I sooooo want to big chop!......


Well-Known Member
but i wont coz i know that if i do il regret it. I've never had hair shorter than shoulder length b4 so i wouldnt have a clue how to style my hair. I want to big chop when i have enough hair for a small ponytail and my hair isnt anywhere near that yet. im so sick of my relaxed ends i just want my natural curls. Can you believe i straightened my hair a few hours ago and i have just cowashed my hair to get it curly again coz i couldnt stand it being straight. Im also running out of how to style my hair while transitioning. I dont know what to do!
Well I don't want you to be disappointed. TWAs seem very care-free though. Wash and Go or throw on a head band or cute accessory and you're out the door.
I know what you mean. I waited until I could make a decent puff before I chopped. This was my hair a day after the BC.
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ive been doin minichops already like every once in a while i trim a bit off. loulou that was quite a lot of hair when you big chopped. how long did u transition for?
You have to have your mind made up completely. I didn't transition so I don't know what that is or the frustrations involved. I just celebrated 2 years natural on Oct 6th and I did a big chop from past shoulder length relaxed to shaved TWA. A great feeling...but only if your mind is made up. People have the nerve to ask all kinds of questions and make the rudest comments. You get a lot of positive comments as well ... but its the negative ones you remember. The reward is their disbelief when they see me on the rare occassion I flatiron. I wear it in 2 strand twists 95% of the time. I have flatironed my hair only 4 times since I BCed. It is longer now than it is was before the Bc...:grin::grin:no one is making rude comments now:grin:
First, let me say your curls are beautiful. Now, I'd braid it up or weave it up personally. It'll grow faster and take care of your lack of style options.
When I felt like this I began to do mini chops. Maybe you should try cutting off an inch or two.

Same here, I started doing more aggressive trims or mini chops.

Right now, My hair seems stuck at one length and I also have trouble knowing whether it is growing or not, and I soooooo want length.
I shouldn't even comment:look: because if there is 1 thing i love more than good hair advice its............... BC pics :grin:
Well, I'm tempted too so I know what you're going through, but I braided mine on Saturday and have a plan in mind. I'm going to wear mine braided for two months at a time, then give it about a 2 week rest (if I can) by pulling it up or back. I may buy a couple of kinky ponytails, an afro puff or something as more new growth comes in. I plan to keep doing this until I at least have enough to wear in some decent twists, braidout or something. Just whenever I think I'll have more styling options.

Hang in there! I keep telling myself this too.