I started my hair journey! Please tell me if I made any serious blunders!


New Member
OK - I have just started my hair journey and want to start a hair routine!

Last night I did the following.

First I put a 'pre-shampoo conditioner' on my hair. It was from LUSH and I kept it on for 45 mins like it said on the container.

Then I washed my hair with Herbal essences clarifying shampoo - It got really matted and dry. ( I washed, rinsed, repeated). I know you are only meant to use lukewarm water to wash your hair, but I LOVE my hot showers.

I then dried it off and put my LUSH american cream conditioner on it. I sat with a conditioning cap for 45 mins. I could not comb it because it had got so tangled from the wash, and the clarifying shampoo seemed to have melted it into a hairball!

(during that 45 I read some old threads on LHCF, tried to figure out who this 'becky' person was - I even looked for her profile before I figured out that its slang - lol. How dare that stylist cut deafprincess' friend's Hair :wallbash:...anyway)

Then I rinsed out the conditioner, patted my hair dry and put in motions protein reconstructor for 10 minutes.

I then patted my hair dry with a towel - Oooh it felt so lovely I actually laughed. Saying it was silky would be going too far, but it was soft. Then I added Motions leave-in conditioner.

I air dried for a bit but it was getting late, so I tried to wrap my hair (with limited sucess :grin:) inside a durag. Then I went to sleep with it damp.

In the morning it was still a bit damp. I put some coconut oil on it and just let it air dry.

Then I combed it out. I used a wooden comb because those don't have seams (right?). SO much broke off, but what was left was really nice and soft.

I am going to relax it maybe on Sunday, because if I keep combing the two textures, I will end up with no hair!

So, did I miss out anything really important, or mess up, or do I get a 'pass'?
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I am definately no expert, I am learning myself but I would suggest a more moisturizing shampoo.
I am definately no expert, I am learning myself but I would suggest a more moisturizing shampoo.

I only used the clarifying shampoo to get rid of buildup. I would probably only use such a harsh shampoo once a month or even longer.
1. Using the clarifying shampoo twice matter your hair up.
2. I've never used the products you mention so I don't know how good they are. I do know Motions products have a lot of ingreients I normally avoid (silicones, petroleum, etc).
3. Do not ever again comb your hair dry. Especially because it's not healthy right now. You broke your hair off doing that, it has nothing to do with the two textures. Next time before you go to bed, put your hair in some plaits and let it dry like that. Also, make sure to detangle on wet hair that has conditioner in it.
4. I suggest you don't relax anytime soon. I think that's asking for a disaster considering the state your hair is in.

You should do some research on setting up a regimen, moisture/protein balance, finding a good shampoo, conditioner, and moisturizer, and self-relaxing (if you think you're going to do that).
Originally Posted by mkd View Post
I am definately no expert, I am learning myself but I would suggest a more moisturizing shampoo.
I only used the clarifying shampoo to get rid of buildup. I would probably only use such a harsh shampoo once a month or even longer.

Okay, a few things. First, congratulations on starting your healthy hair journey! I think the progress you're going to make will make me be like:blush: and I can't wait to see it! Now, down to the nitty-gritty. I understand the need to use a clarifying shampoo on occasion, but I would refrain from repeating with it. If anything, use a moisturizing shampoo for the second wash, but not the clarifying twice. I think that's WAY too drying for you. Next, often, we use the protein conditioners before the deep conditioners, because protein, while strengthening, can also make the hair hard and break off if you're not careful. The moisturizing conditioner helps prevent the protein from being too hard on the hair. I'm sure there are other incredible recommendations to follow, but it's my lunch time and I have to eat now. :grin:
Congradulations great job. A couple suggestions. Be patient. You have to take time and try different things to see what works for you. Less is more. Listen to your hair.
Dilute your shampoo with water for less harsh effect. I try to do a ratio of 1 tbsp to 1 cup of water. I dont really measure but thats an estimate.
Before you try to wrap make sure your hair is completely detangled to avoid breakage.
You've been given some great advice already. I'd just like to add:

On wash day, before I put anything on my hair and while it's still dry, I gently detangle with my fingers, from ends working up to the roots. I remove shed hair as I go along.

Doing this before I wet my hair reduces tangling and matting.

I wish you success on your hair journey.
Hi Sweetie,
All I can do is tell what I did when I first started my hair journey, so here goes.

1. Prepoo'd with Joico K-pac daily conditioner on dry hair using "steam towel method".
2. Shampoo with K-pac poo
3. Deep condition with Kera Moisturing Conditioner.
4. Used Elasta QP H2O moisturing leave in.
5. Applied CHI Silk Infusion.
6. Rollerset or Blowdried and hot curled.

Doing this once every single week completey transformed my hair. I went from just past shoulder length to armpit in a few months. And I had no more of my past breakage issues.

As already stated by some of the other posters, the key is to keep your protein and moisture balance in check. And always, always use moisture after protein. Never the other way around. HTH!
First...welcome!! I remember I was so excited to partake in all the LHCF knowledge that I made a list of EVERYTHING my hair idols used and bought it all...so fair warning, don't become a PJ! Take all of our suggestions with a grain of salt and try using what you already own before you buy something else!

My hair is the same way when shampoo of any kind (clarifying, "moisturizing", etc) gets in it, no matter how much I have prepooed. I read about ACV (apple cide vinegar rinses) for a few months on LHCF before I actually tried it, and I immediately noticed a difference -- no tangling! I have a chelating poo that I use after swimming in a chlorinated pool, and I am looking for an alternative to that because of the tangling.

Another alternative is a castile soap-based "shampoo"; there was a link on the front page yesterday, let me go hunt it down. If you are looking for a more commercial product, i heard Devacare makes a cleansing product that is not shampoo, and Miss Jessie's has some too.

Also, next time try the reconstructor BEFORE the moisturizing DC. I add a squirt of my reconstructor to my DC so I don't have to do it twice, but I'm lazy anyway.

ETA: Here is the link to the thread on the castile soap shampoo: http://www.longhaircareforum.com/showthread.php?t=374545
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(during that 45 I read some old threads on LHCF, tried to figure out who this 'becky' person was - I even looked for her profile before I figured out that its slang - lol. How dare that stylist cut deafprincess' friend's Hair :wallbash:...anyway)

:lachen::lachen::lachen: This was too funny!!

The ladies gave excellent advice...I can't really add more to it. HHG :)
Thanks for all the advice! I am really touched that people are so helpful. Sometimes it seems like if someone finds something good they want to keep it to themselves so they can be the only ones to have/know about it. I am glad to find that is not the case here.
OK - I have just started my hair journey and want to start a hair routine!

Last night I did the following.

First I put a 'pre-shampoo conditioner' on my hair. It was from LUSH and I kept it on for 45 mins like it said on the container. Pre-pooing is good.

Then I washed my hair with Herbal essences clarifying shampoo - It got really matted and dry. ( I washed, rinsed, repeated). I know you are only meant to use lukewarm water to wash your hair, but I LOVE my hot showers. But why pre-poo and clarify. You have stripped away your pre-poo. If I plan to clarify, I don't pre-poo. After clarifying, always follow with a good moisturizing poo.

I then dried it off and put my LUSH american cream conditioner on it. I sat with a conditioning cap for 45 mins. I could not comb it because it had got so tangled from the wash, and the clarifying shampoo seemed to have melted it into a hairball! A moisturizing poo would have soften it up and help remove tangles.

(during that 45 I read some old threads on LHCF, tried to figure out who this 'becky' person was - I even looked for her profile before I figured out that its slang - lol. How dare that stylist cut deafprincess' friend's Hair :wallbash:...anyway)

Then I rinsed out the conditioner, patted my hair dry and put in motions protein reconstructor for 10 minutes. You should have applied the reconstructor first and then follow with your lush cream conditioner.

I then patted my hair dry with a towel - Oooh it felt so lovely I actually laughed. Saying it was silky would be going too far, but it was soft. Then I added Motions leave-in conditioner.

I air dried for a bit but it was getting late, so I tried to wrap my hair (with limited sucess :grin:) inside a durag. Then I went to sleep with it damp.

In the morning it was still a bit damp. I put some coconut oil on it and just let it air dry.

Then I combed it out. I used a wooden comb because those don't have seams (right?). SO much broke off, but what was left was really nice and soft.

I am going to relax it maybe on Sunday, because if I keep combing the two textures, I will end up with no hair!

So, did I miss out anything really important, or mess up, or do I get a 'pass'?

Change the order of things a bit, and you should be fine. That's all.
Great ! :reddancer: It sounds like you are really serious about getting your hair "healthy"

Pre-pooing is a good thing especially with a nice pre-poo mixture. Don't think I would have clarified after doing that. IMO: It kinda defeated the purpose of the Pre-Poo.

If you felt the need to "clarify" to remove product buildup, you should follow up with a good moisturizing treatment. BTW: Hot Water can be very drying.

Please try to KIS (Keep it Simple) as much as you can. You don't want to start off doing to much too soon. And that is "easy" to do.:yep:

You should try to find your Protein/Moisture balance and try to determine what exactly is going on with your hair.:yep:

Also, Try to finger comb as much as you can before using a comb. Just by remembering your hair on your previous Thread. I can see how it matted up on you.:ohwell:

Didn't you say you were using a Super Relaxer and was having a lot of problems on one of your previous Threads? So, you decided to relax already? If I am not mistaken, didn't you post pictures with a lot of breakage and damage? Do you think your hair is strong enough?:perplexed

Have you decided what type of relaxer and what strength you will be using? Relaxers are never meant to use to "correct" an existing problem.:look: Make sure your hair is in good enough condition to support relaxing it.

Make sure always follow up your Protein Treatment with your Moisture Treatment.

Please Find a Good Conditioning Leave In Treatment as well.
Try to use an oil soak to loosen it up then gently separate your hair with your fingers. Moisturize it with a very moisturizing conditioner to separate it some more with the conditioner still on your hair-be gentle and patient with a big toothed shower comb. Rinse afterward by letting the shower water 'comb' your hair further. Good luck---remember PATIENCE AND GENTLE CARE.
Hi! Good luck on your hair journey. :grin:

Just one more bit of advice that I didn't see adressed - Not many people can comb airdried, relaxed hair. I know that I can't.
OP, I know you solicited advice, but make sure that you stress that your hair is relaxed. Some of the advice given sounds like it's more useful for naturals.

I can't help too much because I don't use those products that you mentioned. I will say to keep your routine simple & don't use that clarifying shampoo again if it made your hair that matted. OR you can use only a little, concentrating on your roots and letting the product run down your hair.

As a relaxed head, I still comb my hair whenever I need to, wet or dry, but I find that airdrying when stretching causes my hair to tangle.

I've wasted money on a lot of products & I have found that all I needed were the things that I started with:

1. A moisturizing shampoo (a creamy one)
2. A moisturizing deep conditioner
3. A creamy leave-in
4. The best serum in the world Chi Silk Infusion
5. A daily moisturizer for my ends

If you have an itchy scalp, adding essential oils to your pre-poo helps. The tools you need depend on how you style your hair. Happy hair growing!