I Turned Down an Engagement


Kinky Coily 4A, Fine Strands, WSL
Please don't quote

I just turned down an engagement from a man that I loved. We have been broken up since November, and while I have dated and tried my best to move on, I am immensely sad (and crying) at the moment. My heart was broken, he tried to win it back, but I was too hurt to allow him back in. Does anyone have any encouraging words for me? I'm not really sure why I feel this way, but I know in my heart, I made the right decision by ending things more squarely than before. Thank you.
Just wanted to say kudos for being strong enough to turn him down. Best of luck to you.
Hugs my love but if you know you don't love him then its best to not lead him on..you will heal and love that is for you will come again..
Forgive him for whatever he did not hurt you for yourself. Breakups are hard and the crying and sad times are part of the process *hugs*.
You are grieving and that's totally normal. Continue to allow yourself time to grieve, heal and totally get over what has happened.:bighug:
Thank you all for your kind words and love. I have to have faith that I will have a happy marriage to the right man for me in the future. :)
hugs, I know how intense this can be, focus on the reasons you turned him down and let yourself grieve. I hope you feel better soon.
Everyone has given great advice. What you are feeling is normal and will past. :bighug:

Wait, be positive, keep believing, and all will surely be yours. Sent from my iPhone using LHCF
Awwww NappyNelle Hugggss!!

Don't second guess yourself... If you turned it down, I'm sure you had good reason.. Feel free to cry and grieve, but pat your self on the back and reward yourself for staying strong.. *new nail polish?? * .. hehe
Awww thanks! I'm tearing up all over again. I'm so embarrassed for feeling this way, but I know it's for the best.

On a happier note, I have a date tonight with a wonderful guy, so I'm looking forward to looking nice and having a good time.
Sometimes you have to let go of old, unsuitable situations for new, bigger and better things to come.

Depending on how long you had been together you probably need more time to heal from what has happened. I say stop worrying about moving on ASAP and don't blame yourself for being upset right now. Just let the natural process happen.

After that stage is over you can look forward to the future which has endless possibilities :)
Awww thanks! I'm tearing up all over again. I'm so embarrassed for feeling this way, but I know it's for the best.

On a happier note, I have a date tonight with a wonderful guy, so I'm looking forward to looking nice and having a good time.

Aww, don't be embarrassed.

Like Enyo mentioned, there's probably plenty of women out here who wished they did the same.

Hope your date goes well, make sure you come back and update. You know we're nosy around here. :lol:
Aww. You made a hard decision! My Dad always says that the right decisions may cost you something up front, but the rewards always outweigh the cost. The wrong decisions reward you up front, then make you pay over and over and over and over....

Anyway, You are exceptional because you listened to that little voice that told you this wasn't the real thing. And down the road, the future YOU will look back with overwhelming gratitude for the choice you just made.

Good luck on your date!:bighug:
Pat Mahurr said:
Aww. You made a hard decision! My Dad always says that the right decisions may cost you something up front, but the rewards always outweigh the cost. The wrong decisions reward you up front, then make you pay over and over and over and over....

I like that quote.

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