I took the healthy hair test.... And PASSED!!!


Whisper "bleep boop" to yourself when you're sad.
Yesterday someone (I'm sorry, don't remember your name) posted a thread with a link about sexy, sleek hair. On that site, they had a test you can do to see if your hair's healthy. You take a strand of hair and put it in a cup of water. Gently tap the glass to break the surface of the water. If your hair floats, keep doin what you're doin.

A few minutes ago, I decided to take hair from my most damaged area-my nape. I just KNEW the hair was gonna sink..... But it floated!!!! I was tappin the mess outta that cup too, just to make sure :lol: and the strand would NOT sink! Simple is really working for my hair :superbanana:

Anyone else take the healthy hair test?
I took this test yesterday and.... I PASSED!!! I tapped the side of the glass. Pushed the hair down under the surface and still it floated. I am very happy. I took the same test a year or so ago and all the hair sunk to the bottom :perplexed. So I know I'm doing something right now. :clap:
I took this test yesterday and.... I PASSED!!! I tapped the side of the glass. Pushed the hair down under the surface and still it floated. I am very happy. I took the same test a year or so ago and all the hair sunk to the bottom :perplexed. So I know I'm doing something right now. :clap:

Gotta make sure it's not a fluke, huh? :lachen:
I was very suprised that I passed too! I treat my hair right, but my hair is dry/porous by nature so I figured that strand was going down in a heartbeat :lachen:
I passed too. I was sure it was going to sink but after tapping and pushing the strand down, it still floated. I'm going to try another strand just to make sure...LOL :grin:
Can someone direct me to website or the thread? I'd like to read more about this. My DD and I both passed..:grin:
My new growth floated and my relaxed part drowned...but only half way. It didn't sink to the bottom. What are you supposed to do for your hair if you don't pass?:sad::violin:
Let me tell you, when I first took this test about 7 or 8 months ago, my hair sank to the bottom in NO time. It must have been super-unhealthy, as this was toward the beginning of my hair journey. I just took the strand test a few moments ago, and it was FLOATING! I felt so happy! I shook that bowl, pushed the strands down, and they still floated. Makes me feel like I'm doing something right.
i thought that test was to check the porosity of your hair :ohwell:

Me, too. Cause mines sunk, lol! I filled a dixie cup up with only 1/4 water and added my shedded strand. Then the stirred it around and it stayed at the bottom! What did i do wrong? Should i really be concerned?:lachen:
Let me tell you, when I first took this test about 7 or 8 months ago, my hair sank to the bottom in NO time. It must have been super-unhealthy, as this was toward the beginning of my hair journey. I just took the strand test a few moments ago, and it was FLOATING! I felt so happy! I shook that bowl, pushed the strands down, and they still floated. Makes me feel like I'm doing something right.

What did you do to turn your hair around? Half of my hair sunk while half floated.
I just did this test..since im transitioning I wondered what part of hair is healthiest...The new growth floated..the relaxed part sank, but not to the bottom. The relaxed part sank just below the new growth, can someone tell me what this means.
I read an article by sistaslick on porosity and this is a porosity test. If your hair sinks it's porous and you need to fix that with either protein or moisture. If it floats then you are good. I think I got that right.:look:
I read an article by sistaslick on porosity and this is a porosity test. If your hair sinks it's porous and you need to fix that with either protein or moisture. If it floats then you are good. I think I got that right.:look:

Close, but not quite :). Porosity can be fixed by protein (since it fills in holes in the hair) but not by moisture. Another solution is something like Porosity Control or ACV rinses, which normalize the hair's ph & close the cuticles.
I passed too, but would silicone seal the cuticles and make the hair float? If not then I "passed"...
Ok, so I see this thread pop up....I'm thinking ok cool, let me try this.....I don't want to pull a peice of hair from my head so I'm running my fingers through it, but can't get a shed peice to come out, and I'm a major shedder. Probably due to the tea rinse I did earlier today....finally I get a peice, I'm almost 4 months post, so I'm examining trying to figure out if I see a bulb, getting paranoid. I say bump it, put it in the water and it FLOATS, both the NG and relaxed end floated. Then I take it out to make sure I see the white bulb on the end and Yes its there.

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