I want Healthy, Long, & Thick Hair


New Member
I want long healthy thick hair what should I do, what should I use. Help me please, I'm begging!!! I have a Perm. My hair sheds, broke off in the back, where might I have to cut back there. I get Deep conditioning & Treatments in my hair when I go get it done. What else should I do. HELP!!!!
How is your diet? Do you protect it day and night? Are you gentle with it. How often do you get it done? Do you use heat? Color? How often are you moisturizing it?
when u get your next perm, avoid perming the hair in the nape of your neck. Let it grow out naturally for 4-6 months and then perm it. Also, perm only new growth...dont re-perm hair that's already been permed, it will save your hair from breakage...hope that helps...
You need to develop a regimen and find out what best works for your hair. In order to give a more comprehensive response, we'll need to know what your hair type is, what products you use, how often you relax, get protein treatments and how you style your hair daily. DOn't worry, it seems like a lot, but it's a process. You won't get everything overnight, but in time, with the right combinations, your hair will thrive.
Daily rinsing, a protective method, MSM, Biotin, B-5, and Castor oil on nape. Try that for 6 months. don't start doing a whole bunch of stuff at once and then can't tell what worked and what didn't. Also wash weekly and deep condition, I like the Creme of Nature Shampoo and Extra Virgin Olive Oil as a conditioner. If you are experiencing a lot of breakage try Aphogee or one of the other recommended protein reconstructors. Good luck and good growing.
I got serious about my hair last year and I'm almost bs. My 1st suggestion. Stop getting your hair done.. 95% of stylist don't know what they're doing. I bet they're not really "deep conditioning" your hair. Read some post and gather some ideas to start a regime. It's harder to nurse damaged hair to health, if you're really serious start with a good hair cut. Then you can really see your progress. Here are a list of things I would advise

1-Using only an afro pick w/ metal teeth or finger combing
2- Nightly moistuirizing and covering of hair (satin pillowcase, etc..)
3- High quality products
4- Protective styles or.. making sure hair is properly moisturized when wearing it down
6- Most importantly: Take charge of YOUR hair. Educate yourself and become your own hairdresser. Nobody will ever care about your hairs health more than you!

I wish u the best of luck and let me know what u decide.
dannie_19 said:
6- Most importantly: Take charge of YOUR hair. Educate yourself and become your own hairdresser. Nobody will ever care about your hairs health more than you!

[/ QUOTE ]


This cannot be stressed enough!
I agree with mostly everything that has been posted...you definitely have to find out what products work best for you. Everybody's hair is different.

When I started taking care of my hair I bought sample or trial size of products to see what worked best for me. That way you won't be spending a ton on hair products or become a major PJ. (product junkie, I got it bad)

Good luck with your hair growing process!