I transitioned w/o the BC for 2.5 years! Upclose and PIC heavy..the way we like it ;)


New Member
Ok y'all!! You know I haven't updated my fotki in FOREVER. :sekret:
So I've been transitioning for 2.5 years without the BC, trims or wigs lol
My hair was texlaxed when I began.
Enough talk, on with the pics, right?:lachen:
Here's my 2011 hair: (The pics are large on purpose so you can see the texture. I realized I'm more 4a than anything. But whatever:rolleyes:)


February 2011--airdried hair, no product.


Pinned up hair...(Feb 2011)


March 2011 this is everyday/Airdried/stretched hair. I braid/plait at night to stretch.


March 2011--On damp hair (moisturised with AussieMoist co.), I twisted my hair and put on sponge rollers. In the morning, I took them out for this style.


Another view. The front is curly giving a faux 'bangs effect'.


April 2011
I got my hair flatironed for the first time in...9 months.:rolleyes: My friend did it for me, I detangled my hair the night before and saturated it in Aphogee green tea reconstructor. It STILL took her 2 hours to detangle as she straightened it. (Remember y'all..I haven't officially combed my hair for years!) I had her use Smooth n Shine silk serum on each section.
My hair was so straight, I felt bald.:look:


Day 2 of straight hair..I wore it in a side bun. (You know protective styling goes deep!:lachen:)


Day 3. I did six bantu knots the night before, and they fell right out as the day went on, leaving my hair wavy.


Day 12...Last day of straight hair!:drunk: I tried to be like my sistas who can go 2,3, 4 wks without washing, but I simply couldn't:look: My scalp was getting a tad flaky, my hair was coated from only using serum as a "moisturiser":rolleyes:
So after this pic was taken, I clarified using baking soda/molasses/salt dissolved in water..then deeeeeeppppp Conditioned!!:grin:


May 2011 (this week) freshly washed/damp, no product.
So most of my texlaxed ends broke off due to that major detangling session with the infamous rat tail comb:ohwell: But I'm thismuch closer to being all natural. I don't mind a bit!


Fingercombed/fluffed out damp hair.
So y'all, I transitioned for 2.5 years without trimming, I used direct heat like 1-2x a year, and protective styled always. No vitamins or hair growth products:yep: My regimen? 3 products: Aussie Moist co, Aloe vera gel and raw shea butter. I co-wash like 1-2x a week.

Keeping it Simple WORKS, sistas!!

To my girls who are still transitioning/considering it:
Push on. keep going. Stay Encouraged!! My texture was NOT this pronounced the first year. I just kept protective styling and getting used to 'every hair not being in place'. Thats ok. It's texture! I've been learning alot, and I look forward to the next 2 years:yep:
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Re: I transitioned w/o the BC for 2.5 years! Upclose and PIC heavy..the way we like i

:congrats:...I, too, was a long-term transitioner so I feel your pain and I understand!!! Your hair is lovely!!! :welcome: to the forum!!!
Re: I transitioned w/o the BC for 2.5 years! Upclose and PIC heavy..the way we like i

:congrats:...I, too, was a long-term transitioner so I feel your pain and I understand!!! Your hair is lovely!!! :welcome: to the forum!!!

:thankyou:It's cool to hear from a fellow transitioner!
Love your hair, btw!!
Re: I transitioned w/o the BC for 2.5 years! Upclose and PIC heavy..the way we like i

Your hair is gorgeous. Thanks for sharing all the lovely pictures! :D
Re: I transitioned w/o the BC for 2.5 years! Upclose and PIC heavy..the way we like i

Beautiful hair, kittikat24

I too, am transitioning. I am at the end of year two and will BC after 3 years. It's good to see a long-term tranny!
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Re: I transitioned w/o the BC for 2.5 years! Upclose and PIC heavy..the way we like i

Wow, very beautiful head of hair!:yep:
Your March 2011 hair style with the sponge rollers - loved it! The other view reminds me of the victorian ladies hair style. Very quaint!

I hope it hasn't broken off too badly with the detangling. Are you going to trim the rest off? I love your curl pattern! Thanks for sharing and HHJ!


March 2011--On damp hair (moisturised with AussieMoist co.), I twisted my hair and put on sponge rollers. In the morning, I took them out for this style.

Looks like a Victorian Hair style. I love the look!


Another view. The front is curly giving a faux 'bangs effect'.

I love this too!

Re: I transitioned w/o the BC for 2.5 years! Upclose and PIC heavy..the way we like i

Thanks! I just completed my first transition year. I'm pushing for two more!! It hasn't been too difficult. I'm so glad to hear your story.
Re: I transitioned w/o the BC for 2.5 years! Upclose and PIC heavy..the way we like i

Yes, long term transitioning is not for the faint of heart (trust me I know) Your hair is gorgeous and you are gonna inspire a lot of people! :yep:
Re: I transitioned w/o the BC for 2.5 years! Upclose and PIC heavy..the way we like i

Wow....very nice & i am loving ur bun, very cute.
Re: I transitioned w/o the BC for 2.5 years! Upclose and PIC heavy..the way we like i

Very nice!! Great job on the long term transition!! I will be doing that bun on straightened hair tomorrow :)
Re: I transitioned w/o the BC for 2.5 years! Upclose and PIC heavy..the way we like i

Gorgeous hair, well done on your progress.
Re: I transitioned w/o the BC for 2.5 years! Upclose and PIC heavy..the way we like i

I think as time goes on your curl pattern might reveal itself to be more 3c-ish.
Re: I transitioned w/o the BC for 2.5 years! Upclose and PIC heavy..the way we like i

Your hair is beautiful!!! I love the color and the shine :yep:
Re: I transitioned w/o the BC for 2.5 years! Upclose and PIC heavy..the way we like i

You have a beautiful head of thick luscious hair :grin:. Thanks for sharing :yep:.
Re: I transitioned w/o the BC for 2.5 years! Upclose and PIC heavy..the way we like i

Your hair is beautiful. Thanks for the encouragement!! :yep:
Re: I transitioned w/o the BC for 2.5 years! Upclose and PIC heavy..the way we like i

Beautiful. Thanks for giving us hope. I'm sitting on the fence about how long I'm going to transition for. It's been 9 months so far though...
Re: I transitioned w/o the BC for 2.5 years! Upclose and PIC heavy..the way we like i

A small part of me is considering transitioning and this is incredibly encouraging! I would transition for a minimum of 3 years without the BC. I'm realizing its different for each person. Thank you so much for sharing!
Re: I transitioned w/o the BC for 2.5 years! Upclose and PIC heavy..the way we like i

great!! see this is what i tell everyone dont give up!! you dont know what your hair is really like until you really get it healthy. and by the time you do you'll love it!
Re: I transitioned w/o the BC for 2.5 years! Upclose and PIC heavy..the way we like i

kittikat24-- Thank you, I finally think I found my hair twin! I never thought this would be possible. Beautiful hair!
Re: I transitioned w/o the BC for 2.5 years! Upclose and PIC heavy..the way we like i

great!! see this is what i tell everyone dont give up!! you dont know what your hair is really like until you really get it healthy. and by the time you do you'll love it!

So very true. I haven't gained the length I wanted (I am a mad cutter), but I can definately tell my hair has gotten healthier vs. the last time I tried to transtition, and once you get the health, it is so much easier to focus.
Re: I transitioned w/o the BC for 2.5 years! Upclose and PIC heavy..the way we like i

Beautiful! I love your KISS regimen.
Re: I transitioned w/o the BC for 2.5 years! Upclose and PIC heavy..the way we like i

Gorgeous hair, and I give you praise for transitioning that long. I had planed to but got sick of it after 3 months and chopped it off.
Re: I transitioned w/o the BC for 2.5 years! Upclose and PIC heavy..the way we like i

Your hair is beautiful! I was a long term transitioner as well, and ITA long term transitioning is not for the weak at heart. KUTGW! :)
Re: I transitioned w/o the BC for 2.5 years! Upclose and PIC heavy..the way we like i

Thank you for posting! I need this continious motivation. I am only 5 months post and I'm fighting it! Seeing your beautiful hair makes me want to push on. I haven't had natural hair since I was 12 (im 30 now) I love your curls and I love the diverse looks you can do with natural hair!
Re: I transitioned w/o the BC for 2.5 years! Upclose and PIC heavy..the way we like i

Thanks for feeding my ever growing hair habit with all the pics!! :yep: Your hair is beautiful. I transitioned for over a year as well and you are right patience is the key but more than anything I did not want my hair too short (shrinkage is a beast) so that was motivation enough for me to keep going. HHG!
Re: I transitioned w/o the BC for 2.5 years! Upclose and PIC heavy..the way we like i

I think as time goes on your curl pattern might reveal itself to be more 3c-ish.

I see what you mean, mischka --my hair on top is more wavy(3c). I guess as it gets longer:pray: the curls may be 'weighed down' by the length?