I Severely Damaged My Hair!


Active Member
Here's what happened:
I had a job interview and I decided to press my hair. I used an electric pressing comb because my Maxi-glide is broken! I noticed that some of my hair was turning out straight and shiney. I didn't realize that I was damaging my hair!! Now I have breakage all over the place. It reminds me of high school when I used to use a curling iron just about everyday. I went out and purchased some Motions CPR and I plan on doing the 30 day conditioner wash treatment. I tried it years ago and it helped with my relaxed hair. I know that eventually I will have to chop all of the damaged hair off, but I want to wait until I get some more inches. So, I guess I'll be "transistioning" from Damaged to Natural all over again!!! It's really sad that I won't make APL or bra-strap when I planned, but it's hair and it'll grow back!!!
I'm sorry to hear that you damaged your hair:sad:. I thought the goal for pressed hair is for it to be shiny and straight. So did you burn the hair while doing this? Do you think it was bc of the electric pressing comb? Did you smell any burning odor?
I don't quite understand your post. Did you test the comb before putting it in your hair? Did you actually see your hair singe-up and burn as you ran the comb through your hair?...How exactly did you damage your hair???
Corbins, I am so sorry that this happened to you. I had my hair professionally straightened and ended up with a few straight hairs or an area of them, so I know exactly how you feel and what you are going through. Keep us posted. Co washing will help and trim your hair as you usually do.
You have such a great attitude -- not getting all freaked out. :grin: You definitely know what to do to recover. Time, patients and care you will be at your goal in no time.
Thank you ladies! Yes, this board has helped me with confidence. I definately know that I'll be able to recover.

The parts of my hair that were straight and shiny were the damaged areas. I have 4b hair and it takes a few passes to get it really straight. I haven't pressed my hair in a few years, plus a it's a cheap electric pressing comb. I didn't notice a bad burning smell until after I was finished. I had a fan and all the windows opened when I was pressing. The moment of truth was when I washed my hair. It smelled worst once the water hit it.

I'm gonna see how long I can wear twists before I decide to cut.
dont feel bad or alone ! I did the exact same thing this past weekend , only im relaxed and i used a curling iron. my nape is breaking off again slowly. and when i run the comb through the ends i can see through them and it tangles easy. it looks nothing like when my stylist trimmed it either :( so i'll will joining you with these conditioner washes for awhile :) i need to get a wig or braids asap
Me too. I completely understand. I on the other hand am upset about it. I have pictures in my fotki showing the damage. I have been protecting my hair and not quite sure what good I am doing, however I just don't want to cut it out. I just hide the pieces under my headband when wearing a puff. Good luck to ya, Corbins
Okay, so is it that your hair smells burned that you say it is damaged, or do you actually SEE the damage? If it's just the smell, you are probably okay.
Okay, so is it that your hair smells burned that you say it is damaged, or do you actually SEE the damage? If it's just the smell, you are probably okay.

It smells and it's breaking really badly. After I washed and began to comb, I had so much hair I couldn't beleive it! When I rake my fingers through my hair I can hear the hair breaking off!
@ ncarter72 and mzhotniz86
Sorry to hear you have to suffer too. I'm going to try my best to cover it also. I'm back in twists and they look much thinner, my hair is already very fine as it is. My SO suggested I put them in braids after the 30 day Motions CPR Treatment. I think I'm gonna try that for a while.
Wow, I'm sorry to hear what happened to your hair. Thanks for warning us about what an electric pressing comb can do. My mom just about swore that those things don't damage the hair like regular pressing combs do. :ohwell:
Wow, I'm sorry to hear what happened to your hair. Thanks for warning us about what an electric pressing comb can do. My mom just about swore that those things don't damage the hair like regular pressing combs do. :ohwell:

I think I will have to take credit in the damage as well. I got so used to my Maxi-Glide (now deceased) that I forgot how careful you have to be with a pressing comb. I never suffered damage from my Maxi-glide and my hair always came out pretty nicely even lightly flat-ironed. I guess I should have taken more precautions.
Wow, I'm sorry to hear what happened to your hair. Thanks for warning us about what an electric pressing comb can do. My mom just about swore that those things don't damage the hair like regular pressing combs do. :ohwell:

to the op: Im really sorry for what happened to you, are you sure you need to cut? Can you not just nurse your hair back to health?

MissJ, I have said it before but you hair is sooo pretty :blush: :blush: :blush:
Hello Ladies:

I have a small update on the condition of my poor hair. As you all know, I've been using the Motions CPR 30 day treatment for about a week now. I CW my hair every other day instead of every 4 days. So far, I've seen a huge improvement in my hair. I actually pulled a strand out and tested its strength and I must say WOW!! My hair is even stronger than it was before I damaged it!! I will continue this treatment for the next 3 weeks, then I'll do a baking soda/ACV wash from then on. I think I'll go back to my no-shampoo reggie because I've also noticed that my hair is becoming more and more tangled from the shampoos. Thanks for all of your support ladies!! Its wonderful to have someone to talk to about my hair. Noone really understands us!!
Okay, I am officially scared of heat.

Corbins: I'm glad to hear your hair is on the road to recover. Thanks for sharing. I love your puff. That's the puff I want.

nCarter: Thanks for including the damage pics in your album. I know it's hard to share setbacks, but heat damage is definitely something we all should be aware of. Seeing is believing.
Okay, I am officially scared of heat.

Corbins: I'm glad to hear your hair is on the road to recover. Thanks for sharing. I love your puff. That's the puff I want.

nCarter: Thanks for including the damage pics in your album. I know it's hard to share setbacks, but heat damage is definitely something we all should be aware of. Seeing is believing.

Corbins? Did your hair start to revert back?

Yeah, it was tough putting them dayum pictures in my fotki of me looking busted as all get out:grin:
Corbins? Did your hair start to revert back?

I just took my twists out today after wearing them for about 5 days so I'm not sure if my hair has completely reverted. I just took the twists out and put in larger braids for a braid-out. I'm trying to avoid letting my hair shrink to limit damage.
On a more positive note, while combing my hair out, I lost only a fourth of what I lost before the treatment was started. For a picture, right after I washed my hair after the damage was done, I lost literally a handful of hair (about the size, maybe smaller of a baseball, not compacted of course!). Tonight, after combing through it, I only lost a small amount.

Here's a picture. Date: November 9, 2007

Imagine the hair that I lost covering my entire hand, it was horrible.


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What is this Motions 30 day treatment?

From motions.com:

Simple Solutions to Common Problems
— Hair Breakage
We receive frequent questions about breaking hair and related problems. Here is a recipe that will stop breakage, slow the formation of split ends and thicken broken, frayed hair. It asks that you not shampoo your hair for thirty two days:

  1. Rinse hair until the water runs clear.
  2. Apply a generous amount of Motions CPR conditioner.
  3. Massage into hair as you would a shampoo.
  4. Let it sit for about fifteen minutes.
  5. Rinse with room-temperature water.
  6. Apply Motions Foaming Wrap Lotion.
  7. Apply Motions Oil Sheen.
  8. Dry and style your hair.
  9. Apply Motions hairdressing every morning. [You will notice a difference immediately. You hair will feel thicker and softer. Repeat this procedure every four days, for one full month.]
  10. The tenth treatment starts with the same warm water rinse, then lather with CPR shampoo.
  11. Rinse lightly.
  12. Apply a generous amount of Motions CPR conditioner.
  13. Rinse with room-temperature water after three minutes.
  14. Apply Motions Foaming Wrap Lotion.
  15. Apply Motions Salon Sheen.
  16. Dry and style your hair.
Continue the shampoo & conditioner treatment weekly until your hair is long and thick as desired.
I have yet another update. My hair seems to be getting better slowly. I thought that I had a drastic change in the strength of my hair, but it seems that after 24 hours the weakness returns.

Anyhow, I went to Sally's tonight and purchased Ion's 3-Step Emergency Service. I can't tell yet how much stronger my hair is right away, but I did lose less hair during my comb out. I've been wearing twists for 4 days and decided to take them out and wear a WNG for the rest of the week.

The good thing is that I've come from having a complete handful of hair, down to just a little. I wish I had the hair that I lost, but I was so angry, I didn't think of taking a picture.

First pic is from earlier this month. Second pic is today (Nov 14).


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From motions.com:

Simple Solutions to Common Problems
— Hair Breakage
We receive frequent questions about breaking hair and related problems. Here is a recipe that will stop breakage, slow the formation of split ends and thicken broken, frayed hair. It asks that you not shampoo your hair for thirty two days:


  1. Rinse hair until the water runs clear.
  2. Apply a generous amount of Motions CPR conditioner.
  3. Massage into hair as you would a shampoo.
  4. Let it sit for about fifteen minutes.
  5. Rinse with room-temperature water.
  6. Apply Motions Foaming Wrap Lotion.
  7. Apply Motions Oil Sheen.
  8. Dry and style your hair.
  9. Apply Motions hairdressing every morning. [You will notice a difference immediately. You hair will feel thicker and softer. Repeat this procedure every four days, for one full month.]
  10. The tenth treatment starts with the same warm water rinse, then lather with CPR shampoo.
  11. Rinse lightly.
  12. Apply a generous amount of Motions CPR conditioner.
  13. Rinse with room-temperature water after three minutes.
  14. Apply Motions Foaming Wrap Lotion.
  15. Apply Motions Salon Sheen.
  16. Dry and style your hair.
Continue the shampoo & conditioner treatment weekly until your hair is long and thick as desired.

Interesting...I am gonna have to try this... :up:
Thank you ladies! Yes, this board has helped me with confidence. I definately know that I'll be able to recover.

The parts of my hair that were straight and shiny were the damaged areas. I have 4b hair and it takes a few passes to get it really straight. I haven't pressed my hair in a few years, plus a it's a cheap electric pressing comb. I didn't notice a bad burning smell until after I was finished. I had a fan and all the windows opened when I was pressing. The moment of truth was when I washed my hair. It smelled worst once the water hit it.

I'm gonna see how long I can wear twists before I decide to cut.


Merry Xmas!

Is your hair relaxed? If so you are never suppose to use a straightening comb on relaxed hair because it will cause damage. Straightening are suppose to only be used on natural non relaxed hair.

I know this advice isnt' helping now because the damage was already done. But the deep conditioning and staying away from heat for a while should help. Also wild hair growth is good has a strong herbal scent but it works, with just two weeks of use a few years ago I had a lot of growth with cornrows.

Good luck!
