I received my second steam treatment!


New Member
On Friday, I visited my local JC Penney salon for my second steam conditioning treatment. Yummy!!!

The treatment simply leaves the hair feeling soft and velvety smooth.

Since receiving the first treatment about four weeks ago, I have noticed far less breakage and dryness in my hair. It is more manageable as well.

Anyway, just thought I would share!

I am so happy you like steam treatments....I have them done every other week and I just love them too.....Take Care.....
Anyone know whether you can get the same hair effect from the steamroom at the gym?
Wow northernbelle. These steam treatments wound wonderful. I still haven't had one yet.
Sounds good NB


For the rigged up version of a steam treatment, you could wrap a hot damp towel around your head and then cover the towel with a plastic bag (I use the ones from the grocery store and I just tie the handles together to make it stay) It works fine for me.
I haven't done it consistently or anything, but it was fun.
Isis said:
What a wonderful treat for yourself!

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It is; it's almost like a steam facial, but for the hair.

TigerLily said:
Do they make steam dryers? If so, can you buy them and where?

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I'd love to get one of those. A combo steamer/dryer...hey even ionic.
I'm glad the steam treatments worked for you NorthernBell. It didn't work for me and made my hair "matte"(sp) together and it was very hard to detangle. I wonder if this is a correlation along with my hair rejecting products with lots of water/moisture. My hair doesn't like oil lotions and moisturizers, so maybe it doesn't like the steam either. Who knows?
northernbelle said:
On Friday, I visited my local JC Penney salon for my second steam conditioning treatment. Yummy!!!

The treatment simply leaves the hair feeling soft and velvety smooth.

Since receiving the first treatment about four weeks ago, I have noticed far less breakage and dryness in my hair. It is more manageable as well.

Anyway, just thought I would share!


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Thanks for sharing!...I happy to hear it's working out for you NB.

Now that I'm not the only one that has been able to persuade JC Penny's Salon stylist to use their steamer for deep conditioners I hope others will be encouraged to give it a try and see if it works for them. Just make sure you use a conditioner that has already proven to work well with your hair.
Ok, how about I have an appointment to have my hair washed and set today at my local Penny's. I'm kind of excited about it because I've never been there before and am anxious to try the steam treatment.

I was a little put out though when the girl on the phone asked me how long my hair was because it would be more if I had hair down my back or if a Master stylist did my hair

I told her that I would take the under dog (designer) and that my hair was only a couple of inches below my shoulders. I'll post my review when I get back. Wish me luck guys!!!
What do steam treatments do? Do they achieve the same purpose as a pressing comb or flat iron???
Well guys, I'm back and loving my hair. I am about 8 weeks post relaxer and my hair has so much body and swing

I asked the stylist about the steam treatment and at first she acted like she didn't know what I was talking about. Then she said that she did recall that they gave a deep conditioning treatment with a humidifier, but that they mostly did this with color treatments. I didn't have it done today, but I plan to later on.

Oh, I also noticed that they didn't carry the Deep Brilliance products
The stylist washed my hair with KeraCare shampoo and conditioner....and I like it. My hair is very soft. I got a roller wrap and she put some KeraCare grease on my scalp after she took the rollers out. It left my scalp kind of tingly...does anyone know what that product is?

Overall, I was satisfied with the results...soft 4a/b hair that has lots of movement.