***I tried it !!! And Loved It !!! ****

Around where I work, you can practically buy it on the street corner. An African store about two and a half blocks up has big tubs of it. I bought some for my hair buddy who lives in the suburbs (smile), but I only purchased one pound for $7.99, but when I go back, I will get the three pounds for $15.00. I find that of all the oils and butters that I add to my conditioner for a DC or a mid-week CO wash, shea butter leaves my hair feeling the best -- silky and non-greasy. It is also the best sealer for me and, it is matchless as a hand cream. Mine is usually creamy in the summer and starts to harden as the weather cools. I just usually melt it down, though, and add an oil -- passionfruit, almond, grapeseed, whatever is on hand, to keep it soft and creamy all year round.
I just bought a big jar of the hard yellow shea from the bss, but now I'm mad that I didn't wait to go to Harlem and buy it from the African men on the street, it's the same exact container!

Anyway, I love it on my skin, and can see that it will be nice on my hair once I melt it down some.
tracee what is the site you got yours from. i went to KISS but the link isnt working.
ok i ordered mine from the site on KISS and i recieved it today. sad to say it is not creamy. but what im thinking about doing is warming a small towel in the microwave and wrapping it around the block or shea butter. do you all think that would work to make it soft?