I think I'm insane. (Pictures)


New Member
So I saw the thread asking how many times you've transitioned. Then I saw another one saying, "Post your relaxed pics if you are now natural."

Well I decided to post pictures of my hair NATURAL because I'm now RELAXED.
I'm feeling TOTALLY insane. I relaxed for one reason or another, but now I'm like WTF did I do. The reason I FEEL insane is because it was on FEB 17th, 2010. Not even a month ago. :lachen: And I'm already missing my natural hair. I hadn't been relaxed in so long I didn't remember how weird it felt for me to not have all that thick thick heavy hair weighing my head down. I miss it. Being natural I could comb pretty firmly in the shower with no worries, NO BREAKAGE, now I'm having to really treat my hair like it's silk! It's very difficult to go from having super thick strands, to fine strands. I liked combing my hair while wet, it was relaxing. I guess this is what it takes to REALLY know what you want. This is what I get! lol Like they say, you don't miss it until it's gone.

This is not for me, but too late now. :lachen:, oh well. Now I am transitioning. I plan on doing a long term stretch/transition. I'm going to just bun bun bun and not worry about my hair until I'm ready.

The first time I went natural I just did the big chop.

Well, here are my natural pictures from BC up until a month or 2 back. My natural hair is so thick. :lick: Next time I mention a relaxer please remind me of this thread! lol


my BC









I used to get bored and do weird colors lol



Anybody else that was natural that went back relaxed, and is already wanting to be back coily, curly, again? Pictures??
:lachen:!!! Already!! Oh well, at least now you know for sure that you're natural for life. Are you going to change your screen name back? Good luck on your transition. Hopefully you won't have to BC.

Your natural hair is really pretty in those pics. :yep:
Your hair is beautiful! (You are too. :) ) You're embarking on another adventure (transitioning--a change from last time when you BC'd) and it can be challenging but also fun when you figure a regimen that works out for both textures out. Enjoy the ride.
Those pictures of your hair are gorgeous!!! Just do whatever makes you happy. I'm sure that your hair looks nice however you choose to wear it.
with all those pretty hair colours and styles... looks like you had a lot of fun as a natural. It's great that you are so versatile w/your hair, wether natural or relaxed.
how long did you transition for before you b.c.'ed??? That is the length I am striving for...

Well honestly I don't know. I know it seemed like I only had like 3 inches of hair. BUT I never did a length check. I had previously stopped relaxing the December before my BC, but then I cut off A LOT of my hair anyways because it was looking A HOT MESS and damaged.
Thanks everybody! I don't know how this transitioning will be. A WHOLE YEAR. That's tough. But it took me about a year and some change to get my hair to the end picture (I say a year because I cut my hair a few times while natural which would have probably gave me greater lengths if I hadn't obviously) So I guess technically by the end of this year I could be right back where I started lol.
wow love your natural hair pics, especially the one before last. I was natural for one year and relaxed. I did enjoy my relaxed hair for about 4 years. Now I'm natural again and still debating,lol. I wanna see pics of your relaxed hair ;)
wow love your natural hair pics, especially the one before last. I was natural for one year and relaxed. I did enjoy my relaxed hair for about 4 years. Now I'm natural again and still debating,lol. I wanna see pics of your relaxed hair ;)

I hate it! It's so boring, I don't really take pics cuz it's in a bun lol. I've done a braid out on 2 diff occasions



The hana elite got my hair straighter and shinier than the relaxer, lol

I absolutely LOVE your natural hair and the styles and colors you used. You used henna for the color? Is it harder to care for when you color? I'm newly natural that will probably want color in the future. It looks FAB!!! Sorry, I hope I'm not making you feel bad. It's just that that's some purdy hair :)
Girl, I know how you feel!

I told you, I did the BC 3 times!!!! I am 100% sure i prefer natural hair now. Im convinced! an I'll be damned if i have to BC again!

Thank god hair grows back right? Otherwise we'd never be able to change our minds!
OMG! Your natural hair is so cute! I feel it for you! Still, at least you know what you want now and with the help of this board there's no way you cant get it!
Your natural hair is beautiful
I've noticed that some women with natural hair that never straighten go back to relaxers. When I miss straight hair I grab a flatiron. About 4 days later it's out of my system and I miss my curls.

I'm so sorry you have regrets now. Hey at least you know you can transition again and what to expect. Can I see a picture of your newly relaxed hair straight?
I :love: your natural hair pics! I don't understand why you relaxed that beautiful head of hair. Good luck on your transition!
I know exactly what you mean OP! I got bored with my puff because I didn't know how to style it. Now that I'm relaxed I realize that my natural hair was WAY more fun and versatile. I BC'd before, so now I'm probably going to transition. I feel like I'm armed with the proper knowledge now anyway... Oh, and that color is GORGEOUS! Please give us the details on that!
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I know exactly what you mean OP! I got bored with my puff because I didn't know how to style it. Now that I'm relaxed I realize that my natural hair was WAY more fun and versatile. I BC'd before, so now I'm probably going to transition. I feel like I'm armed with the proper knowledge now anyway... Oh, and that color is GORGEOUS! Please give us the details on that!

This is what I realized too! I relaxed my natural hair late last year and I am transitioning again. You will grow it back in no time!:grin:
Natural replying here: Just wanted to say, OP, your pics make me GLAD I transitioned. I love your styles and as anitrax1 "said" please give us details on the color. I'm looking to color my hair this summer.
I've never transitioned before. but heres a picture of me when I was around 8 y/o. I had some crazy looking hair. don't even know what texture it was lol.

oh girl ,sorry for the felling you have. must feel annoying. But hey as you said now you know what you really want you won't do it again (right?). we willl come out telling you "look at your thread about this"!!!!
by the way just keep telling yourself ,ok hair grows,it will come back,with patience.Your natural hair looks pretty!
Love the natural tresses! At least we are allowed "do overs" when it comes to transitioning...just have to go through the process.
Your natural hair is beautiful
I've noticed that some women with natural hair that never straighten go back to relaxers. When I miss straight hair I grab a flatiron. About 4 days later it's out of my system and I miss my curls.

I'm so sorry you have regrets now. Hey at least you know you can transition again and what to expect. Can I see a picture of your newly relaxed hair straight?

Good point.

OP your natural hair is gorgeous and so is your relaxed hair :)