I switched to no lye & I couldn't be happier.


New Member
Hello everyone,

I've been going back & forth in my head about switching from lye to no lye for a while. I finally did it & I want to tell you all about my experience.

So, I used to use no lye years ago & switched because I thought lye was better for my hair since salons used it. My relaxers have been under processed since then. I couldn't figure out why my hair was so resistant. I tried clarifying, roux porosity control, going to professionals, doing it myself, switching brands & strengths, but nothing worked. Eventually I gave up & decided to be texlaxed. Except it became harder & harder to manage my hair. It was like I was stretching relaxers 24/7 or transitioning. I was tired of spending hours detangling in fear of breakage. The two textures were at war with each other it seemed. I almost went natural, but decided that I wasn't quite ready for a new hair journey. (I'm almost MBL in case anyone was wondering).

So I did research & decided to switch when it was time for my next relaxer. EXCEPT, my last lye touch up didn't take at all. I couldn't tell because I had blow dried & flat ironed, but 2 washes later I had over 12 weeks of new growth (had my hair braided in individual braids previously) and I wanted to cry when I tried to detangle. I was experiencing breakage & I never have issues with breakage unless I try to stretch past 8 weeks. It was hard to comb my hair into a bun for work & I knew that I couldn't do this for another 5 weeks, so I clarified my hair & used a protein conditioner. Then I put my hair in a bun & left it alone for 3 days because I decided that I was going to do a corrective relaxer with no lye & pray that it took.

I used ORS no lye Super. I based my scalp, parted in 4 sections, and coated my previously relaxed hair with Vaseline. I started in the back & did my edges last. Smoothed, neutralized, deep conditioned, and air dryed. My hair was the straightest I'd seen it in a LONG time. I had a tiny patch in the front that was under processed, but other than that my whole head was straight. (I don't think my hair would even relax bone straight If I tried). I had ZERO breakage, & detangling was a breeze. I didn't have excess shedding, and my roots weren't dry at all.

It's been almost 5 days & I don't have anything bad to say. LOL. Needless to say, I will not be going back to lye. If you're on the fence like I was, I say go for it!

If you want to see me describing what the relaxer came with or my video review check out my youtube channel:


Thanks for reading :drunk: