I think I found the cure for tangles


New Member
I was having some MAJOR...scissors needed kind of help with my hair the last few days because of a protein treatment. My hair was sooooooooooo bad that it was like I had applied some kind of krazy glue and teased my hair. I shed a few tears let me tell you but I tried not to panic. Well I knew my problem was that the pH in my hair was now too low (the treatment had a pH of 3). And no matter what I used I couldn't get it up. products with a pH of 4.5-5.5 were not good enough to raise my hair's level up. So, last night it came to me. What did I learn in Chem 10(high school chem)? What has low acidity and a good pH level? BAKING SODA!!!! I had thought of ACV mix BUT I needed something with a higher pH and depending on how I mixed the ACV that may not help. Anywho, I mixed the Baking soda 3tbs :32oz water. I needed more water since some parts were still dry so I did another 6tbs:64oz water. My goodness the ratty, knotted, tangled ends are GONE. I was able to run my fingers through and as it neared the ends where before I was UNABLE to get through (cause the ends of my hair had turned into BALLS of knots) the ends separated. My fingers went through effortlessly. I was amazed. Baking soda made it soft and TANGLE FREE. I'm thinking I'm going to use it as my final rinse from here on out.
Btw, Megon maybe this will help with your tangles. :)
Congratulations Faith! Yes, I've learned (regarding food) that baking soda has the highest pH of 14 and it is also a quick fix in the event of over acidity of the body. This is great to know that it works for tangles in the hair. :)
Thanks Ladies :)
Isis: Yes I had a feeling it was a bery high pH product. I just read online it has a PH level of 8.1. I knew it was alkaline...lol. No wonder it worked so well....yay :)
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