I wanna b a DIYer but I'm scared!!!


New Member
I have an interview tomorrow and I need to straighten my hair, I believe I'm a 4 something...problem is that I also need a trim. Now, straightening is something I can figure out and do an ok job with.But cutting my hair? NO WAY!!! I also don't want to pay someone that I haven't dealt with before $50+ for a little trim. What to do?
Get some good scissors watch some youtube videos and get to cutting. Worse comes to worse you can always throw your hair into a sophisticated bun.
I am a huge proponent of DIY haircare, but honestly, being that you have never done it before and you have an interview tomorrow, this is not the time to play with your hair. Get it professionally straightened, ask how much the trim would be, and if it's too much, go somewhere like SuperCuts and get it done there for like $5-10. Offer a big tip if they cut off exactly as much as you dictate and you are pleased with the outcome -- they will eat up every bit of instruction you give. Learn how to DIY after you get the job. ;)
I think I'm going to straighten it myself then go get it trimmed...I can do a decent job then pay the extra $10-20 for a good trim
I am a huge proponent of DIY haircare, but honestly, being that you have never done it before and you have an interview tomorrow, this is not the time to play with your hair. Get it professionally straightened, ask how much the trim would be, and if it's too much, go somewhere like SuperCuts and get it done there for like $5-10. Offer a big tip if they cut off exactly as much as you dictate and you are pleased with the outcome -- they will eat up every bit of instruction you give. Learn how to DIY after you get the job. ;)

I would like to second the super cuts! they are cheap and they will do exactly what you ask.... I got a fierce bob cut for $16