I thought I hit the JACK POT!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
I was at the bank and I saw a woman with gorgeous, healthy bra strap length relaxed hair. It looked so healthy I had to stop her and ask who her stylist was….

She gave me the name then I asked which relaxer she used and she said “AFFIRM, I won’t let them put anything else in my hair!”

I called up the salon and spoke to Mary, her stylist, and Mary confirmed she used Affirm but mostly the NO LYE.

I was so disappointed cause I use lye based relaxers. She said if I wanted it she could get it in but I really wanted someone w/ experience using the lye based relaxer…

Any thoughts???
Is there that big of a difference between the Lye and No-Lye? My relaxer is Lye base and I've never used anything else.

Did you ask the stylist about the difference or if she has a preference? I'm sure she would be able to help you out.

i don't think the lye vs. no-lye is a big issue with Affirm. the main thing is knowing how to use all of the products in the system appropriately. if she can do that (which she obviously can based on the woman you saw), i'd say you should go to her, let her get the lye relaxer, and do your hair. at least that's what i would do if i was searching for a salon that uses Affirm.
Thanks, Adrienne.. I was thinking about it and that makes sense..

I'm going to go to her this week for a wash and set and take it from there..
Hey Adrienne you have nice hair. What do you use in your hair? Keep us posted. Also, do you have any more hair pics.
This might sound dump but can Affirm relaxers be found at your local beauty supply store and can i do it myself at home or do i need to go to a salon to find it?
That just goes to show you that the whole lye vs no lye stuff is just a "lie" really, it all depends on the person's hair and how you can for it.

I had Affirm no lye for years then I let a hairdresser talk me out of it and I started having problems.
Affirm lye is only avail in salons...

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eh emmm...(*i get mine at a bs out here*)

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Well, it isn't that easy to find. The easiest way is to find a salon...

I know there is also an online source www.sheldeez.com
I know they sell affirm no lye in beautyshops... that is easier to find..