I updated my Fotki!!


New Member
I know yesterday I said that I was going to wash my hair, but turns out I didn't have to, so I went ahead and put my Phyto relaxer in after a 3 month stretch. I also took pics, of my growth and posted them in my Fotki Album. As far as the Phyto is concerned, I did experience some burning, but it did make my hair incredibly soft!!! I mean wow, so nice and soft and bouncy. I like it for that reason. Anyways check out my progess. I think I'm almost SL.


1st : SL
2nd: APL
3rd: BSL

Don't Shop @ Asian BSS. Visit http://www.youtube.com/watch? to see Aron Ranen's Black hair Documentery and see the Monopoly being built to shut Black Business Owners out of the MULTI BILLION $$$ Black Hair care Industry. then visit http://www.BOBSA.org to get info on how you can help!!!
Thank you for the kind words, and encouragement. A few years ago, I would have given up, and just got briads or a weave, but I know that I can achieve APL by the end of the year!!!!

Remember: Don't Shop At Asian BSS. Visit http://www.youtube.com/watch? to see Aron Ranen's Black hair Documentery to see the Monopoly being built to shut Black Business Owners out of the Multi Billion $$$ Black Hair Industry!!!!
yay for you! congrats on making progress! and way to go with your 13 week stretch :) good luck with your continued hair growing journey