I try and I try and I try...

Odd One

Well-Known Member
To get away from the flat iron... but I just cant! :cry:

last week I took the decision to survive on cowashing and bunning my hair... and right now im looking at my flat iron like :lick:....

Pre-lhcf I would flat iron 2/3 times a week.. now I do it once a week.. I want to go for twice a month then move on to once a month. But I just dont know how to do my hair! I get bored with those buns and i dont know what else to do with it since its all kinds of crazy textures (some places its texlaxed , sometimes bone straight or natural :ohwell:)

I guess im having a hair confused phase... any suggestions or words of encouragement would be greatly appreciated ladies :violin:
Try twist outs, braid outs, or bantu knots. Also, maybe try getting some cute hair accessories so you can wear your hair up.
I agree...rollersetting is a good option! I'm 2 days shy of 7 weeks post and have been rollersetting. It's defintely helping me deal with the new growth! :yep:


QUOTE=aegis;9459108]you can't rollerset?[/QUOTE]
Cannot rollerset wet hair :nono: only can put rollers on big chunks of hair that has been flat ironed to get curls :rolleyes:
Try twist outs, braid outs, or bantu knots. Also, maybe try getting some cute hair accessories so you can wear your hair up.

I agree. This is a great time to experiment with styles. Don't beat yourself up. Sometimes it's hard to stop doing the things that we are used to pre lhcf. Keep your eyes on the prize and know that avoiding that much heat is a part of your bigger personal hair goals. If you feel the need, go ahead and use your iron and just make sure to use protection! :yep:

I too have all kinds of textures going on...I'm experimenting with blowdrying my roots and letting the rest of my hair dry in a (non traditional) wrap. So far so good.
Try twist outs, braid outs, or bantu knots. Also, maybe try getting some cute hair accessories so you can wear your hair up.

I couldnt agree more with this post! Try the above styles and give your hair a break...It will thank you sooooo much 4 it
i had to throw my curling iron away before I could stop using it. Cold turkey is the only way to break an addiction! :)
devil's advocate here: if you can't give up the flat iron....then don't. :look:

there are plenty of folks who use heat on the regular, and their hair thrives. Shtow is one great example.
i think one of the keys to thriving with heat is low manipulation. flat iron it, then leave it alone for two weeks.
ooh you are my heat twin :lol: i'm tryin to stay away from the heat right now and so far i've held out 2 weeks. :look: thats good for me.
Relax it and call it a day. If you want straight hair most of the time w/o reversion, that's how to do it. Here you can learn to care for it properly.
I totally understand where you are coming from. I was not giving up flat-ironing my hair at least once a week. I made it a personal challenge to try to live with my hair naturally for at least one week, then pushed it to two, and so on. I found when I did that (a little at a time) it helped out a lot. I still love my press and curl sometimes but I love my natural hair now too.
i had to throw my curling iron away before I could stop using it. Cold turkey is the only way to break an addiction! :)

that is way too brave for me right now!! :lol:

Practice makes perfect :) Do you have a hooded dryer?

Not really... theres is one at my house but its this really old chair that my mom got from a friend who's a hairdresser... the settings dont even work anymore :look:

devil's advocate here: if you can't give up the flat iron....then don't. :look:

there are plenty of folks who use heat on the regular, and their hair thrives. Shtow is one great example.
i think one of the keys to thriving with heat is low manipulation. flat iron it, then leave it alone for two weeks.

I love cowashing way too much to leave it alone for 3weeks

ooh you are my heat twin :lol: i'm tryin to stay away from the heat right now and so far i've held out 2 weeks. :look: thats good for me.

when you are an heat addict, 2 weeks is a lot:lol: you are doing great! :yep:

Relax it and call it a day. If you want straight hair most of the time w/o reversion, that's how to do it. Here you can learn to care for it properly.

Im scared too.. I dont know my hair like that.. some patches are resistant to relaxer while some others get over processed quick :perplexed

Thx a lot for the responses ladies! I ended up not flat ironing haha and I will definitly work on my braids outs/twists outs and Bantu knot outs techniques...they might save my hair:grin:
When one door closes another opens... meaning ... I think if you really truly put the iron down that it will force you to make do another way.

Why exactly do you want to stop? More because you want eliminate all bad hair practices from your regimen, or more because you are finding broken pieces of hair? .. like are you experiencing major breakage from it?
It's not major (less then before) but I still have breakage... relaxer + heat = :nono: :nono: :nono:

my hair feels good...but not great... I know that it would be much if I was to stop the heat
devil's advocate here: if you can't give up the flat iron....then don't. :look:

there are plenty of folks who use heat on the regular, and their hair thrives. Shtow is one great example.
i think one of the keys to thriving with heat is low manipulation. flat iron it, then leave it alone for two weeks.

Yup. That's what I do now. I wash every two weeks+ and my hair is doing fine. I have also used more products with light protein and my hair is def breaking less. Right now I am using the whole aphogee line and I am very satisfied with it.

I also found when I turned down the heat my hair responded better. So before I blow dry, I dry loose under the Pibbs until my hair is almost dry. This really cuts down on direct heat. I also flat iron on 375 as opposed to 410 like I used to.
I am by far no hair expert. I am still learing how to properly take care of mine but I do know that you should at least congrat yourself for cutting back; that is the first step.

Congratulations on cutting back on the heat!!!! Oh and your hair is really nice.
I went from 2.5 inches from APL to...well see the first pic in my siggy.

Some people can take heat but I'm not one of those people. I became obsessed with heat and used it 2x-3x a week.

I think the best thing for you is to HIDE YOUR HAIR!! Especially if growth is what you're seeking.

You don't want to end up in setback city. I've been a resident there for the past six months which is why I'm hiding under this damn weave now.

See second pic in siggy to see where I am now...