I Started a New Website/Blog

Choklatekiss79 - Your blog reminded me of a thought I had while watching CNN yesterday. I have noticed a lot of black women on commercials lately sporting natural hair. I saw one yesterday with a natural roller set, and one with a lady sporting a nice twist-out just yesterday. I'll pay closer attention next time and make note of the commercials.
Choklatekiss79 - Your blog reminded me of a thought I had while watching CNN yesterday. I have noticed a lot of black women on commercials lately sporting natural hair. I saw one yesterday with a natural roller set, and one with a lady sporting a nice twist-out just yesterday. I'll pay closer attention next time and make note of the commercials.

I've noticed the same thing. It's really both exciting and encouraging. Any time we can add a new dimension to the way world views black women, is always a positive.
Hey Ladies,

I just wanted to let everyone know that I just started a new website about my adoration for and caring for natural hair. I know there are a ton of hair blogs out there already, but hopefully, you'll be able to take something away from my perspective as well.

Check me out at www.lovemyhoneybush.com

Thanks! :grin:

Hey Sweetie!!!!

So - I must be honest....There are sooooooooooo many blogs........:drunk: My head spins with them....

This one totally ROCKS!!!!!!!:yep: I love its 'style'

Good for you honey!!!!!

I already learned a new term..."shingling to detangle"

Good Job! :kiss:
Congrats on your new blog. I checked it out & it looks nice & very professional! wow

Thank you!

Hey Sweetie!!!!

So - I must be honest....There are sooooooooooo many blogs........:drunk: My head spins with them....

This one totally ROCKS!!!!!!!:yep: I love its 'style'

Good for you honey!!!!!

I already learned a new term..."shingling to detangle"

Good Job! :kiss:

Aww thanks. I know there are a lot of blogs out there already. But, I'm a writer at heart and I couldn't let that stop me from doing something that I love to do. I just hope that I can be a blessing to someone.
Thank you!

Aww thanks. I know there are a lot of blogs out there already. But, I'm a writer at heart and I couldn't let that stop me from doing something that I love to do. I just hope that I can be a blessing to someone.

Oh - it will be a blessing to someone. I am a historian/writer too - so I understand. :yep: Again - excellent job.....Many will learn from you
I've noticed the same thing. It's really both exciting and encouraging. Any time we can add a new dimension to the way world views black women, is always a positive.
This is true, another thing I have come to appreciate in my son's elementary school are the little girls who are wearing their natural hair.

I see beautiful puffs, and pig tails everywhere. I have also noticed some of the little girls with relaxed hair that looks thin and damaged in some cases. Relaxing before the age of 15 is generally not a good idea in my opinion. This is not a knock on relaxed heads or on relaxing.

If I had a daughter now, she would definitely be natural. She would benefit from learning to care for her hair in its natural state. I have read many posts on this board where women are just now getting to know their true hair texture for the first time in their adult life.

It seems like that would be the exception and not the rule.
I have been talking about no combing forever so it's great to see you posting about. I will definitely be reading your blog. And I love the way it's designed.
I love the look/design of your blog and the name very is cuuutteee.

Good Luck with it and I will def check you out!