I Want My Natural Hair Back!!


Well-Known Member
I texturized my hair a little over a month ago, after two years of being natural. My hair was so thick it took forever to deal with it and I really got tired of it and all of the starnds i lost through detangling. So I put a texturizer on it just to 'break'. I like it but now I don't know why, I want my hair back. Maybe these are just growing pains I'm going thorugh or Hair Care burnout. I feel like chopping and wearing a TWA for six months or so.I don't know what to do

Why do u dislike the texturizer? is your hair doing ok? Are u able to style it as you like? Is it easier to detngle now? I am like you. I transitioned (20 Months) to natural hair and then I texturized because it was a bit much handling the 2 textures and plus i am hair challenged when it comes to hair styling. I too, am somewhat ambivalent about my texturizer. I think this is because there are a few sections that are underprocessed and I am uncertain about what to do about this. thus, I am not able to wear my hair in all the styles that I had anticipated i would be able to. I have decided to wait 4 months before getting more chemicals because I refuse to retouch my hair more than 2-3 times per year. I think that u have to decide whether you like your hair better texturized or natural. You can always return to natural hair. Take your time in making your decision. Best wishes!
I am waiting 3 months before I texturize again too. Right now I'm just at a crossroad, I like the texturizer, but I miss my natural hair. Go figure