I Started a New Website/Blog


Active Member
Hey Ladies,

I just wanted to let everyone know that I just started a new website about my adoration for and caring for natural hair. I know there are a ton of hair blogs out there already, but hopefully, you'll be able to take something away from my perspective as well.

Check me out at www.lovemyhoneybush.com

Thanks! :grin:
Wow that's very professional!! I love your going comb free article. I have been doing that myself. WTG, I'll subscribe I like the vibe of your blog site!
I didn't know there was a rule either, but I'm glad you let us know. I'm soaking up EVERY bit of info. I can while in transition. Love the name of the blog too!
What is she selling? I didn't see any products on her site...I'm confused. Folks have links to their blogs in their siggies every single day. I know a couple of really popular members here that "advertise" often and no one says a word. So why the call out here?
It looked like she was on the right side of the page. Still violates the rules on the page, but if you're cool with it, then I am.

That is a link to an external site. When I find nice, trendy items on the net; I promote them on my site. My readers like those sorts of things.

The point is, I didn't start a thread saying "hey ladies go to my site and buy my products." I gave the link and asked people to read, not purchase.

Thanks so much for your concern, however. :yep: