
See what had happened was, I've been wearing braids for years. Last summer, I took the braids out and was delighted with a good 9-10 inches of thick hair, no perm. So what did I do??, I put a texturizer in it. I actually loved it too. THEN, and here's the problem, I added a permanent color to it . WRONG!!. My hair became dry and brittle, even with the tips that I get from here. I then braided it again and everything was cool until I took the braids out on Friday. Uneven ends, breakage, the whole nine.
I calmly walked to the bathroom with a pair of scissors, and went from an uneven 9 inches to 1 -1/2 inches. I cut down to all of the new growth that doesn't have any color or perm in it. Sooo, I'm starting all over again, hard lesson learned, but hey, it happens.
moonpower said:
See what had happened was, I've been wearing braids for years. Last summer, I took the braids out and was delighted with a good 9-10 inches of thick hair, no perm. So what did I do??, I put a texturizer in it. I actually loved it too. THEN, and here's the problem, I added a permanent color to it . WRONG!!. My hair became dry and brittle, even with the tips that I get from here. I then braided it again and everything was cool until I took the braids out on Friday. Uneven ends, breakage, the whole nine.
I calmly walked to the bathroom with a pair of scissors, and went from an uneven 9 inches to 1 -1/2 inches. I cut down to all of the new growth that doesn't have any color or perm in it. Sooo, I'm starting all over again, hard lesson learned, but hey, it happens.

Sorry that happened to you. However, when your hair starts growing you will know what to do and what not to do.

I did a big chop and it was great! I am sure your hair looks beautiful :)
Thanks so much!!. I'll be braiding again because honestly, real short hair doesn't work for me. I have a big head and I know it!!. I need something, head wraps or braids. I tried wearing it super short once and it didn't work for me. I don't mind cutting my hair though. It grows back in time, that's the wonderful part!.
WOW.... you sure do have guts. You just went and straight chopped it to the hilt, huh? :) Well thats really cool, and congrats to you for taking such a big and important step. Perhaps it was inevitable. Now it will growth back healthy, strong, and long.... I dont doubt this for one minute. Good luck to you and HHG.
At first, I thought I could cut a few inches off and salvage the rest. Then I said why??, it's not going to get "better". So I gotta cut it. Over the years, I've cut it before so it really doesn't bother me. I just hate that I didn't educate myself on the permanent color and texturizer. I'd worn braids for so long that when I started wearing my hair out, I just went crazy with color and chemicals. I know next time now and I won't be making that mistake again. The pic in my fotki is from last July, memories of a fierce afro puff!!
moonpower said:
At first, I thought I could cut a few inches off and salvage the rest. Then I said why??, it's not going to get "better". So I gotta cut it. Over the years, I've cut it before so it really doesn't bother me. I just hate that I didn't educate myself on the permanent color and texturizer. I'd worn braids for so long that when I started wearing my hair out, I just went crazy with color and chemicals. I know next time now and I won't be making that mistake again. The pic in my fotki is from last July, memories of a fierce afro puff!!

Well this will be a learning experience for all of us, in a sense. I, for one, would have thought it was okay to get permanent color after a texturizer, as i perceive a texturizer as weaker than a relaxer. But i guess in the end, chemicals are chemicals.... and in too close proximity, its just bad overall.
Maybe the text. and color isn't a bad combo, but I didn't take the proper care that I should of taken.
Next time, it will be a rinse.
So sorry that happened to you. It will grow back in no time. Last year my stylist put permanent color in my hair 3 weeks after a relaxer and ruined my hair. I had major breakage, thinning and dryness. I wind up going natural after the incident and my hair is growing very thick and healthy now. Also I stopped going to hairstylist and started doing it myself, thanks to all of the info from the ladies here.
I had a similar experience. I went from this:

(Sept 05 - Jan 06 Comparison Shots)


To this:

This was due to color damage. All I can say is I'm not giving up . . . Do you plan on texturizing again or will you remain completely natural?
I totally (totally) understand! I just recently had to do the same thing. *sigh* Well, we learn from the errors and keep it movin' - don't we? :p
Yup, that was me a month ago. Now I know that perm. color and my hair doesn't mix, natural or chemically. Thank goodness that hair grows back.;) I'm sure the short hair looks good on you.
That's awesome. such a positive attitude will bemefit your hair as much if not more than cutting off the damaged ends.
moonpower said:
See what had happened was, I've been wearing braids for years. Last summer, I took the braids out and was delighted with a good 9-10 inches of thick hair, no perm. So what did I do??, I put a texturizer in it. I actually loved it too. THEN, and here's the problem, I added a permanent color to it . WRONG!!. My hair became dry and brittle, even with the tips that I get from here. I then braided it again and everything was cool until I took the braids out on Friday. Uneven ends, breakage, the whole nine.
I calmly walked to the bathroom with a pair of scissors, and went from an uneven 9 inches to 1 -1/2 inches. I cut down to all of the new growth that doesn't have any color or perm in it. Sooo, I'm starting all over again, hard lesson learned, but hey, it happens.
Something similar happened to a co-worker of mine. She was texturized for two years and decided to dye her hair a light auburn color back in March '05. Her hair looked amazing but the two combinations dried her hair out something crazy. She cut it all off last December and has been wearing braids since that time.
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Thanks so much for the positive responses!. You know, I had to really take a look at myself as a person. When I was much younger, I would have NEVER cut all of hair off. I would have tried to salvage whatever was left. But I realized that I have really grown and hair always grows back.

As I was cutting it, I didn't feel bad AT ALL. It actually felt pretty good.I knew I was doing right by my hair. It just seems that I 've developed a new relationship with my hair.
Sorry to hear about that. I know exactly how that feels to just hold scissors and just start chopping away. That's my fear--to have to go through it all again.
Well I was going to color my hair for my senior year of High School but yall scared me into thinking otherwise. It took me a long time to get to where my hair is now ( which isn't saying too much) so i don't want to mess it up again.

Sorry you had to cut all your hair off, your puff was ultra fierce! I'm sure your next one will probably be even fiercer ! lol
SoAnxious12 said:
Well I was going to color my hair for my senior year of High School but yall scared me into thinking otherwise. It took me a long time to get to where my hair is now ( which isn't saying too much) so i don't want to mess it up again.

Sorry you had to cut all your hair off, your puff was ultra fierce! I'm sure your next one will probably be even fiercer ! lol

Thanks!!, I'll be sure to post pics of the new puff that hasn't been born yet!!:):)

I just checked out your album and you looked so fly with your afro puff at your 20 year high school reunion! The afro puff is my signature style.

Anyway, I remember when I did the BC twice when I went natural. I did all types of things to my hair when I was relaxed and permanent color made my hair dry and brittle as well.

Happy hair growing!
Poohbear said:

I just checked out your album and you looked so fly with your afro puff at your 20 year high school reunion! The afro puff is my signature style.

Anyway, I remember when I did the BC twice when I went natural. I did all types of things to my hair when I was relaxed and permanent color made my hair dry and brittle as well.

Happy hair growing!

Thank you Poohbear!