I did it!!I did it!!I self relaxed!!

I did it in 3 sections (ear to ear, and then what was left on top was parted in the middle (Thanks LondonDiva!).
The previous night I had parted the back section, lightly twisted each part and then based my scalp then I put vaseline on the previous relaxed parts. The day of relaxer I put relaxer on each section and then the underside. The night before I had done a strand test so I left the rleaxer on for exactly 30 min (Silk Elements Regular) and it came out PERFECTLY. Now the front is a different story.:lachen: I didn't have enough relaxer AND I didn't part well enough and I think I got some vaseline on my new growth. I'm gonna try again in about 4 weeks (corrective)

IDC, I'm still proud of myself. Although I got two small battle wounds (burns)
CONGRATS!! doesn't it feel good to be able to do it yourself.
Maybe you can try sectioning you hair in 4 parts (2 front/2 back) next time, it might make things a little easier
Congrats! The first time self relaxing is always the hardest, it should get easier and easier as you get more experience.
CONGRATS!! doesn't it feel good to be able to do it yourself.
Maybe you can try sectioning you hair in 4 parts (2 front/2 back) next time, it might make things a little easier
That's what I don't get. The back part was SO easy to do compared to the front and I couldn't even see it. I'll see of I can take some pics with my camera phone