I took some Avocado and some Honey and worked it out *PIC HEAVY*


Well-Known Member
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One mushy avocado

some honey

Some Aussie Moist

and a blender.......

I'm sorta proud my hair's too big to fit in a shower cap, so I had to use some seran wrap to make sure ain't nothing leaking out whilst I sleep

And some more back up so I don't get avocado honey all over

In the morning I'll tell y'all how it went! :grin:


I rinsed out thoroughly with water... DID NOT USE SHAMPOO, because I figured Shampoo strips moisture from the hair and the whole point of using this was to moisturize my dry hair. So I rinsed out all the chunks of avocado and then detangled with Aussie Moist Condish





My hair with no product in it...
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OMG BEAUTIFUL! :drool: I was just eating some avocado on a sandwich the other day and I was thinking about how great the for the hair it might be... hm...
very pretty curls! I tried this method when I first went natural and didnt notice a big difference.. I may try it again :look:
My hair type spans 3c to 4b. I find bigger curls around the front middle of my head as one radiates outward the hair becomes more tightly coiled.

Here are some texture shots of my dry hair with I suppose some type of product in it, but I'm not sure.















Here's my hair dripping wet





Beautiful! Avocado & honey are an amazing combo.

ETA:Oh my Op..your hair is LOVELY! What kind of camera do you have?
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Gorgeous! How long did it take you to get the chunks out of your hair?

Not that long, I used a blender because Oren_Green warned me.

If you don't blend it well, you'll have avocado pulp in your hair. It's a pain to get out. It latches and doesn't want to let go. Hair does feel stronger afterwards though.

Plus the avocado was a little OVERLY ripped for eating, so it mashed up really easily. Basically it took a good 10 mins of chronic rinsing and shaking my hair underneath the shower to get all the clunk out. I was noticing random bits of avocado skin falling out of my hair, more so than chunks of the avocado's pulp... or w/e you call the innards.

Oh and the honey wasn't sticky after I put it in the blender... I didn't measure I just put a few glumps of honey into the blender haha.
Very nice results!

Do you know if you would get the same results with Avocado oil?

I dunno... I've never used Avocado oil... But I do plan on at least once a week mixing up another home made hair concoction and seeing how it works out. Gotta make a trip to the health foods store! :grin:
Beautiful curls and beautiful pics.
If you blend a little longer, you should not have a problem with chunks. I do this sometimes and never have chunks, I just keep blending until all the chunks are gone.
Gorgeous hair!! You're my hair twin!!!!:grin:

OMG we are?!?!?!?!?!??!?!? I sorta get frustrated with my hair b/c its 99 different textures with each texture having different needs.... I either want it to be uniformly curly or uniformly nappy, I dunno if I can keep dealing with this hodgepodge of both.

Your hair says "touch me"!!!! it's so soft and alive!!!!

OMG so I met this guy who like fell in love with my natural hair, but he wanted to run his fingers through it. Now picture this... my hair was akin to steel wool and straw... I hadn't detangled or moisturized in about 3 days. I swear to GOSH, he must have thought he was being cute but when he put his fingers in my hair I knew there were sparks! It was making that cracklin sound... I was soooooo mortified... I couldn't have met him on a day when my hair was soft and touchable. He asked me if his touching my hair bothered me, I said no... but I warned him his fingers might get stuck. So note to self... before I ever go out on a date with him I'ma have to whip out some avocados and honey! :lachen:

Beautiful curls and beautiful pics.
If you blend a little longer, you should not have a problem with chunks. I do this sometimes and never have chunks, I just keep blending until all the chunks are gone.

Yeah I think I need a better blender cuz that mess was taking too long! haha
OMG we are?!?!?!?!?!??!?!? I sorta get frustrated with my hair b/c its 99 different textures with each texture having different needs.... I either want it to be uniformly curly or uniformly nappy, I dunno if I can keep dealing with this hodgepodge of both.

This sounds just like my hair!! The front and crown and nape is a looser texture than the sides. It can get VERY frustrating. :ohwell:
Girrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrl you got me touchin my screen at work!! Had to catch myself!

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful hair!!!!
I'm trying this method for sure. I want my hair to look that happy.
Girrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrl you got me touchin my screen at work!! Had to catch myself!

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful hair!!!!
I'm trying this method for sure. I want my hair to look that happy.


Your hair looks FABULOUS! I'll be trying this after my grocery run tomorrow!!
You have some gorgeous curls! How did your hair feel post and how does it feel now? Additionally how much honey did you use? I dont think I used my honey properly because it just made my hair sticky.