That you were sent here to redeem me from all of my sins.

I believe that you not only came, but that you also died upon the Cross and rose again and that you are now seated in Heaven on the right hand side of God the Father.

I also believe that you are going to return, just like you said that you would, to gather up all of your saints...the Church, to take back with you to be in Heaven forever.

From this moment on, I ask you to forgive me for all of my sins and I ask and welcome you into my heart, into my life as my Lord and Savior. Live your life in me and help me to live my life in you. This I pray in your holy name which is forever. Amen.

With all my heart,
Vixen, I, too, believe that you are saved. All you must do is confess your need for Jesus and accept Him! Going forward during an alter call is not necessary; however, it is a wonderful, cleansing experience for you.

Do focus on your need for a personal walk with Jesus. Your well meaning Mother wants you in the kingdom, but she has to realize that only you can nuture your own relationship with the Lord.

I will pray as Shimmie said for your Mom to cut that cord, and allow you to spread your wings as long as it's toward your walk with the Savior and Messiah. Lots of families go through this, my family did once. The patriarch of our family was very opposed to my parents and siblings and I leaving the church we all went to together for years. But the Spirit was telling us not to stay there and be stagnant. I have grown in Christ sooo much since finding another church home. I think once your Mom sees you growing, she won't care if it's not at the home church. But do stay in fellowship--it's important, especially for a baby believer.

Come to the Messiah, you'll not regret it.
Thank you ladies for being there, Sometimes I feel Like I keep falling, I always admire those who can quote scripture and pray fluently. I dont have those gifts. I love to sing for the Lord, I always feel fulfilled doing that.

I can't quote scrioture very well but I know it says that a righteous man falls seven times. I feel like I have fallen way more than that. But he's always there.

I want to have glow that I see some christinas have. Maybe I have it and I dont know.

Well thanks Ladies I will take your advice and pray on it.

Thank You Borwnsugar I will visit some other churches and still be involved in activities fro the youth at my church.

Thank You Ladies Again

God Bless...Nite
Thank you ladies, I will make sure i pray on it. I want to start by visiting other churches and getting a fulfillment that way. I have been asked to help with the sunday school, youth group and youth chior, I will help doing thise things and on my off week I will visit other places. Like Creflo's Church!!

Love you Sisters in Christ!!

God Bless
Baby girl, You remind me of myself before I came to Christ.

I had a heart to get right because I was so far left. When you are living a sinful life it puts you outside of Eden that's why we feel shamed.

Creflo Dollar was just speaking of this this morning on TV.
Girl the power of confession.

All you have to do is CONFESS with your MOUTH and believ in your HEART.
Take out your bible right now and read out loud:
8But what does it say? "The word is near you; it is in your mouth and in your heart," that is, the word of faith we are proclaiming: 9That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. 11As the Scripture says, "Anyone who trusts in him will never be put to shame." 12For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile—the same Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses all who call on him, 13for, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved."[f]

Quoting scrips doesn't make anyone more pure or righteous in faith than another. All it means is that you memorize and know it but the kicker is if it's in your heart and you live it. Are you a doer of the word.

Sometimes where you are may very well be a spiritually dead church. It happens. Many Churches there's a lot of shoutin ad buckin and many times it's not sincere which is why sometimes you leave like I didn't feel nothing what was all that about? Pray that after you confess and become saved for God to lead you to where you need to be spiritualy fed and hear the word of God.

14How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? 15And how can they preach unless they are sent? As it is written, "How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!"[

God has a plan and calling on your life. He is a rewarder of those that diligently seek him.
After establishing a real personal relationship with God, remembering scriptures is like breathing air becuase you know what your God can do and how he delivered you based on his word.

aww (hugs) I just wish I can give you a hug.
God loves you and so do I.
Vixen17 said:
Hello Ladies, VERY LONG

Ia while. I just feel like I want to be saved but I dont know how. I am almost embarrased to go up to the alter when its time for people to give ther life to the Lord. I think because I have played a large part of church growing up I think people expect me to have been saved already. I also dont feel totally fulfilled with the church I grew up in. I was raised methodist, but I enjoy much of an uplifting service. Sometimes I leave church and I haven't been touched at all.


I won't give a sermon here but I do want to addres the embarrassed part

Matthew 10: 32, 33 says

32-Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven.

33-But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven.

Although you may feel saved in your heart don't let the devil start you off on the wrong foot by being ashamed of saying openly that you're saved.

It is his job to make you feel embrassed ashame, or folks will be looking or whatever, but the devil is a liar and my sister You stand boldly to proclaim Jesus and your Lord and savior.

I believe if you were married to Michael Jordan and someone asked you to stand up on his behalf you would proudly stand in his honor, well don't give God any less stand proudly and proclaim loudly yes, I am giving my life to Christ, and yes I belong to him.

Love ya, and the best is yet to come in your life.

Hi Ms Vixen, I understand the fear to go and confess the Lord. As you start to grow in your faith God will give you the courage you need to do what you need to do. The Holy Spirit draws us. Take it in baby steps. Just enjoy being born again. Get into the presence of God as often as you can. Be still. Listen to what He says to you through the Holy Spirit. Keep knowing that He loves you and understands every little thing about you. You WILL make it and soon you will wonder why you were hesitant at first. That is when you realize that your are growing in the Lord.:)