I Saw A Lady Yesterday with the Most Gorgeous Long Layers, So...


With Love & Silk
Her length was a couple of inches from BSL and her hair was so healthy and beautiful. So, I think I'm going to go for it. I'm going to cut my hair so that the longest layer is near the bottom of my bra strap, then I'm going to follow this tutorial and stop at the part before the face framing:


(and even if you're not interested in layers, you've got to see this girl's super long gorgeous hair)
She and her hair are gorgeous! It's hard to believe she's naturally curly, because her hair looks like it's naturally straight! Thanks for sharing.

I tried to even up my ends this weekend using the two ponytail method. I don't know what happened (ie., what did i wrong?), but I had to get my husband to take off four inches when I was done! My "trim" does look great though!
finally uber long hair that is fine!!! my hair is only a bit thicker/fuller than hers, so it was hard for me to imagine my hair that long. I'm going for it!:yep:
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I love this (I don't care for blunt ends on me):yep: Guess I'm definitely going to be a self cutter...getting layers was the only thing I figured I'd have to find a good stylist for, now not so much:grin: Thx OP!
Good video. I liked how she separated her hair to do the layers I never thought of separating the crown to frame my face before layering I have always just do the top half ear to ear. I want try her crown parting.
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Nix08 stay away from the scissors...I have a whole year of retaining before I get my layers on:yep: But these video's are getting me so excited:yep:
i had hair like that...... I DID!!!!.:yep:

I ordered a (Lace Front wig):lachen:
my hair dresser gave me long layers like hers.... & I thinned the wig down

I was nervous.... u pay per inch......:lick: