Hair DISASTER! Another lesson learned the hard way


New Member
Sooo, I was getting sick of my two toned hair look, dark brown roots with a coppery golden color on the rest of my hair. I just wanted all one color so I bought a dark brown rinse. Well ladies, my hair turned purple, pink, and orange. I just sat in the bathroom and cried. My boyfriend tried to convince me that it wasn't that bad but the next morning he drove me to a Leons salon and we meet a nice stylist who sat me down for a hair one on one. So she started asking me about my color history, grooming habits, styling methods and all that stuff. After talking with her I started to realize what led up to this dye disaster. I had always considered my hair pretty healthy, I mean I wash and condition twice a week, don't blow dry and I don't use curling or flat irons but what I didn't account for is that damage is cumulative. After two bouts of permanent dye in the last year and a half, inconsistent wrapping and not always the best treatment from stylist all the conditioner in the world was going to erase the damage. She did commend me on the conditioning habits I did have and complemented me on the strong hair I did have. (She said given what was done, the damage wasn't as bad as it could have been). Well to make a long story short I ended up cutting 3 inches off my hair. After cutting off the ends I have a kelis type style that is a dark reddish-purple which I kinda like. I am considering going to her on a regular basis. I appreciated have someone be honest with me about my hair instead of just trying to sell me their idea of what I should do or look like. She gave me her observation, theories, recommendations and let me decide what I wanted to do. So take my story as a lesson learned ladies. What you do today or should I say what you did yesterday affects you (your hair)many years to come.
I'm so sorry about your color disaster! I'm glad you found a caring and competant stylist, she really seems to care about your hair's health. Please update us with some pics, cause the color sounds hot!
*hugs* hope you feel better lit's a set back but you have fresh healthier ends to start new. hth
Today I washed and conditioned it. I gave it a light once over with a flat iron and to be honest, I really like my hair cut. I might leave it like this for awhile. I am rethinking my regime, trying to pick more effective products. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I was looking into phyto products, deep brilliance and some carols daughter things. If you have any previous experience with any of these lines please post!! Thanks again ladies