~*~*I Relaxed My Own Hair!~*~*


Well-Known Member
This was my first time relaxing my hair at home, and it turned out EXCELLENT!
I had all my materials laid out (gloves, bowl, rattail comb, relaxer, basing cream, etc) and I ran through this as if I'd been doing it for years! Confidence made all the difference...

My fiancée helped me out which cut the application time in half. What made the whole process go faster was:

<ul type="square"> [*]We pre-parted and clipped each area [*]We based the scalp as we went along [*]We coated each section's previously relaxed hair with petroleum [*]We applied the relaxer simultaneously; he took the left side of my head and I took the right side [*]We spent at least ten minutes smoothing [*]I put on a plastic cap for about five minutes [/list]
I used the Revlon Realistic Lye relaxer in Regular strength, Cream of Nature neutralizing shampoo, Motions CPR for deep conditioning, and followed up with Pantene Smooth and Sleek conditioner.

The relaxer was on sale at Sally's for $3.99. Hmmm...$3.99 versus $65

Just thought I'd share this with y'all~
*doin' the "cabbage patch" for you...and the "inspector gadget".... and the "running man"...* lol.

But seriously. Congratulations! I am still working on my technique, but I am pretty sure that next time I do my hair (sept/oct) it will come out just right. I'm soo glad you were able to get it on the first go.
I'm tellin ya, if we LHCF members keep going this way, we are going to put hairstylists out of business (the bad ones, I mean--long live the Marcia's of the world)
Oh and don't forget the Harlem Shake...LOL

Congratulations!! It really is a good feeling not to HAVE to depend on someone to do a good job on your hair.
Congratulations! I stopped going to the salon in May. I'm currently in braids, but I won't be going back when I'm done. I'm with you. I would have paid close to that with one visit to the salon.
You go girl. And major kudos to your man for helping you out. You see!!! You see!!! all the money you can save. This is another way i can JUSTIFY my PJ urges.
I'm doing the "Snake" for you, girl. BTW, are you old enough to know what these moves are?? LOL Anyway, CONGRATS!! Way to save some dough for more PJing!!

I think I am going to take the plunge for my next touchup, that would be great if I could do my own relaxers.
I just did my own touch-up a week ago and I am so happy that I paid about $15 for all my materials versus $65!!!!
YAAAAYY FOR SweetPea!!!!! Congratualtions girl! You have got me so amped up cause Im doing mine too next month. Girl thank God you got a man that is willing to help you with that "girly" stuff! Thanks for sharing.

P.S. Thank God for knowledge huh?
Thanks a lot for the congrats, ladies. If it wasn't for this board....I would be unbeWEAVABLE right about now! My man was sooo cool about it too. When we were done with my hair, I gave him a big hug and kiss and said: "Baby, you ROCK! You are the BOMB!" He couldn't stop cheesing and staring at my hair, and I couldn't get out of the mirror.

I'm sooo estatic!! I've gotten compliments at work (mostly from guys), but never the less, I'm feeling sooo good about it.

Ladies, I was 10 weeks into my relaxer and I started getting all depressed; my bun was raggedy and my newgrowth was something fierce! I was shooting for 12 weeks, but I couldn't pull it off. I just had to face the fact that 10 weeks is my threshold.

When my twin sister saw me this morning, her jaw DROPPED. She thought I went to a 'professional' at first because my hair looked sooo smooth and silky ( I broke out the ceramic curling iron, yes I did!).

For anyone whose on the fence about doing their own relaxer, GO FOR IT!! Practice doesn't make perfect, prepping makes perfect. If you're organized, got a game plan/scheme, plan it out from beginning to end, you'll be fine!!!

Thanks again ladies!!!

P.S. If someone can tell me how to post a pic directly on the board, I'll show y'all my before and after pics
Saving all this money is going to mean I can build my in-home personal salon with all the stuff I like. I can actually vouch for "professional" products and tools. Ahhhhh, I feel so free and independent. WHAT A WONDERFUL FEELING!!

Lunalight, don't be scurred, girl! The most important parts are prepping and smoothing. This experience has taught me that this IS NOT ROCKET SCIENCE!!
<font color="brown">If stylists can eat cheetos, talk on the phone, and do two heads at once~~~nuf' said! </font>
You are so right, Sweet...I think that eventually, I will but the wraparound mirror thingy that was posted about on this board so that I can see the back of my head...
That is great SweetPea. But I do have a question. What was the plastic cap for?
I wish I had the courage to try it.

The plastic cap was used to trap the heat coming from my scalp and further break down the relaxer. Some relaxers are heat-activated, and this method works well for me!
I think this played a role in ensuring my hair didn't come out underprocessed.
Congratulations SweetPea! I'm so happy for you

One day I too plan to liberated from my stylist..Thanks for the advice as well.