I Want Christian Responses to This... 'Thanks in Advance'

At the implication...and "they" do xyz...implying that all do xyz....and actually my foundation is quite stable because it's not founded upon any man.

I guess I thought the thread was about giving advice on how best to contact a legislator regarding an issue toward a desired outcome.

Simply, there are christians who do not hold your point of view and they aren't any less spiritual. Shrugs.

I once had an issue with Plan B pill at the pharmacy and giving it out. I spoke with someone in the church about it who is in authority and the words given to me shocked me. I was to fulfill my job as it is a man's free will to make that choice and know that I did not cause that person to make the decision. It's a bit extreme and folks could pull another analogy of giving a suicidal person a gun...not the same, however. I think you missed the part where I said that perhaps they could be afforded the same rights while the definition of marriage remained traditional.

Hey Volver... I'm shrugging too. Especially at the bolded, that 'there are other Christians who do not hold 'my' view.

Well, why am I not surprised? :look:

I'm standing upon the Word of God... not the unshared views of other Christians who are clearly standing upon their 'own' view and not God's Word.

We cannot play 'criss/cross' with God's order... homosexuality is a 'criss/cross of gender purpose which is outside of God's order...therefore indeed ... so is... gay marriage.

Anyone who says they are Christian and yet supports gay marriage is not stablized upon God's Word. They've chosen to disbelieve what God has ordained. No matter what reasonings they present for the support of it... God is not changing his order.

The Bible speaks clearly about homosexuality ... it is not God's will. Anyone who disagrees are actually disagreeing with God. Not me.

End of story... :Rose:

Blessings and I mean this sincerely. :yep:
As I said before, God is capable. Let him do his job & stop judging others. While you're busy wagging your finger at the "sins of the whims of man," God is only expecting you to keep your OWN existence righteous and frowns heavily upon your judgement of others.

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Now if I was wagging my finger at Christians :nono2: AND If I were promoting gay marriage...there'd be a whole nuther post.... you'd be happy Smiley. :yep:

Praise God. :yep:
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Hey Shimmie (and everyone else),
Bob Dutko (A well known Christian Apologist) is speaking today on the difference between judging a person's heart (which we cannot and are instructed not to do) and speaking up against watered down acceptance of sins (which we are told to do as Christ's representatives here on earth). I thought it fitting to post a link here considering our current conversation. I hope this link works b/c I cannot test it from my current location. Even if it doesn't, I think it is worth googling his show from today to clear up another tool often used as a distraction- the accusation of judging. He also discusses something we've said here. The fact that really loving a person does not mean making excuses for their wrong behavior so as not to offend them. It does mean we know how to speak the truth in love.
Listen to The Bob Dutko Show online
My Observations on this subject ...

There is truly a Spirit of Disorder against God.

And I KNOW that God does not have 'Christians' supporting gay marriage...

What a massive wave of deception. :nono: Folks are falling like flies on the wayside and not standing upon the Word of God.

Dear Father in Heaven... Please make yourself known to those who are lost in this perilous web of confusion.

I love you, Lord and I am not backing out on you.

In Jesus' Name... Amen and Amen. :Rose:

Now if I was wagging my finger at Christians :nono2: AND If I were promoting gay marriage...there'd be a whole nuther post.... you'd be happy Smiley. :yep:

Praise God. :yep:

I don't promote judging period. You don't have to promote gay marriage. You can believe whatever you want... for your life. The problem develops when those views & beliefs are forced upon others. God gave us free will for a reason. We should let other sound minded adults live their lives as they choose and marry as they please. As long as they are not hurting others, the ONLY one that they should have to answer to is God. Not you or any other mortal who wants to judge.

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Hey Shimmie (and everyone else),

Bob Dutko (A well known Christian Apologist) is speaking today on the difference between judging a person's heart (which we cannot and are instructed not to do) and speaking up against watered down acceptance of sins (which we are told to do as Christ's representatives here on earth). I thought it fitting to post a link here considering our current conversation.

I hope this link works b/c I cannot test it from my current location. Even if it doesn't, I think it is worth googling his show from today to clear up another tool often used as a distraction- the accusation of judging.

He also discusses something we've said here. The fact that really loving a person does not mean making excuses for their wrong behavior so as not to offend them.

It does mean we know how to speak the truth in love .

Listen to The Bob Dutko Show online

Hi Prudent1... :kiss: You have a wonderful flow with the Holy Spirit, who is always on time. Thank you.

While I didn't hear his message, the link works fine. :yep: I'll be able to listen to the stream when I get home tonight.

God said that 'The weapons of our warfare are not carnal' but are mighty through God by the pulling down of strongholds." satan is not coming down without a fight, so yes there will be misconceptions that gays are being judged. It's satan's whisper to gay supporters, but I fear him not and I'm more than ready for him. :bat: :prayer: :yep:

This past weekend we [our family prayer group] were having prayer and God just revealed just how powerful He will always be. One of my cousins, who has been away from the Lord...came into the room and allowed us to pray with and for him. It was an awesome move of God. He knew what he needed to do and he flowed with the move of God upon his heart.

This is what happens when we 'stand' without wavering upon God's word. It's not judging, just standing upon the Word of God. :yep:

Thanks again for sharing this link, Prudent1... :Rose:
I don't promote judging period. You don't have to promote gay marriage. You can believe whatever you want... for your life. The problem develops when those views & beliefs are forced upon others.

God gave us free will for a reason. We should let other sound minded adults live their lives as they choose and marry as they please. As long as they are not hurting others, the ONLY one that they should have to answer to is God. Not you or any other mortal who wants to judge.

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Smiley, this is where it gets dangerous; the misconception of free will; when in truth it is the 'push' to change the meaning of marriage that is being forced upon society, which indeed does hurt others.

It is by your own words, that you've already judged them.... :yep:
Smiley, this is where it gets dangerous; the misconception of free will; when in truth it is the 'push' to change the meaning of marriage that is being forced upon society, which indeed does hurt others.

It is by your own words, that you've already judged them.... :yep:

Who have I judged? Quote where I have personally judged. Be sure to look up the definition of judgement first. Thanks. What, exactly, is the original meaning of marriage? I know, I know, you feel that it should be between a man & a woman. But what else?? There has to be sooo much more to this definition. Whatever you feel the original meaning of marriage is, I'm sure it has already been changed and modified in modern times. Drastically.

Unless you plan on marrying someone of the same sex, gay marriage has nothing to do with you and your personal life. If you let someone else's life that has nothing to do with you change the way you feel about marriage in your own life, that sounds like a personal problem.

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Who have I judged? Quote where I have personally judged. Be sure to look up the definition of judgement first. Thanks. What, exactly, is the original meaning of marriage? I know, I know, you feel that it should be between a man & a woman. But what else??

There has to be sooo much more to this definition. Whatever you feel the original meaning of marriage is, I'm sure it has already been changed and modified in modern times. Drastically.

Unless you plan on marrying someone of the same sex, gay marriage has nothing to do with you and your personal life.

If you let someone else's life that has nothing to do with you change the way you feel about marriage in your own life, that sounds like a personal problem.

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Smiley... I'm asking this is the most gentle and respectful way. At the bolded, is this your plan, to marry someone of the same sex? Is this why it matters so much to you...in spite of God's Word which does not support it? Is it a family member or close friend that you are standing up for? It is purely understandable; for we protect those we love.

I'm so sorry for any hurt or disruption you experience regarding this subject. It is not an easy issue to approach.

The last thing I want is to hurt anyone. My first love is Jesus Christ and it's His principles that I stand for.

As a Christian my first dedication is God's Word, that's His command and it must be honored by those who call themselves Christians.

Those who don't 'know' Him, do not understand, but in time, they will. God Word says, the every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus is Lord.

Be blessed...precious Smiley. You may not believe this, but you are in my heart and I will pray for you as I do for those I love and care for. :yep:

The devil is a liar and a master deceiver. I've been in this for a long, long time and I've learned his deceptions, quite well. You are one that he will not have. The prayers are moving and all in love. :Rose:
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Smiley... I'm asking this is the most gentle and respectful way. At the bolded, is this your plan, to marry someone of the same sex? Is this why it matters so much to you...in spite of God's Word which does not support it? Is it a family member or close friend that you are standing up for? It is purely understandable; for we protect those we love.

I'm so sorry for any hurt or disruption you experience regarding this subject. It is not an easy issue to approach.

The last thing I want is to hurt anyone. My first love is Jesus Christ and it's His principles that I stand for.

As a Christian my first dedication is God's Word, that's His command and it must be honored by those who call themselves Christians.

Those who don't 'know' Him, do not understand, but in time, they will. God Word says, the every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus is Lord.

Be blessed...precious Smiley. You may not believe this, but you are in my heart and I will pray for you as I do for those I love and care for. :yep:

The devil is a liar and a master deceiver. I've been in this for a long, long time and I've learned his deceptions, quite well. You are one that he will not have. The prayers are moving and all in love. :Rose:

I know it's hard to detect one's emotional state through text, however please be assured that I am not at all upset or offended. I am level-headed enough to have a healthy debate without letting it get personal. However, since you've asked a personal question... No, I am not gay. I am heterosexual. Now that we've gotten that out of the way...

You're right... the devil is a liar. He makes so many people feel as if they have the right to sit on high horses & judge others and he even makes them feel in their heart of hearts that they are doing it on Gods behalf. It's such a shame because God is not condescending, patronizing, or brash. This is why all judgement should be left up to him... not mere mortals. We don't have the right. Period.
Hey Volver... I'm shrugging too. Especially at the bolded, that 'there are other Christians who do not hold 'my' view.

Well, why am I not surprised? :look:

I'm standing upon the Word of God... not the unshared views of other Christians who are clearly standing upon their 'own' view and not God's Word.

We cannot play 'criss/cross' with God's order... homosexuality is a 'criss/cross of gender purpose which is outside of God's order...therefore indeed ... so is... gay marriage.

Anyone who says they are Christian and yet supports gay marriage is not stablized upon God's Word. They've chosen to disbelieve what God has ordained. No matter what reasonings they present for the support of it... God is not changing his order.

The Bible speaks clearly about homosexuality ... it is not God's will. Anyone who disagrees are actually disagreeing with God. Not me.

End of story... :Rose:

Blessings and I mean this sincerely. :yep:

In the sense that there are other believers who would go about this issue differently from your interpretation. Please define support of gay marriage. You haven't established that I nor anyone else here supports it. Your legislator supports traditional marriage yet is wise enough as an elected official to consider the rights of all members of his constituency(what he is bound by law to do). He's an elected official who is to uphold the law for all members of society, not just the ones he likes.

I was suggesting ways to reach the government in a more pragmatic way. I know you take this to heart, as so many others. I dunno, Shimmie, he's got to protect everybody, not just christians and I thought his concerns and compassion were evident by his email. This is our pluralistic society. I think they deserve the same rights and maybe that marriage should maintain it's traditional definition. There are ways to accomplish that. :yep:
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Looks like this thread is still glitchy...but anyhoo....

Shimmie, did your legislator get back to you? Would he entertain a meeting with a group of you all? What have you done to resolve it and further voice your concerns? Have he contacted his constituency further?
Looks like this thread is still glitchy...but anyhoo....

Shimmie, did your legislator get back to you? Would he entertain a meeting with a group of you all? What have you done to resolve it and further voice your concerns? Have he contacted his constituency further?

No, I haven't heard from him.

HOWEVER, I've received several emails from other Representatives who have shared the following message:

" Dear _______

Thank you for sharing your concerns regarding SB 116.

...You will be happy to know that I OPPOSE this legislation. Thank you for your email on this important issue. "

Volver, I am purposely omitting the names of the Representatives who have contacted me, personally [from this post].

Anyway, thanks for asking. Out of wisdom, I'm being advised not to share too much of what has been shared with me.

Yet it is encouraging. :Rose:
No, I haven't heard from him.

HOWEVER, I've received several emails from other Representatives who have shared the following message:

Volver, I am purposely omitting the names of the Representatives who have contacted me, personally [from this post].

Anyway, thanks for asking. Out of wisdom, I'm being advised not to share too much of what has been shared with me.

Yet it is encouraging. :Rose:

I get that auto-message a lot too:lachen: but I don't blame you for keeping it under wraps a bit. It's important that people know they can contact their lawmakers...they were elected.:yep: There's one of ours on whom I sometimes struggle with wishing G-d would end his life. :lachen::blush:
I get that auto-message a lot too:lachen: but I don't blame you for keeping it under wraps a bit. It's important that people know they can contact their lawmakers...they were elected.:yep: There's one of ours on whom I sometimes struggle with wishing G-d would end his life. :lachen::blush:

Oh dear... that's a drastic measure...end his life... :eek2: Pray for his salvation, instead. But I know you were just kidding... :look: :lol:

Although my box is filled with auto-responses, I have spoken directly with some very direct and honest Representatives from both sides of the issue. I wanted to hear from them directly what their definition of equal rights entailed.

The irony with a 'few' is that I know some of their Pastors... :lol: And they know I know. :grin:

I'm so glad my hope is in God and not man. :Rose: