I thought all of yall were CRAZY! Now I AM CRAZY!

How often do you Wash/Co-Wash/Deep Condition (i.e. wet your hair) per week?

  • less than once a week

    Votes: 19 3.8%
  • once a week

    Votes: 149 30.2%
  • twice a week

    Votes: 151 30.6%
  • three times a week

    Votes: 71 14.4%
  • more than three times a week

    Votes: 104 21.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I'm right there with you OP. I hated wetting my hair and avoided it. Now I wet my hair daily and I can't tell you how soft my hair is. It lays flatter when I bun it and it's no longer wirey. Yep, I thought everyone was crazy too and now I'm CRAZY! LOL!:spinning:
I never wanted to cowash until recently. I don't have time right now but come June I'm gonna be a cowashin' fool!
I wash my hair about two times a week now. It used to be more when it was shorter, but it's getting longer, so I don't feel like spending that much time on it.
lol....I wash about 3 times a week - I still can't get into co-washing - tried it once and it made my hair feel coated...
To me that is almost like taking a bath with lotion/no soap - just doesn't seem like I am getting my hair clean - I may try it again....

i gotta agree with this one here. I really, really have problems with dandruff, etc, so I wash twice weekly but I must lather at least once. I don't lather the ends, but the SCALP to get it clean....otherwise I get an ITCHY build up on my scalp!
Co-washing is helping me stretch like never before. I'm with the OP. Before LHCF, washing my hair more than 1x wk was craziness. And cowash, what was that, never heard of it! Now, if I go more than 3 days w/o a cowash, I start getting a nervous tick. Crazy! Yep, I'm there and I love it!!
I wash at least 4 days out of the week often with a gentle shampoo like HH LTR (because I love using whole sets of a product line) on my scalp only and just let the shampoo run off without manipulating my hair then a good condish treatment or I will just do a co-wash- and yes I do walk around with a wet head in the winter. So far so good- my second year of doing it.
Since I started co-washing and deep conditioning 3-4 times per week (every other day) my hair has transformed into a new head of hair. I am addicted to conditioners and treatments!
I wash and DC once a week.

I *may* also do a co-wash some time during the week if it's feeling extra dry or I work out a lot and if I'm not feeling lazy. That's a lot of ifs. So most of the times its just the once per week.
I wash at least 4 days out of the week often with a gentle shampoo like HH LTR (because I love using whole sets of a product line) on my scalp only and just let the shampoo run off without manipulating my hair then a good condish treatment or I will just do a co-wash- and yes I do walk around with a wet head in the winter. So far so good- my second year of doing it.
I just started shampooing my hair more than once a week(abt. 3x),and i seriously love it.Much less hairs lost than when i just co-wash.I shampoo with Creme of Nature detangling shampoo every other day,dc/or just use a rinse out condish after that.
I wash my hair every day or every other day. I love it. It makes me feel good to wash from head to toe and have that cool tingling scalp feeling.
I can relate to that. When I started my journey it was unheard of to wash the hair that frequent and seemed like I was giving myself a death sentence LOL! But now I LOVE it! And can't get enough :)
I DCW (deep co-wash) once a week usually, CW up to 2-3 times a week if I'm in the mood. My basic routine is a DCW once a week though, I use diluted shampoo twice a month. I can relate to the OP as well, in winter sometimes I fall off my routine and go 2-3 weeks without any washing, especially if I am sick or too tired.
I co wash everyday and acv rinse once a week. I only shampoo if I feel I have build up.
Haha OP that cracks me up because I really felt the same way as you did before I stumbled onto this site! During the summer when I had more time, i was washing/co-washing about 3 times a week. Now that I am back in school, I bumped it down to 2x a week. It works pretty well for me. I feel like its enough without feeling as though my hair is wet alllll week long. :yep:
I stick to washing twice per week/every 3 days. I refuse to go longer than a week without washing, but waiting a full 7 days is rare for me.
I used to be an every two week washer. I dont know how I ever went that long. Now I feel like I have to wash it every 2-3 days.
I used to believe that only relaxed women were the ones who could not wet their hair that often. When I became natural, I used to wash and condition much more often. At first it was once a week, but as I started getting into going to the gym, it became once every day or every other day.

Now I know a bit better, so I try to wash 1-2x per week, and do a cowash if I feel my hair needs it. I do not need to be shampooing every day! I wet my hair every day, though, regardless of whether I am washing/cowashing or not. I realise I need to use less moisturiser this way, and for the thicker, butter-based ones, I can get it into my hair much easier.