I thought all of yall were CRAZY! Now I AM CRAZY!

How often do you Wash/Co-Wash/Deep Condition (i.e. wet your hair) per week?

  • less than once a week

    Votes: 19 3.8%
  • once a week

    Votes: 149 30.2%
  • twice a week

    Votes: 151 30.6%
  • three times a week

    Votes: 71 14.4%
  • more than three times a week

    Votes: 104 21.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Whenever my honey knows I'm pissed off about something, he'll say "go ahead and wash your hair" because he knows that it "relaxes" me. Sounds crazy, huh? :lachen:
No, you're not crazy, you're just learning the ropes, and tightening up your regimen. When I first started here a year ago, I never ever washed my hair at home. Went to the salon for that. Last Monday, I told my DH that I was going to wash my hair that day. He said "I thought you washed your hair on Thursdays"...see I never mentioned all the dc'ing, protein treatments, co-washing that I've learned how to do from you beautiful ladies here in between shampoo days!! Don't worry tho, all that extra care, moisture and water on your hair will make your hair thrive, thrive, thrive!! :drunk: (That means your hair will be healthier than ever!!!!!!!!!!)
I Cowash once a week and shampoo and DC once a week. I'm new here so I don't know what my summer schedule will be.
3-4 times a week. I tried to go a week without co-washing after I got my hair done. With the sweat from working out making my scalp itch I couldn't do it. I'm sure my stylist dropped me because of it.:ohwell:
Once a week if its straight
7 DAYS a week when its curly.

When I first read about co-washing I said eww that's nasty. I now love it.

OP, I'm already nuts. Has nothing to do with co-washing LOL
i dont know i try to wash once every week and a half. i don't think washing so many times in a week is good for everybody
I do the whole treatment with pre-poo, wash, deep condition with heat twice a week. Depending on what else is going on, I'll add in another. The last two summers, I wore braids and co-washed/deep conditioned every day. I have happy hair.
2 or 3 times a week, whether I twist or wash and go. Deep conditions once every couple of weeks or 1 x a month. I use very good rinseout conditioners.
I used to wash my hair almost daily when I was first growing it out. Now I only do it about once a week because it takes a lot of work post wash and I dont want to manipulate my hair too much.
I cowash Sunday-Friday and Shampoo & DC on Saturdays. I just started doing this in October 08 and I've noticed major improvement and growth retention. I don't think I can stop now :nono:
Hi ladies ! I too would love to experiment with Co-washing, and just washing more frequently. Are there other fine-haired ladies who love co-washing and it doesn't make their hair limp or weighed down? Currently, I wash/DC once a week. My question is: what do you do to your hair after the co-wash ( or how do you dry)? Especially relaxed ladies. I normally do ponytail rollersets and sit under the Pibbs, but have a toddler and don't have the time to do that 3 X a week.

Should I be doing braidouts? Most of the time in the winter, I wear my hair straight since it is so cold and with my heavy DC I can stand the heat. I was never any good at braidouts and they seem to shrink a lot when I do them. ( I know some shrinkage is normal with a braidout right?), but my technique may be off. Sorry for all of the ?"s. As you can see I don't know what I'm doing regarding co-washing. TIA
I like rinsing my hair everyday. I think that's why I liked wearing wigs so much...I could rinse my hair every single day since it was in celie braids under my wig.

But now that I'm not wearing wigs anymore, I can't rinse everyday unless I'm going to wear a shrunken fro (which causes knots/tangles and then breakage). So now I'm trying to find a balance of rinsing and styling my hair every couple of days. Hopefully it won't be too much manipulation.
Twice a week in the winter and probably daily in the summer if my hair is in protective mode. If it's loose it will be washed less frequently.
Hi ladies ! I too would love to experiment with Co-washing, and just washing more frequently. Are there other fine-haired ladies who love co-washing and it doesn't make their hair limp or weighed down? Currently, I wash/DC once a week. My question is: what do you do to your hair after the co-wash ( or how do you dry)? Especially relaxed ladies. I normally do ponytail rollersets and sit under the Pibbs, but have a toddler and don't have the time to do that 3 X a week.

Should I be doing braidouts? Most of the time in the winter, I wear my hair straight since it is so cold and with my heavy DC I can stand the heat. I was never any good at braidouts and they seem to shrink a lot when I do them. ( I know some shrinkage is normal with a braidout right?), but my technique may be off. Sorry for all of the ?"s. As you can see I don't know what I'm doing regarding co-washing. TIA

Hey Hersh! I'm relaxed, and co-wash daily. Co-washing doesn't make my hair limp, because most or all of the conditioner gets rinsed out. I do use a bit of conditioner and coconut oil as a leave-in and moisturizer when I done. I would say my hair is on the thick end of the fine spectrum,:lachen: if that makes sense. I'm relaxed and after I cowash, I either do a twistout/bantu knot out, a braidout, or a bun. I've been doing twistouts lately, but I did braidouts during the summer. Shrinkage is very normal. I only detangle maybe once a week. HTH!
I cowash Sunday-Friday and Shampoo & DC on Saturdays. I just started doing this in October 08 and I've noticed major improvement and growth retention. I don't think I can stop now :nono:

What do you do with your hair after you cowash?

right now i'm doing twists/twistouts after wettingmy hair 2x per week.
The twist outs take almost 24 hrs to set.

i'm getting frustrated on settling on a daily style.
I want to keep moisture and be protected.
Okay, Seriously I'm staring at the screen right now. And to think that I almost didn't look at this thread. I was kinda confused and didn't really notice women saying that they were washing/ deep conditioning or "cowashing" their hair often. I'm still learning the meaning to these terms... just so I understand, Cowashing is where you use only conditioner correct? Yall have me wanting to experiment now to see if the condition of my hair changes with increasing how often I wash it b/c currently I'm on a once a week, but most likely once every other week type of thing as I was told too often was not good.

I am also new and visit the salon once a week for a deep deep condition but after being here for a while I think I might need to experiment a little. Maybe up it to 3x a week
I had been co-washing my hair every nite but I have been getting lazy and doing it every other night. But I notice my hair feels different when I don't co-wash so I'm going back to everynight. I think it misses it....:lachen:
Heck No You ain't Crazy, It's like an addiction, once You start caring, You can't stop, thats a good thing, but my Friends and Family don't understand, They think I done lost my Mind, They think I should go to "H/A" Haircotics Anonymous!

My Name is Leesh,........ and I have a Problem!
I would love to co-wash, but I'm in Michigan and it is too cold to be running around with my head wet all the time, plus it takes me way too long to air dry. I'll be starting later in February, but I'll be indoors until the end of April; after that, I'll probably be okay through the summer. I plan to do it twice a week.
I can't get into co-washing myself, but I have a regimen I' going to try that deals with co-washing, but right now I do a once a week dry hair deep conditioning and shampoo with a gentle shampoo(or try to wash with a gentle shampoo), but I think as my hair gets longer, I will stretch my wash days, and stop combing so much........
I voted twice a week.
So to be more specific: in this cold weather it's twice a week but in summer it's more like 4/5 time a week and my hair is thriving with frequent washes.