I See Progress! (Pics)

that's amazing progress, you've achieved both thickness and length...ps...you're probably just a little hair anorexic like some of us are:lachen:
if this "listenin to your hair" business gets these kind of results, my hair needs to SPEAK UP!!!!!
That's a lot of growth right there! Yes, you can be proud and happy!
Congratulations! Pretty hair.

If it were not for all my set backs, I would be BSL now. :rolleyes:
I felt bad about not really sticking to my regimen, now I dont.:grin: Thanks for sharing this YOUR PROGRESS IS "THE BOMB.COM". I just do whatever on any particular day but no heat, lots of moisture and oil.

Hey, weren't you sad about your lack of progress not too long ago?:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:I guess I watch pot never boils. But for real, your hair is amazing, keep doing everything you're doing.

I didn't realize how much progress I made until I took a look back at my starting picture (Aug 2007) and compared it to my recent photo (Jan 2008)

This is 4.5 months of progress! Sorry, but I've very proud of my achievement :yep::grin: I can be right? :look:

ETA: I did comb my hair on the right pic, it still was drippin wet, but I think the combing made it look a lil thicker...it tends to do that sometime :ohwell:
This is 4.5 months of progress! Sorry, but I've very proud of my achievement :yep::grin: I can be right? :look:

Girl, what have you got to be "sorry" about? hell I'm proud of you. Congratulations girly!!! KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!!!
:wow: When I clicked on your thread, thats the first thing that came out of my mouth. Your hair looks amazing! Keep up the great work!
4.5 months......That is some amazing growth! You will be at waistlength by the end of this year! Congrats!
WHOA!!! I could have sworn that you were stressed over your hair not growing a couple of months ago and now I know that you are floored!!!!

Awesome progress, girl. Pics don't lie and I'm excited about your growth and thickness!
I am so glad that you posted. Congratulations on your acheivement. This is another wonderful example how important it is to document your journey and take photos. So often, we can't see the fantastic progress, such as yours, with our eyes. By the way, that is a lot of growth, improved thickness and health. Well done, Lady! :yep:
I didn't realize how much progress I made until I took a look back at my starting picture (Aug 2007) and compared it to my recent photo (Jan 2008)

This is 4.5 months of progress! Sorry, but I've very proud of my achievement :yep::grin: I can be right? :look:

ETA: I did comb my hair on the right pic, it still was drippin wet, but I think the combing made it look a lil thicker...it tends to do that sometime :ohwell:

You should not be sorry for EXCELLENT progress!!!!! You workin' it out E :grin: