I relaxed my own hair last night


New Member
and it came out great!!

Ladies this is not what I wanted to do. I wanted to find a new hairdresser to do my hair, but I have a serious phobia going on regarding incompetent stylist.
So, I did it myself and I feel so empowered.

I used a Revlon Regular - which I think is kind of harsh relaxer, but maybe not?? When I went to the salon she used a Dudleys mild and got the same results. So, since I left her I've used Revlon. I'm not a big fan of switching relaxers. So, I'll stick with that for now. I didn't use mirrors to apply as they confuse me when trying to part my hair. I did mine by feel which means it touched parts of my scalp. I got one burn which means to me - cut my time down - because I hadn't scratched nor did my head itch.

I put the relaxer on, smoothed the rough areas and then let it sit. My total time from start to finish was 35 min. max. Last time it was 25 and my hair came out so so.

I rinsed and used cholesterol prior to neutralizing. I neutralized three times - the 1st massaged in and rinsed out, 2nd - massaged in, let sit for three minutes, 3rd massaged in, let sit for five minutes. Followed up with Botanoil shampoo. Then I put an Aphogee treatment in my hair. Ladies, I've done this before and I have to tell you that even if you try to avoid your scalp - it burns. After this dried, I went back into the shower, rinsed and then applied Humectress for 30 minutes with heat. I was very pleased with my results.

I put in my leave-in, conditioner and combed. I was suprised that I didn't lose alot of hair. Then I rollerset. This morning I applied oil to my scalp, a moisturizer to my hair and finger combed. This evening I will apply more moisturizer to my hair and pin up.

Saturday I will clarify, condition, rollerset for Sunday and then pin up afterwards for the week.
Hey Nita4! I am glad your hair came out great. I have been tempted to relax my hair again. I miss straight hair...I miss long hair more so I won't be anyway ....
Good Job! I too relax my own hair. I've taught my sweetheart how to re-touch my hair too, so if I don't feel like doing it he can do it for me, and he does an awesome job(better than mine) Stay empowered when it comes to your hair.
Thanks Ladies for the congrats!!

BlackCardinal: I was afraid too, but more afraid of someone I didn't know or trust messing my hair up.

If I see a sister and her hair is fly, then I'll ask where she gets it done as well as what she does to it herself. Haven't seen that yet. I'm going by word of mouth on hairdressers from now on.

Auntybe: Girl, you know you can't go back there again

Besides you can always press.

Dutchess: Thanks girl, I'm going to try.

I put alot of time and energy into my hair - as we all do. I see my progress and no I don't want to mess it up, but since I don't have a good hairdresser that cares about my hair... I had to make up my mind as to whether I wanted to be bothered with another rude, incompetent stylist. No...

The stories on this forum of women who walked into salons getting bad relaxers, cuts, service, etc. really ticks me off.
We pay good money for services we aren't getting!!
I feel for them because then you have to wait, wish & hope.
Been there done that.

Peace & Love
Congrats Nita4,

I am so happy for you. It is so important to become self sufficient when there are problemed hair stylists still out there. I just relaxed my own hair also last week. I got upset when I called my hairdresser and she acted nonchalant when I was talking to her about how long it has been since I last saw her for a relaxer. I decided right then and there to relaxe my own hair from this point own. I used Affirm Fiberguard Mild Lye relaxer. I really like the results.....

Congratulations to all you ladies that are on this board, this means that we are all now empowered!!!!!
Congrats to you Titansgirl!!

I know what you mean. As much time as we put into our hair you really want someone who will listen & pay attention
instead of just trying to make money off of you. I mean isn't that their job???

Stay empowered girl.