I Think I'm Going to Relax...

This is long lol. I guess I just wanted to sort of vent my relaxer history. This is hair therapy for me :lol:

... I transitioned back in 2005 after being relaxed since 2001. Prior to that I had my first relaxer in late 1997 and then stopped till 2001. Had a lot of breakage in the subsequent months after my first relaxers. I also had severe breakage after the 2001 relaxer. I had also been getting weekly blowouts all these years which caused SEVERE damage to my hair combined with the perms of course, round brushes and my hair do not get along at all. I had also been dyeing my hair from time to time :lol:
Finally in 2004 I started to relax myself with Just For me No Lye. In 2005 I discovered hair boards and transitioned gradually trimming away the relaxer. My hair began to thrive and when I finally stopped the blowouts and learned to flat iron myself my haitr truly thrived and I made it all the way past waist length back in 2008 but with a lot of damage still from all the heat and other things.

Anyway, I do feel like I'm betraying myself a bit here :(. I spoke so harshly of relaxers for years because I believed they were what destroyed my hair when in hindsight I believe it was the combo of round brush blowouts, dyes, relaxer and improper conditioning etc.
Last year I texlaxed the back ( curliest part) of my hair with Silk Elements Lye Mild and have seen no detrimental effects so now I'm tempted to do my whole head. I think my hair likes lye. I'm soooooooo tired of my frizzy hairline and out of control FRIZZY curls. I want to be able to be a little more carefree so I'm just going to go for it. I think it will make my rollersets tremendously easier to do.
I plan to do it next week, wish me luck :)
I figure if I do get some breakage I won't have a stroke, my hair grows fast, I have confidence in it and I know I can always transition again if I hate it.
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Looks like you've done the back with success. I know you'll do the front just fine. I switched to lye from no lye & my hair is thriving. Lye is good for texlaxing too. Roller setting will be perfect for keeping your hair healthy & minimizing breakage! Can't wait to see that mane of yours.

Best wishes!
Go for it. After being natural for five years, I was so against relaxers. I even had a nightmare that I got my beautiful curls relaxed. I was so scared. A year later, I went for it. No more fear and loving every minute of it.
Duplicate: Go for it. After being natural for five years, I was so against relaxers. I even had a nightmare that I got my beautiful curls relaxed. I was so scared. A year later, I went for it. No more fear and loving every minute of it.
It's your hair. You have to put up with it. So do what works BEST for you. :smirk:
What are you trying to say?:lol::lol::lol:

Go for it. After being natural for five years, I was so against relaxers. I even had a nightmare that I got my beautiful curls relaxed. I was so scared. A year later, I went for it. No more fear and loving every minute of it.

Yep, my goodness, I certainly was against and fearful of relaxers for some years yet had this odd sense of almost jealousy when I'd look at tutorials for things on YT and see the ease with which relaxed heads could do them as opposed to how hard it was for me even though my hair is not extremely tightly curled. I am a 3b but I have seen 4a's with hair that is less "fly away" and frizzy then mine. I just cannot deal with my hair anymore :nono:
Thanks for your candid post! no excuse making/justifying/waffling - just hindsight and solid decision making.
I'm glad you are making a decision that's best for you! I hope your hair thrives! And I can't wait to see pics, you might have to borrow a friends camera or have them take a few with your phone :D no pressure though :p
I was Afro, then pressed natural for 18 years. When I got a lye relaxer in 2005 I was ready to handle a relaxer.

Good luck and thanks in advance for pics!!!
I am sure your hair will be fine. You have obviously learned to take gook care of your hair so it will go so much better this time.
Go for it!

Natural isn't for everyone. Start with a mild relaxer and maybe don't go all the way straight if your worried about breakage.
Sounds like you have it all thought out. I'm excited for you! Your hair will be fine. Stretch as long as possible between relaxers. Can't wait to see your braidout...Good luck :yep:
I'm having second thoughts and fears but I'm still going to do it, part of me just wants to see if this will solve my hair miseries especially in the warmer seasons. The whole time I've been natural has been a little hard on me and I didn't want to face it because I looked at relaxers and not an option at all and that I should deal with my natural hair. My mom would be really pissed at me if she knew I was relaxing again :( lol.
I feel nervous even thinking about doing it, maybe I'm not ready lol.
If you are unsure definitely take some more time to think it over. Really think about what you hope to acheive from a relaxer and what you may miss about being natural (I am not natural by the way and not trying to sell you). Do you really want to completly get rid of you curls, or are you looking for looser curls with less frizz?