I think I may have crossed the line!


Well-Known Member
I have a superclose friend we have been friends for 5 years. We have grown apart ever since I got baptized and recommited to my marriage. Well she has been letting some things on in her life and as a friend I tried discussing them with her.These things have always been like that but I wasn't living great myself so it wasn't looking that bad then about 8 months ago. For instance she constantly has utilities cut off so her children been using the bathroom outside, she won't look for a job she has 4 kids and is pregnant with the 5th. he babydaddy who lives in the home wont work either.House has dog feces on the floor garage all over. There is constant drug use. She is a person with a good heart, infectious and personality but she's lost right now. She DID NOT like me bringing any of that up to speak about her phone disconnected so I sent her my concern in an email, she got angry and became bringing up my past and how my marriage is a lie etc..which really didn't bother me because those things are not me anymore. The email just stated that I was concerned and knew she was capable of more she just had to want it. I expressed my love for her many times in the message. Anywho she went all to say I haven't been changed by God and I was turned into a monster by the devil etc.... I responded by saying apologizing that she took my words in any way that out of love. She has alot of folks in her life that don't tell her the truth and live the way she does. She can do so much and it hurts to see her and children live like they do. Do you ladies think I over stepped my boundaries?
So long as you spoke only out of love for her and God and not out of self-righteous of selfish feelings than no you did not cross the line. Hopefully one day she'll let what you wrote sink in and change.

God bless and congratulations on your baptism!