I Thought A Bug Was Crawling On Me...

King of Sorrow

Well-Known Member
... and I was right. :cry3:

(Edit: It ain't cute so I'm taking someone's advice and hiding the picture of it in the spoiler tag. It's been identified as some kind of beetle.)


That sensation is supposed to be longer hair brushing against my skin. Not an actual bug!

I was playing with my hair -- as I do every night -- when I found this stowaway tangled in the hair at the nape of my neck. Can someone help me identify this abomination? Do I need to visit a doctor? Why me? Is it because my hair smells of coconut? Now I can't stop pulling at my hair feeling out my scalp :pullhair:.


The worst part? The possibility that the bugger landed in my hair this morning 'round 7am and was chilling in the cut for 16 hours before I found it at 11pm. I saw something flying down towards me from a tree but thought I had dodged it! I rinse my hair every morning so it couldn't have been there longer than that, right?:( Best case scenario is it got in there as I was going home at night.

What unexpected thing have you found in your hair?
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Oh my word:eek::eek::(:lachen:

I usually just catch those tiny green things that come from trees.

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The homeowners in my neighborhood are serious about their gardening so I stay fighting bugs and insects. They seem to be excited at finding some bit of wilderness in this urban jungle. Somehow those tiny green flying insects always find their way into my apartment even though I have window screens.

@KinksAndInk Laying eggs?! :eek: Not helping !!!!
:eek:, lord Jesus, I was thinking your hair was brushing your skin, lol,that looks like something we called a clamp bug, as kids not sure of it's real name, but they kind of burrow into the ground, and the worst thing I found was a inch worm, he wasn't measuring nothing, I evicted him:kick:, in the spring when the wind's blowing, I guess they hitch a ride , going through my strands right now. :yep:
I had bugs fly and get caught up in my hair before...very unpleasant experience. I also had found twigs and leaves in my hair and was lowkey upset that no one told me:lachen:

I remember telling a woman she had a cicada on her in 2004 and she almost fell into traffic trying to get away from that bug. I don't tell folks about bugs anymore, I just take them off of them and explain after the fact. So I can see not telling you about the bug, but not the twigs. That's just rude.
I don't know where you live OP, so I can't tell what species exactly, but this is clearly some type of beetle. :yep: The majority of beetles are peaceful to humans and prefer to eat plant parts.

Eta: Your hair is gorgeous!

I'm in NYC. Yeah, from what I could gather I'm guessing it's some kind of Longhorn beetle. I usually don't like to kill big bugs (I hate the mess it makes) but this one had me feeling some type of violated way. So I flushed him down the toilet.:look:

I shampooed my hair twice but @KinksAndInk has me scared about eggs so I'll be doing an Aphogee protein treatment as well this weekend. Maybe it'll act like DDT for the scalp??

Thanks to everyone complimenting my hair!

@shortdub78 My hair is about 8" long, which on me is chin length in the front and almost APL in the back when stretched. After over 10 years of doing stupid stuff to my hair, I finally reached BSL two years ago thanks to this site and decided to celebrate by going to a salon. Well, I'm sure you can guest how that worked out. But it's comin' back and this time around I've vowed to do right by my hair.

My hair is thin to medium density and fine. Thank goodness for natural hair and moderate frizz! It gives the illusion of thick hair. Roux Anti-Aging porosity control shampoo and conditioner along with Taliah Waajid's curl souffle are honestly the only products I use and I'm getting the best definition and moisture I've ever had in 18 years.

I'm glad this story is serving as a PSA and that folks are checking their hair. Personally, I'll be checking my hair every time I come from outside. You won't catch me slippin' twice!
I'm in NYC. Yeah, from what I could gather I'm guessing it's some kind of Longhorn beetle. I usually don't like to kill big bugs (I hate the mess it makes) but this one had me feeling some type of violated way. So I flushed him down the toilet.:look:

@Kemmie, I don't mean to scare you, but some bugs can survive being flushed and come back out of the commode. :(
Ew girl idk what kinda bug that is but imma need you to put a spoiler tag on that thang

But as far as bugs in my hair I stay with something up in there lol
Once I was getting help from my professor. So I bent my head over to ask an explanation and wouldn't you know a gigantic (like the size of a beetle) ant looking thing fell out my hair. I was so grateful that he had turned away to grab his notes cause a chick would have shriveled up and passed out right there. Since he didn't see I just swatted the bug off the paper (and onto his desk no doubt) and kept talking. Lol
I'm in NYC. Yeah, from what I could gather I'm guessing it's some kind of Longhorn beetle. I usually don't like to kill big bugs (I hate the mess it makes) but this one had me feeling some type of violated way. So I flushed him down the toilet.:look:
No! :cry3: He meant no harm! He just wanted a place to stay. RIP poor brown beetle. :(

Ha! Jk jk. Just to state the obvious, I'm being dramatic.:lachen:But really, I wouldn't have killed him. I'd have just taken him outside and let him go. But that's just the country girl in me talking. When you garden or live out in the sticks, stuff like this comes with the territory. :laugh:
I dodged a green wormy looking thing hanging by a thread from a tree. Correction: I thought I did. It didn't land in my hair- locs at that time- but instead landed in my shirt, unbeknownst to me.
IN. my shirt.
And then bit me on the top of my breast.
I was walking down a busy street, middle of the day & hollered when I saw what was hurting in my shirt.
I. Freaked. OUT. Like, a passerby stopped me from taking off my shirt and exposing myself- freaked out. And this bugger did not want to let go!! I had to beat at it with a tissue. In my shirt. On a busy street. In the middle of the day. While being catcalled in new, uniquely disgusting ways.

I avoided walking under trees the rest of that spring/summer.
Not trying to one up you, but you dont know gross until you find a tick sucking your blood on your scalp. My hubby and I went down to Natchez Trace, an area that is protected because it is the original trail that the Indians took. It's hot and humid. I could only stand being there for around fifteen minutes. I was really excited at the prospect of retuning there. It felt so magical. Long story short, I dont do ticks. Never returned. No desire to return.
No! :cry3: He meant no harm!

:nono2: I put bugs right up there with lions and tigers and bears. They may mean no harm but sometimes they play too much and people get hurt. They can't fool me with their small size. Nah! At the very least, this thread has shown that they are straight disrespectful! @MeaWea and @coolhandlulu :bighug:

Also, I think we need a picture thread for head coverings. There are stylish ways we can protect our hair from bugs, rain, damage from the sun, snow, wind, and just for plain old fashion. I need some inspiration! @prettybyrd should we look forward to seeing your dollar store hat there?
I'm not ready for the hitchhiking critters :nono:

I flip out when it is hair or some other innocuous thing brushing against my skin. Like smooth out of my clothes, screeching brakes, arms flailing around, doing the Watusi FLIP OUT
A critter though? :dighole: :ghost: