I Think I Found Another Reason for Split Ends...


Well-Known Member
I noticed that when I wrapped my hair after rollersetting last week that the perimeter that came in contact with my doo-rag always seemed to have the worst splits. Now, I've wrapped my hair, alternating sides, since I was relaxed and NEVER had problems. I also noticed that the parts of my head where I re-wrapped the strings to make it secure were thinner (near my temple, nape, and sides) and my hair seemed consistently dry. The only conclusion that I could come to was that the doo-rag and the way I was tying it was causing dryness that lead to split ends. I always used a 100% satin scarf, but I lost it back in 2007 and had been using the cheap BSS rags in its place.....but they're 100% polyester. I also used my the 100% satin scarf early in my journey and never really had this problem

When I slept, my hair was constantly rubbing against the material which defeated the purpose of tying it up at night. So I went out and bought a 60% satin 40% silk scarf, and almost immediately my hair is retaining moisture much better. I also noticed that my wrap appeared much smoother when I removed my headwrap. Rollersetting and sealing the very ends with vaseline & EVCO oil has helped alot but I still couldn't figure out why my perimeter would split and break off so badly. I honestly don't know why this didn't dawn on me sooner, but better late than never :yep:
Good observation :yep: When my scarf comes off at night, my hair is a tangled, dry mess :nono: I'm definitely gonna have to go out and by a satin pillow case. My head scarf, however, is satin, and so I don't have any problems with that. You should definitely go out and make that switch ASAP!
Where are some good places to buy the satin scarves. I also have those 100% polyester BSS scarves, and sometimes I hear or feel them catching on my hair, and I'd like to try something else.
I agree 100% scarves can really do some damage. I keep my satin bonnets from the BSS only to hold my silk scarf on. Since I got it a long enough lenght, I haven't needed the satin, but honestly the silk is so much better for your hair I highly recommend it. I am natural I had my hair pressed out a week ago and it looks just like a fresh do. I got one more week to go before I go back to the salon and I think I am going to make it without a retouch. So get your silk its worth the money.