I Wanna Be A Spartan Not A Peasant


Simply Komplex
I read bits and pieces of the "Men Don't Love Women Like You" and some stuff stuck out. Yeah yeah I read the why men love itches and etc. and probably too many books on you can't change people by criticizing them and blah blah blah.

But I realize the time to focus on me. I've been playing this game all wrong. Making so many excuses for bad behavior. Bending over backwards just to say "Oh I know I am a good wife. He would never find someone who would do this do that and do this for him" When in actuality i think he cares a bit but he really dgaf.

How many times have we seen a man leave a ten for a basic bum chick that's a 5 on her BEST day. Doesn't clean cook or ish. Depends on him for everything. Just a straight up raggle muffin. But a lot of the time they expect more from a man than me....and strangely they get it.

What does being a Spartan mean to you?

Being a Spartan means to me I need to demand more that makes ME happy. And if I'm not happy get the heck on down. All those insecurities of why he can't do it is his problem not mine. I need to counter it with appreciation but not kiss his arse when he does it because I'm not happy because he does these things I'm grateful.

I need to start off small. I have a man that used to wash my car anytime I asked for it. He stopped because I criticized him about how he did it. Wrong on my part. He only washed the outside of the car not the inside. He claims he never has been taught to wash a car. Didn't know if involved the inside too. Doesn't know what products to use. Not my problem. Ima sit my ass in this bed while he cook US breakfast to give me more time to focus on me no matter that he can't cook anything but an omelet (again not my problem). Ima happily eat this omelet and ask for him to wash my car and show my appreciation afterwards while giving him pointers if he misses a spot and holding him accountable on doing it how I want the next time.
Yes I believe every woman needs to know her full worth. I work with a woman who works full time, has three children and a husband who works part time, who refuses to clean or even wash or cook for his children because he waits for his wife to come home :look:
I am also very bothered by women who say their husbands could never be alone with their children or watch them for extended amounts of time, as I believe child rearing is for two parents, not just one.
I understand some women enjoy the whole "take care of house, family, husband" roles. But I do feel they should be compensated by their spouse for their effort and time. Compensation can come in many forms, depending on whatever each spouse prefers.
FH and I split household duties evenly. Whatever he takes care of I pay no mind to and I am grateful I don't have to do it lol. He does it on his own time and I do not pressure him to be faster/do it differently. I enjoy the same respect from him.
This week I really wanted to go to a comedy show. DH usually can get out of it by saying you just pay xyz and i'll pay you back. I said honey I'll wait until you get them so you can pick our seats. I'll go with whatever you choose. He bought out tickets, washed my car, and we had a great time. Baby steps. I gotta learn to give away my control to get him to control more and have more carefree life