I want thick hair!!!!


New Member
But I don't want to take vitamins mainly because my budget won't allow it (really tight budget). My hair isn't damaged or anything, my hair just grows out of my head thin. When I was young I had hair close to waist lenghth and my mama would intentionally give me looser braided ponytails to give the appearance of thicker hair so my hair has been like that all my life. The only way my hair looks of a decent thickness is if it is shoulder length or shorter and with my hair growing a half inch in the last two weeks I was wondering if anybody knew of ways to give the appearance of thick hair or cheap topical agents that will thicken the hair because I don't want to be at the long, thin hair scenario again. I am currently natural but usually wear my hair straight via pressing it.
Why not exercise and eat as healthy as you can. milk, nuts, beans, pulses, fruits etc etc.there are natural sources of vitamin e (eg. liver is very high in B vitamins which promote hair growth(B5 thickens)) food and exercise affects the look and feel of hair more than we give them credit for! it may take time to get an effect but it will not cost you and your body will also appreciate it!
Try rollersets...they give the appearance of thicker hair. BTW, I don't think your hair looks really thin.
nice BP page! now 2 your hair.. i have about the same thickness as you, judging from your pics. In the past i've used Nexxus headress leave in (which creates the appearnce of thicker hair) but its quite expensive.. like $7 for a small bottle. i used it for rollersets.
U would be surprised how cheap vits are, i would suggest you look around for a good multi and some addtional B-5, I always see twinlab's version on sale for like $4 for 60 caps.
For immediate results, why dont you try changing your hairstyle to a braid or twist out? they make the hair appear thicker. no extra money spent!
Lovely, try a good daily multi, like One a Day or Geritol (not the old people kind) usaully they cost about $5 but you get 100 days that's over 3 months.

Also their are shampoos that claim they "thicken" hair, I've never tried em. My friend at work uses Aubrey Green Tea she said her hair feels thicker and it does look it.

I agree with Crysdon, it does'nt look too thin at all, it looks just regularly relaxed.
Try just 50mg of Zinc a day. I had hair that looked and felt like cotton wool and since I joined this board, took the proffered advice, sometimes, I swear I can't believe the hair on my head is mine.
It's worth the try plus, I haven't had a cold all winter long. Something unheard of where my health is concerned.
From my perspective, your hair did not appear thin, but I guess that texture is relative. Sometimes I use (for my own fine hair) a volumizing mousse by Clariol Herbal Essences applied only to my roots. It contains no alchohol but has other good things for your hair.

Do you wrap your hair often? A stylist suggested to me that I stop wrapping my hair everynight because she believes it causes our hair to thin. I no longer wrap my hair every night and my hair has gotten thicker. I would suggest that you take at least a multi vitamin. I go to the vitamin shoppe for all my supplements which helps me save a ton of money.
Beautiful hair lovely secret! /images/graemlins/smile.gif. For thickening up your try, try using a thickening conditioner as a leave in. Just mix some of the conditioner with a little water in a spray bottle and go for it. It will add some volume. Also, Sebastian's colorshines makes the hair appear thicker. I use the clear one. hth
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myhairsos said:
Try just 50mg of Zinc a day.

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myhairsos is 50mg of zinc a day a safe doseage to take?
Thanks for all the great advice!!! But don't let the pics fool you, my hair looks a lot thicker in those pictures than it really is! In the first pic, my hairdresser at the time put some stuff in my hair that he said would make it look fuller. I wish I could ask him what it was (it was clear and I live in another place now so I unfortunately can't ask him). My hair is more like it is in the pic with the black and white dress (except shorter), which is thin even with the waves and stuff. I want to try to use some of the ideas but lately I've been barely able to scrape up enough money for conditioner! But thanks again for all the great ideas, wehnever I get some extra cash (and a bank account so I can order stuff online) I will be getting me some vitamins. Woohoo!
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
LondonDiva said:
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
myhairsos said:
Try just 50mg of Zinc a day.

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myhairsos is 50mg of zinc a day a safe doseage to take?

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zinc at up to 100mg a day is fine. BUT as always,it does not hurt to run it past a medical doctor first! I take 30mg