I thought I met a Nikkos cousin.. DOH!!


New Member
So it turned out she wasnt, and had never even heard about the board, her and her daugther had soft and bouncy hair...

The mother had BSL, and the daugther had APL really healthy and soft looking..

I made an appointment with them saturday, and were going to do hair, lol, just wanted to share.. I recruited them to the hairboard too :yep:
Did you actually ask if they were Nikos' cousins? That's why we have the code! so we can ask on the sly. I can't believe you made an appt. to do hair with them! how fun.
yes I asked, and she looked at me funny, so I had to explain, and she actually thought it was really cool lol, yeah it is fun :) can't wait
im too scared of the crazy look :nuts: i saw e_williams at ulta the other day but i didn't say anything because i kept second guessing myself. what if she's not? what will i say??? do i explain the boards if they're not or actually id probably just say oh sorry :blush: and scuttle away.
I finally got up the courage to ask this one cashier at the food court if she is Nikkos cousin. I got the crazy look. Needlesstosay she is not Nikkos cousin.
What's up with this "Nikkos cousin" thing . . . I was asked the same thing???? I said it then, I'll say it now, "I'd like to see this 'Nikkos'"!!!! :yep:
But that's why we have the question, so you don't get the crazy look. you gotta play it cool, like "excuse me, are you nikos' cousin? you look really familiar" and then if they say "no", you just be like "oh, i must have been mistaken, you really look like her" and play it off.

At least they thought it was fun(ny).
Okay, maybe I'm slow, but I don't understand what you are doing with this lady and her daughter. You said, "I made an appointment with them saturday, and were going to do hair." What does that mean? Are you a hairdresser? Is the lady? Are you guys getting together to hang out and do hair together? With a lady you just met? Sorry for all the questions. I just don't get it.
Okay, maybe I'm slow, but I don't understand what you are doing with this lady and her daughter. You said, "I made an appointment with them saturday, and were going to do hair." What does that mean? Are you a hairdresser? Is the lady? Are you guys getting together to hang out and do hair together? With a lady you just met? Sorry for all the questions. I just don't get it.
those are my exact questions. but i think they are going to do their own hair together:rolleyes:. kinda sounds like fun.