I started my hair journey because.. ..


Well-Known Member
What event in your life prompted you to research more about your hair? What changed your way of thinking from short hair genes and creamy crack is king? I was in the eight grade and there was this girl in my gym class who had waist length hair and she was as black as they come. She was natural and she got her hair pressed, but she inspired me to look into natural hair, and then I found K. I. S. S. and one thing led to another and now I went from ear length to APL since then, it only gets better from here. So I want to thank you girl with waist length hair, for inspiring me to learn and enjoy my own hair. So. ..what did it for you?
A friend of mine in college had the most luscious thick beautiful hair...she kept telling me to stop perming my hair. It room me a while to listen to her but I did. It's weird because my hair never "took" perms...even when I got it professionally done. It would look nice up until the first wash then my hair would revert. So natural was definitely a wise decision!
I just kinda fell into it. I remember looking up ways to moisturize my hair because my hair was breaking in a way that simply wasn't normal. I stumbled onto LHCF, BHM, and Healthy Textures doing research for that. I saw all these women with long hair and figured that growing long, healthy hair was something I could do too. I haven't looked back since. :yep:
I honestly don't even remember. one day during my junior year of college I just decided I wanted long hair and looked up how to grow it.

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A bogus stylist putting permanent Color in my hair... it broke off severely... I found the forum and it was a wrap ever since... lots of up and downs, setbacks and progress over the years...
I am ashamed to say...:grin: I grew up in the UK, in my first year of nursing school there was a girl with waist length hair, she was not mixed and actually darker than Alex, she was always able to use makeup to accentuate her features, and I always assumed she had a weave.
One day we got into a scrapple...we got into it..she grabbed my hair ( I had a fake pony) and it flew across the room...:lol: I went to grab her back, and realized that it was her own hair on her scalp:nono:...we eventually became best friends after that..at the time she told me that she got a lot of her products from the US when she went to visit her Aunt during the holidays, and just pressed her hair..:blush:
Kiowa said:
I am ashamed to say...:grin: I grew up in the UK, in my first year of nursing school there was a girl with waist length hair, she was not mixed and actually darker than Alex, she was always able to use makeup to accentuate her features, and I always assumed she had a weave.
One day we got into a scrapple...we got into it..she grabbed my hair ( I had a fake pony) and it flew across the room...:lol: I went to grab her back, and realized that it was her own hair on her scalp:nono:...we eventually became best friends after that..at the time she told me that she got a lot of her products from the US when she went to visit her Aunt during the holidays, and just pressed her hair..:blush:

Your story its kinda cute...in a violent way lol
I have nothing against relaxers per se. I still debate if I would actually relax again, but I'm hesitant b/c it seemed to always burn my scalp and don't know if I could deal with that again.

Separate from that, I've never had hair past APL in my adult life and I would like to see it. Each time I went natural before, once I got a year in and was at the ackward length phase, I'd always relax b/c I didn't know what to do wth my hair, got bored and would chop it off. This time, I was reading essence online, and they had a length to naturallycurly .com. From there I found YT and this site and that's all she wrote. I'm determined to make BSL healthy hair this year.
I was to be the maid of honor at one my best friend's weddings and I was tried of wearing weaves and fake buns and ponys at weddings, so I made up my mind that I wanted to wear my own real hair and have hair long enough (was shooting for BSL) to style my hair any way I pleased. I hopped online and starting googling and researching and found LHCF and never looked back.

My best friend never went through with her wedding *SHRUG* :ohwell: but at least I'm BSL :yep:
I started my journey because I was on a serious quest to learn to grow out my nape hair. I always thought my nape didn't grow or grew extremely slow and that NL was my terminal length for the rest of my hair. I would whine and complain about it to my stylist but she only offered the " some people just have bad areas" or "everybody can't grow long hair". Well I started researching online and buying books to educated myself on why my hair was behaving as such and decided to start my healthy hair journey. My nape has grown a tad bit but it wasn't until recent, a year into my journey that I realized maybe I should take some advice and braid the darn thing up and leave it be. Well now that mostly all the the damaged ends have been trimmed away, my nape is now NL! I've since starting doing my daughters natural hair myself and man oh man am I learning! Last week I just learned how to wash her hair without gobs of hair coming out and no more tears! I'll master this relaxed and natural hair thing and I'll have beautiful long healthy hair with either. Thanks to LHCF!
I have wanted long hair all my life, and from time to time I would ask long hair ladies what they did, I usually got simply answer like nothing really it just grows, greatttt finally 5 years ago I asked a girlfriend about her hair and she told me about MTG, and LHCF I have been here ever since!!! And my hair has never been longer!
I started my hair journey because....

In 2003, I was taking Accutane for acne. After I finished my course of treatment, my hair started shedding like crazy! It started to look thinner and thinner. I had armpit length relaxed hair at the time and decided to get my hair cut to chin length to make it look thicker. After a few days, I started to hate the length and wanted to grow back my hair quickly.

So after doing an internet search on growing long black hair, I came across Long Hair Care Forum in 2004. I was amazed and decided to join the site. Then after being on the site for a few weeks, I wanted to have natural hair. Before LHCF, I thought all black women relaxed their hair. I was surprised to see hair without relaxers. So a year later after growing back out my relaxed hair, I cut my relaxed hair off to go natural.

So since going natural, I have experimented with so many different styles, techniques, and products. I'm still learning about my natural hair and still have not achieved that super long hair that goes pass my armpit. However, I hope to really achieve MBL or WL one day soon.
Ooooh let's see. I had been stuck at NL for about 6 years at the time I decided to start my HHJ. All my life, I grew up with BSL and longer hair. In high school, I had it cut back to APL to make dealing with it a lot easier on me. Well while in college, stress took over and it was all down hill from there. One of my sisters is a beautician and I had her cut my hair off to EL with about 2" of hair in the front. I was stuck with wearing my hair slicked back with a headband for months. That's when I started to wear wigs. But I still was not taking the best care of my hair. My mom is a strong believer in relaxing every 4 weeks which is no bueno! I finally had had enough. I started to stretch my relaxers and get sew ins. Then HALLELUJAH....I found LHCF and the rest is history in the making :yep:
It was a random occurrence. I was satisfied w/ my short fly pixie cuts, but I honestly didn't know there was anything else that my hair could "do". I was searching online for makeup tips, which turned into finding a blog (can't remember but I *think* it was @LilPumpkinPie), and one of the products she reviewed was Boundless Tresses (this was before all the shenanigans lol, back in like 07). She referenced LHCF so I just did a google search to see what it was about. Rocked my world, and been here since. Been relaxed, natural, texlaxed, now natural again. :yep: Best thing ever.
I started my journey because I went in for a retouch with a woman who allegedly had "over 27 years experience" doing hair. She retouched, blow dried and flat ironed my hair. I had a headache for a week afterwards and then my hair started coming out in clumps. I was extremely distressed and googled - how to take care of black hair. LHCF was the first thing that came up in the search engine. It was a wrap after that. At first i intended to keep on relaxing but i knew i could never do it on my own and i didn't want a stylist to touch my head anymore so the logical thing was to go natural and that's exactly what i did. :)
Because I wanted long hair since childhood. When I found places like LHCF I finally saw that it was possible for me to have long hair and how to achieve that.
I started my hair journey because my once reliable hairdresser disappeared into thin air one day. Since she was literally the second professional person to ever do my hair in my then 26years I decided to give it a go myself. I did a lot of research and decided I could grow longer hair...
I started my journey because my hair became severely damaged and I needed help...stylists were no help so I began doing research and found LHCF. Went through many ups and downs setbacks and comebacks and it just gets better from here:)
...after my extended love affair with chemicals AND heat, I was left with overprocessed, scraggly, NL hair. Six months later, I was talking to a fellow AA member of another forum (fitness) about what to do with our hair when we exercise. She mentioned that she was a member of a hair forum and had a "hair regimen"...what meaneth this??

Anyway, I clicked on a link that led me to LHCF....the best "hair move" I could ever make. Now, my hair is thicker/longer than my wildest dreams. :yep:
I graduated in 2009 with my masters and decided that I needed to work on me personally.I joined a book club and randomly chose a self help book, a hair book and a personal finance book. I was on a mission. I began reading Shamboozies book and I started researching and I found lhcf and the rest is history.

I always wanted long hair but never did I imagine being an inch or two away from wl!
I grew up going through a cycle of growing my hair to a little past shoulder lenght, relaxing, the hair breaking off, then growing out again. In 1993, I cut my hair again and decided that I wasn't going to relax anymore. I met with a lot of resistance at the time.

I remember being surprized by the dismay, bewilderment, and sometimes even anger other people felt about me cutting off MY hair. I got so many negative messages that, after a while, I wanted to show people that there was nothing wrong, bad, or unmanageable about the hair I was born with.
...my kitchen looked like Taco Bell meat. I was deployed overseas and had shell shock because I'd always had a standing appointment at the salon every two weeks. My coworker told me his wife washed her hair twice a week (she's relaxed) and I was floored. I started googling and eventually found my way to Healthy Textures.
I moved cities and countries quite a bit and just got tired of always looking for a new salon anytime I moved. I also hated having to consider my hair when thinking about what country I wanted to move to next. I was whinging about the whole thing and hating having to go get a relaxer and my SO made one aside "you act like you have to." I decided to stop relaxing my hair that day. I didn't know what I was doing so after a few months when my hair started to break, I started searching online. My searches led me here and to naturally curly. I joined that one first because it was free, but eventually joined this one because I felt there was more information here and liked the challenges.
My boyfriend in college hated weaves and asked me why I never wore my real hair.

That was in 2006. I googled and found out about Cathy Howse.

Then the forums.
I started my hair journey because I was tired of being stuck at one length and tired of dry, breaking hair.

That's one of the reasons why I started also my hair has always been stuck at a certain length. I was always in awe of long hair and had been conditioned to believe that my hair type doesn't grow to great lengths in its natural state, so I'm on my way to prove myself wrong. I also always suffered from chemical burns during every relaxer touch-up thus I have very thin fine edges due to damage.
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