I stretched my relaxer out for...


Well-Known Member
too long and now my ends are all thing. WHat should I do? I havent retained any length either I dont think. I am trying to get to bra strap, but keep having to trim. I cant take any more set backs! I am at about the same place that I was last year except thinner now. I need some support and some words of encouragement.
Sorry to hear this Lovelylocs. Try your best to figure out exactly what went wrong, even if the lesson is simply "I cannot stretch more than ___ weeks, period". Keep your head up, with patience and persistence you will eventually reach your goals.:kiss: :Rose:
Are you sure it's thinning out? Remember that new growth is usually a bit thicker than relaxed hair so it makes it look as if the relaxed part is thin when it's really not. It's been 17 months (yes months) since my last relaxer and it doesn't look like i have retained any length but when i wash it and comb it out (I keep my hair braided) then I see the length that I have gained. If you are taking care of your hair and keeping it moisturized then and using protein treatments when needed then, most likely, your hair is not thinning nor breaking at a noticeble rate. Also it sounds like you have been trimming too much and that is why you don't feel at if your hair is getting longer. I haven't trimmed in over a year (not that I'm encouraging you to do this) and I won't trim until I get to a length that I am satisfied with. Have you straightened a section of your hair to see how much it has grown?
LiLi said:
Are you sure it's thinning out? Remember that new growth is usually a bit thicker than relaxed hair so it makes it look as if the relaxed part is thin when it's really not. It's been 17 months (yes months) since my last relaxer and it doesn't look like i have retained any length but when i wash it and comb it out (I keep my hair braided) then I see the length that I have gained. If you are taking care of your hair and keeping it moisturized then and using protein treatments when needed then, most likely, your hair is not thinning nor breaking at a noticeble rate. Also it sounds like you have been trimming too much and that is why you don't feel at if your hair is getting longer. I haven't trimmed in over a year (not that I'm encouraging you to do this) and I won't trim until I get to a length that I am satisfied with. Have you straightened a section of your hair to see how much it has grown?
Lovelylocs said:
too long and now my ends are all thing. WHat should I do? I havent retained any length either I dont think. I am trying to get to bra strap, but keep having to trim. I cant take any more set backs! I am at about the same place that I was last year except thinner now. I need some support and some words of encouragement.

First of all, I just want to preface this by stating...this is just my opinion, not the gospel. I don't want to offend anyone :)

I am a firm believer that not everyone can "stretch" a relaxer. I understand the concept, but I have seen too many instances where stretching has been counter-productive, as in your case. I don't think that one should relax any sooner than 8 weeks, but I certainly don't think that one should wait beyond those 8 weeks, if it's going to lead to problems.

With regards to your ends...again, some people don't require frequent trims. I for one, have not have a real trim in a year, HOWEVER, I get dustings (when the stylist chips off about 1/4 of an inch OR LESS) every 8 - 10 weeks. I do this religiously and maintain more length than I would if I got infrequent trims, or even if I got frequent "regular" trims.

Lovely, I think that you may need to re-evaluate your current regimen and adjust it to suit YOUR needs.
webby said:
First of all, I just want to preface this by stating...this is just my opinion, not the gospel. I don't want to offend anyone :)

I am a firm believer that not everyone can "stretch" a relaxer. I understand the concept, but I have seen too many instances where stretching has been counter-productive, as in your case. I don't think that one should relax any sooner than 8 weeks, but I certainly don't think that one should wait beyond those 8 weeks, if it's going to lead to problems.

With regards to your ends...again, some people don't require frequent trims. I for one, have not have a real trim in a year, HOWEVER, I get dustings (when the stylist chips off about 1/4 of an inch OR LESS) every 8 - 10 weeks. I do this religiously and maintain more length than I would if I got infrequent trims, or even if I got frequent "regular" trims.

Lovely, I think that you may need to re-evaluate your current regimen and adjust it to suit YOUR needs.

Lovely, I hope things work out for the better with your hair.

Web, that was well said.
LiLi said:
Are you sure it's thinning out? Remember that new growth is usually a bit thicker than relaxed hair so it makes it look as if the relaxed part is thin when it's really not. It's been 17 months (yes months) since my last relaxer and it doesn't look like i have retained any length but when i wash it and comb it out (I keep my hair braided) then I see the length that I have gained. If you are taking care of your hair and keeping it moisturized then and using protein treatments when needed then, most likely, your hair is not thinning nor breaking at a noticeble rate. Also it sounds like you have been trimming too much and that is why you don't feel at if your hair is getting longer. I haven't trimmed in over a year (not that I'm encouraging you to do this) and I won't trim until I get to a length that I am satisfied with. Have you straightened a section of your hair to see how much it has grown?
Well, I know that my hair is broken, etc. b/c I just got a retouch yesterday. My stylist asked why I waited so long to get a retouch and said that I was going to regret this b/c my hair was breaking.
hopeful said:
Sorry to hear this Lovelylocs. Try your best to figure out exactly what went wrong, even if the lesson is simply "I cannot stretch more than ___ weeks, period". Keep your head up, with patience and persistence you will eventually reach your goals.:kiss: :Rose:
Thanks. I will. I just feel like I am starting all over again.
webby said:
First of all, I just want to preface this by stating...this is just my opinion, not the gospel. I don't want to offend anyone :)

I am a firm believer that not everyone can "stretch" a relaxer. I understand the concept, but I have seen too many instances where stretching has been counter-productive, as in your case. I don't think that one should relax any sooner than 8 weeks, but I certainly don't think that one should wait beyond those 8 weeks, if it's going to lead to problems.

With regards to your ends...again, some people don't require frequent trims. I for one, have not have a real trim in a year, HOWEVER, I get dustings (when the stylist chips off about 1/4 of an inch OR LESS) every 8 - 10 weeks. I do this religiously and maintain more length than I would if I got infrequent trims, or even if I got frequent "regular" trims.

Lovely, I think that you may need to re-evaluate your current regimen and adjust it to suit YOUR needs.

Thanks Webby. Now I KNOW that I cant stretch my relaxers. I have way too much hair. My hair is very thick and type 4a. Now more stretching relaxers for me.
I fully understand. After 12 weeks ( and I have pics) I knew I could not go any longer. I had to see a stylist because there was no way I could relax that stuff by my self, I wouldn't even know where to begin. Since that time my hair has been relaxed twice (Affirm), however rather than actually relaxering she has been texterizing it. When I first washed it myself I was going to start chopping because I could see where there thickness and the thin met. It was like a terror had came over me and it was making me sick to my stomach looking in the mirror. But instead I just conditioned washed and slick it back into a bun until I was about 8 weeks post. I could still see the thick / thin points, but once she flat irons it, I can't tell. It just looks full and longer even after she lightly trims. I won't be self relaxing any more nor waiting more than 8 weeks to let her relax/texterizer my hair.

Stay away from the heat, do a deep condition with protien, rinse using a shower comb, use a leave in conditioner with essential oils, put it up, wear a satin scarf at night and leave it alone.
how long did you stretch? and what kind of relaxer did your hair stylist use? i think hair that has been stretched for a long time (even if its 4 whaterver, my hair is in the 4's) a mild relaxer should be used because your new growth is virgin hair. i think i am going to start using a mild or regular relaxer that is made for kids. i know a girl who has the healthiest head of long hair i have ever seen and she uses Just for Me or some other kiddie perm...i am scared to perm my hair now too and i stretched my relaxer 6 months.
I totally agree with webby. I know at 8 weeks its time for that perm. I'm nine weeks now but only because of an upcoming trip and I wanted to wait. But I normally do 8 and only eight. Because I know after that my hair will start snapping like no bodies business.
NYRICAN1 said:
Don't mean to go off topic, but does this also include stretching using sew-in weave methods or cornrows??
I'm not sure...I'm sure someone will answer this for you. If not, you many want to start a new thread.
yokourt said:
...Stay away from the heat, do a deep condition with protien, rinse using a shower comb, use a leave in conditioner with essential oils, put it up, wear a satin scarf at night and leave it alone.

This is some very good advice. I agree with both Yokourt and Webby. You'll need to reevaluate your routine and do what works best for you, not what everyone else is doing. My past experiments with stretching beyond 8 weeks were not very successful, however I am currently 10 weeks post relaxer and have had much more success with stretching, because I'm avoiding heat at all costs and manipulating my hair as little as possible. Next week I will be 11 weeks post relaxer, but I'll definitely be getting my relaxer then too, because I think too much of any good thing isn't always beneficial. Also, I was cautioned by my hair buddy to be careful of wearing buns. I know many of the ladies in the forum have had a great deal of success wearing them, but I only wear them occasionally and I avoid them during the latter stages of stretching, because that's too much manipulation and pulling of hair that is already vulnerable.

Good luck and keep your head up. You'll be back on track in no time :)