hi new to this


New Member
hi i am new to this and what my hair to be healthy so what products do i need. i have long hair and it is very thick i only perm every 3 month which is a affairm perm is this good or bad? so please help me and tell what products to use. thanks
culbreth732 said:
hi i am new to this and what my hair to be healthy so what products do i need. i have long hair and it is very thick i only perm every 3 month which is a affairm perm is this good or bad? so please help me and tell what products to use. thanks

Hi and welcome. Alot of ladies here use Affirm and most say its good but I wouldnt know. I use Keracare products which help my hair remain healthy but if you search this board you will find so many others you could use. Read the product reviews and just try and find something that works for your hair, bare in mind that what works for some doesnt always work for all. Try and get a hair regimen going, i.e. how often will you wash your hair, will you use heat, what products etc
culbreth732 said:
hi i am new to this and what my hair to be healthy so what products do i need. i have long hair and it is very thick i only perm every 3 month which is a affairm perm is this good or bad? so please help me and tell what products to use. thanks

Hey There and welcome. One thing I can tell you is that no one can tell you everything that will work well for you hair. We don't know how your hair responds to products. You should read around and see what you think works for you. Trial and error is how people find those things.

I CAN however recommend that you try Keracare products. Keracare and Affirm is made by the same company so I would think that their products compliment each other.

Again, welcome and read, read, and do more reading.

It's difficult to say which products would be best for your hair b/c they work differently for everyone. Try some products that are w/in your budget and take it from there. HHG! :)
Like others have said, there is no one product. If you really explore the site, you will see that almost every person credits a different product for their hair success. There are however, lines that you could try first (nexxuss, Keracare, etc.) that are generally good. But don't think they will work for you, i'm just saying they are a good place to start.
culbreth732 i am new also but have been on this hair journey since january. Start with a good moisturizing poo and conditonter. There are many good lines do a search and find 1 4 u. U also need a protein conditoner, i use aubrey's gdp. but u can also do a search 4 that. a good leave-in, and moisturizer, with a light oil to seal the ends and u good to go girl.:) check out sistaslick breakage 101 she has good poo's and conditoner's and leave-in, moisturizers to choose from.:)