I want a baby now

Maa Maa omo mti

New Member
yes I know it's taboo for a single person to proclaim that they want to have a baby. But I don't give a dayum. I'm getting older, I wanted to do things the right way so I went about my life what I assumed was the correct way. I've never been prego nor had an abortion. But right about now I just want the kid. The husband ain't here, nor do I see him coming. I wouldn't mind being a single mom if that's the way life is meant for me.

Abenyo, I know how you feel. Just think carefully about this before you do anything. I keep thinking I'm working against the clock, but what if the person I'm supposed to be with it shows up tomorrow? Taking care of a kid alone isn't easy. I'm not even talking about financially, I mean the overall responsibility. I have friends who remind me of this almost everyday. Are you even near 35?
Abenyo, I know how you feel. Just think carefully about this before you do anything. I keep thinking I'm working against the clock, but what if the person I'm supposed to be with it shows up tomorrow? Taking care of a kid alone isn't easy. I'm not even talking about financially, I mean the overall responsibility. I have friends who remind me of this almost everyday. Are you even near 35?

Thanks Alwayz. I'm 31. I don't want to see myself closer to 35 and still in limbo. If I meet the one tomorrow he should be able to love all of me :look:
Heck being single with no kids is not a hot commodity anymore :nono:

Funny thing is I probably will get hit on more :lachen:
Abenyo, I went through that too. Until my sister let me keep her five boys each time she had one. Boy did she and her Hubby take advantage of my maternal instincts every chance they got! :grin:

However, you need to see what kind of support system you'll have in place. It's hard on married couples working and raising kids, so equally on single parents. A good support system is paramount, IMO. A trusted friend or relative to keep your child during the day while you work is a good start. Especially during the child's infancy. I would hate to put a 6 week old in a regular daycare. My Mom worked in one and had horror stories about neglect. She reported and quit. Anyway, my Mother was around for my Sister. Her children didnt go to daycare until they were walking, talking and potty trained. If anyone's mistreating her child, she wants him to be able to say something to her about it, infants cant. She and her Hubby agreed for peace of mind, it would be Grandma's first, then Daycare. Also, cut down on the cost of childcare. My Sister then found a certified home daycare by recommendation that each one of her boys flurished in. I mean this lady had them prepared for when they began to attend school at age four.

Next, you're going to be exhausted and you'll need someone to CARE FOR YOU sometimes. I do remember, that my Sister and her Hubby weren't married on their first kid. She was at home with us (grown! LOL!) Anyway, some days she'd be super exhausted from work, parenting, etc. She always says how much she appreciated when we'd come in and entertain the baby, feed him or get him ready for bed,while she did something else or simply took a breather.

It's important that you have people around you that won't get worried out with ya, that will support you emotionally and help you and your child out at times. Make sure that you can afford quality childcare with someone or some place that gives you a little peace of mind during the day. Do you have a job that is flexible enough to support your new role as parent. Where will your child go if anything happens to you?

There's a lot to consider when adopting or birthing a child as a single parent. This is a good time to have friends about to get feedback and use as a sounding board. This way, your decision will not be simply based on your present emotions. Good luck!
Abenyo, I went through that too. Until my sister let me keep her five boys each time she had one. Boy did she and her Hubby take advantage of my maternal instincts every chance they got! :grin:

However, you need to see what kind of support system you'll have in place. It's hard on married couples working and raising kids, so equally on single parents. A good support system is paramount, IMO. A trusted friend or relative to keep your child during the day while you work is a good start. Especially during the child's infancy. I would hate to put a 6 week old in a regular daycare. My Mom worked in one and had horror stories about neglect. She reported and quit. Anyway, my Mother was around for my Sister. Her children didnt go to daycare until they were walking, talking and potty trained. If anyone's mistreating her child, she wants him to be able to say something to her about it, infants cant. She and her Hubby agreed for peace of mind, it would be Grandma's first, then Daycare. Also, cut down on the cost of childcare. My Sister then found a certified home daycare by recommendation that each one of her boys flurished in. I mean this lady had them prepared for when they began to attend school at age four.

Next, you're going to be exhausted and you'll need someone to CARE FOR YOU sometimes. I do remember, that my Sister and her Hubby weren't married on their first kid. She was at home with us (grown! LOL!) Anyway, some days she'd be super exhausted from work, parenting, etc. She always says how much she appreciated when we'd come in and entertain the baby, feed him or get him ready for bed,while she did something else or simply took a breather.

It's important that you have people around you that won't get worried out with ya, that will support you emotionally and help you and your child out at times. Make sure that you can afford quality childcare with someone or some place that gives you a little peace of mind during the day. Do you have a job that is flexible enough to support your new role as parent. Where will your child go if anything happens to you?

There's a lot to consider when adopting or birthing a child as a single parent. This is a good time to have friends about to get feedback and use as a sounding board. This way, your decision will not be simply based on your present emotions. Good luck!

I just want to say this is an excellent post well written and the truth was told:clap::clap:. I know because I am a single parent, it is no joke. I love my son with all my heart, he is the reason i do anything anymore but, please consider what she said on the previous post ESPECIALLY the bolded because i am a living witness of how hard but how rewarding it can be. Did I set out to be a single parent? no, i had a fiance' ring dress, etc but sometimes life takes you down a different path. My advice is to pray very hard about your decision, i am not going to discourage you from doing so but i just dont want you to do something you may later regret. I really do wish my son had the luxury of having both parents at home and raising him, but thats simply not the case. Sometimes i look at him and blame my self for not being more responsible with the man i chose to be his father. But if you are going to adopt, i know that is a different story. You are 31 and still young, and all that freedom you have right now is great, believe me. When you have kids EVERYTHING must be planned, i mean, everything, babysitters will be needed. I used to be able to just jump up and do what ever i wanted, the simplest things, going to the mall, salon, or just out to eat with friends but the child has to be accounted for at all times. I am just giving you the single mom version, my friends who are married with kids have a little more leeway and they tell me they dont know how i do it:ohwell: I just tell them really its my family support and by the grace of god i make it ok. this is jmho
im feeling the same way right now....i dont see a husband coming in my life..and really im still having deep feelings and thoughts for a ex tht at one time i thought i was pregnant from last year around this time..I feel like apart of me is missing(i hope im not sounding crazy with this)...

we still share this with each other that we would like to have a baby together...

and i understood and thought everyones advice was very well put...im not looking for this to happen tomorrow or in a month or so...

im going to give it more time of course to think about it because its more than just that that is in the way also right now...

trust, when I say, that you are not the only one feeling like this...I have been there as a couple of the other posters have...and let me just say that working in the public school system has curtailed this urge to have a child. It is only natural to feel the way you do...think about it this way, many other women are having their children in their 30's when they are more stable and have a better sense of self...I know it may sound cliche, but just wait on the Lord he will provide you with all that you need...and be careful what you ask for b/c you just may get it quite abundantly...
You better wait a little while longer. It is hard to be a parent, married or single. Don't expect to have a support system because that would be your child that you decided on your own to take care of. There are going to be times when people can't come through for you. I have a child and one on the way and yesterday after a year was the second time I had a couple of hours to myself. I don't get breaks and I don't go looking for them through family and friends. You have to consider everything and everybody around you. Does a child fit into your life right now? Are you willing to sacrifice everything right now? Are you willing to lose sleep and quiet time? You have a lot to think about before you go forth with that feeling. I know how you feel though, I wanted to have my kids before I turned 30 too. But it just might not be your time yet.
I love children and I want to be a mommy too, preferably today! :grin:
But bringing a child into this world single is not what I want to do.
My mother was single and althoug she is a wonderful mother I'm not even trying to do all that...

I have 2 friends that are single and the kids are not coping too well. One of them have a father that never calls/visits, the other mother's children are with their father every second week. All of them suffer for their parent's mistakes. I see it everytime I see them, they need a stable home with a father present. I didn't have that so I really want that for my children.

I hope I won't be child-less at 45, but you know...
You are too young to be stressing about this, you have many years to find a good man. Make it a priority to find a great man with in the next say 3 years! You can do it!!! :yep:
I would seriously wait IMO. after my divorce I was a single parent however I did it at a younger age it is a lot of work, physical and mental if it wasn't for my mom and SO I would go crazy. On the other hand people do it everyday my mom had me when she was 40 and my dad was slacking so she decided to raise me on her own. She was grown and didnt care what peopole thought about the situation.
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I so feel you, girl.

While I don't think I would actively do anything about it right now, I totally understand how you feel. I am surrounded by folks getting married and having babies. It's depressing sometimes.
I am not trying to be flip or negative by any means...so please don't take it that way, but....

DON'T DO IT GIRL! Not now...


As the other ladies here have already attested to, it's not easy by any means being single and trying to raise a child.

Have patience and have faith that God will give you a mate and then a child. I know this sounds a little old fashioned, but this a another human being we are talking about.

A baby deserves all the best chances they can get, particularly in this world we live in; make sure there is a man or male role model that you can depend on when raising a child.

Don't do it please :nono: It is really hard being a single parent especially with no support system. You can't depend on anyone to help you with your child, even if at first they say they will. I became a single parent after my divorce and its was rough. I never ever want to be in that position again under any circumstances. My son is 18 now and I am so relieved :ohwell:. There probably won't be any more kids for me either. I really don't want anymore kids and I don't see re-marriage in my near future, so my son is it for me.
Abenyo how has the dh prospecting been going? What have you been doing and is there anything you can improve in that respect?
I so feel you, girl.

While I don't think I would actively do anything about it right now, I totally understand how you feel. I am surrounded by folks getting married and having babies. It's depressing sometimes.

It is depressing, but please don't let other people's lives get you down.
You never know what's going on in a marriage behind closed doors. Your Mr Right is worth waiting for! :grin: And time will bend over backwards for you when the time is right, I'm convinced of it!
MzLady78;276840I said:
I am surrounded by folks getting married and having babies. It's depressing sometimes.

Yes, it is depressing sometimes. But as much as I ADORE kids, I thank God everyday that I am only responsible for myself right now. I just got back from a weekend trip to Vegas where I had a blast, but I don't think I could just go jet-setting if I was a parent. I like having "fun" money and coming and going when I want. Focus on the positives of being single with no children!
I feel you, Abeyno. But, you know what? When I start to feel that way I think to myself, "Hey, why don't I sign up to be a Big Sister or mentor or something?" But then I think about my schedule and how difficult it would be to do and that usually puts me back in check. *lol*
Yes, it is depressing sometimes. But as much as I ADORE kids, I thank God everyday that I am only responsible for myself right now. I just got back from a weekend trip to Vegas where I had a blast, but I don't think I could just go jet-setting if I was a parent. I like having "fun" money and coming and going when I want. Focus on the positives of being single with no children!

You're right about that. I went to Chicago last week and had fun- by myself! I envy people with children and/or spouses. I have to remind myself I'm not currently in the positon to have a child. My aunt got remarried at 39 yo (her second marriage after 15 years) and had her first child in 2002. She had another child last year. She told me that she was glad that she waited. I always try to keep that in mind. I guess having patience and preparing for the best is all I can do until the time is right, if it ever happens.
I (well, we rather) want a child too, but unfortunately I don't think it's within our reach. Although we have been trying, I haven't got pregnant yet anyway. We're both pretty young (24 and 26) so I think we've got time. It's just that when you tell people you're married, they automatically want to know when you're gonna start having babies. It gets annoying, so now I just tell them "whenever my uterus cooperates".
Abenyo how has the dh prospecting been going? What have you been doing and is there anything you can improve in that respect?
it's going. I'm putting myself out there. I need to think about what I can improve on... hmmmm

I would say I have a hard time being close to my friends who are married. I tend to associate myself with people that I have things in common with, since i'm not married my friends who are don't really get to hang out with me.
This might be beside the point, but i remember a poster saying that she's more involved with her married friends and she's taking it as a sign that a partner is coming into her life. Plus I remember reading that if you want something you need to involve yourself in that thing.

I just feel bad that I'm not in that level yet as my other friends and I tend to shy away from them. It might be a jealousy or fear thing....