I used Emergencee for the first time

so so chic

Active Member
I've been planning for this for about a week now, and with the help of this board (a big thanks to Parvathi) I went on a small shopping spree today, and here I sit under my new dryer :grin: . Along with the hooded dryer, I got some Emergencee, and Alter Ego Garlic Treatment. In all, I spent about $70, but these were things that I needed. This is a huge splurge for me though, but so far I'm happy. I washed with my garlic poo, put the Emergencee on, sat under the dryer w/ no cap (thanks to a thread I read :) ) for about 25 min., then got in the shower rinsed it out good and then shampooed w/ some Nexuss Therapee that I had (I did this b/c the bottle said to and I was worried to death I wouldn't get it all out). Next I put the Alter Ego on in sections and combed it through. My hair was already sort of tangled before I washed it, but I still got hardly any shedding compared to the past :grin: . And now I'm under the dryer. I'll update you all on how it turns out.
grnidmonster said:
I've never used emergencee with heat, I usually use it in the shower only. How did it come out?

It got hard under the dryer, but once I rinsed it out and shampooed it was great. My hair turned out really good, I was mainly trying to reduce the shedding. I'll see how my hair does the next time I wash it, if my shedding has gone away for good, these will be my staples. I have my hair in a bun and baggie now.