I quit


New Member
I finally made up my mind. I am quiting relaxing my hair. Instead I plan to wear it naturally curly or flat iron it with my new ceramic (which is great). I figure that it will be the same as getting it pressed. What do yall think?
What made you want to quit? Natural is nice, but are you sure you can deal with that? Any choice you make can be a good one, if you take your time to think about it. Wish you the best.
Hi Adrian,

I think if you should do what makes you happy, and if that means quiting the relaxer then girl, go for it! Good luck to you.
I'm considering doing the same thing. It's been about 13 weeks since my last relaxer and I have the Jilbere ceramic flat iron and that thing makes my hair look freshly relaxed down to the roots. I have not experienced any shedding and my new growth straightens very easily, I'm going to give it a try.
You will be just fine. Besides, if you change your mind, you can just relax...but once you relax again and then decided you want to go natrual...you will have to start over again(not relaxing and transitiong)....
I believe you're have success with any decision you make, as long as you stay focus and committed to treating your help w/ tender loving care
...... We're here for you...
Oh girl I want to be like you!
I am considering quitting the relaxers too, not b/c I don't like the effect it gives, but b/c my hair hates the chemical. My scalp gets very angry after a touch-up and my edges get crunchy and break off no matter how hard I try to keep them conditioned! The chemicals are like the enemy to my scalp! But we've had a relationship for almost my whole life!!! I will start small and try braids for the summer. Kepp us posted, so that I may continue to be inspired.
I've been considering it seriously this week. I'd usually get a touch up by now (it's been 9 weeks since my last one). But now that I've found products that make my new growth softer and more manageable I'm thinking I don't need to touch it up after all.

I've been reading Nappturality.com lately and they have lots of suggestions and advice. But I seriously doubt I'd ever CHOP my hair off! I'd have to gradually go natural.

Anyway, I'm in a wait-and-see mode.
hi. you have to do what you feel is right. people will
tell you that natural hair is hard, it's just different
and you need to know the right things to do! check out my girl's site: http://motowngirl.com it will tell you everything you need to know about taking care
of natural hair. good luck to you and keep us updated.
I'm natural and I love the versaltility of natural hair. If I want straight hair I can achieve this with a press-n-curl, flat iron, or curing iron. If I want to change it up and wear my hair curly, I can achieve this with a wash-n-go. If I want to wear my hair in twists and braids, no problem. If I want to wear a twistout/braidout, again not a problem. Updos, no problem. I can wear any hairstyle that a wore when I had a relaxer, maybe even more.

Like someone mentioned earlier, when you find the right products that work for you and your hair it's all good from there on. There's nothing hard about being natural. It may require extra care in how you handle your hair, but even when I wore a relaxer I had to take extra care in how I handled my hair to ensure it's growth and it's good health. It may take a little time and some questions and answers asked and received in order to learn how to manage it, and it may even take a little time, fun time, experimenting with new and different products to see what does and doesn't work for you and your hair. But hey! that's what we, the members of this board, are for. We're here to help you and others during your hair journeys and discoveries.

Whatever you decide to do, I'm sure that it will be what is BEST for you.

Take care,

I'm natural and I love the versaltility of natural hair. If I want straight hair I can achieve this with a press-n-curl, flat iron, or curing iron. If I want to change it up and wear my hair curly, I can achieve this with a wash-n-go. If I want to wear my hair in twists and braids, no problem. If I want to wear a twistout/braidout, again not a problem. Updos, no problem. I can wear any hairstyle that a wore when I had a relaxer, maybe even more.

Like someone mentioned earlier, when you find the right products that work for you and your hair it's all good from there on. There's nothing hard about being natural. It may require extra care in how you handle your hair, but even when I wore a relaxer I had to take extra care in how I handled my hair to ensure it's growth and it's good health. It may take a little time and some questions and answers asked and received in order to learn how to manage it, and it may even take a little time, fun time, experimenting with new and different products to see what does and doesn't work for you and your hair. But hey! that's what we, the members of this board, are for. We're here to help you and others during your hair journeys and discoveries.

Whatever you decide to do, I'm sure that it will be what is BEST for you.

Take care,


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I totally agree. I've worned my hair different every day this week. One day I wore my hair down in it's natural curls. The next day I wore the same curls in a loose ponypuff. Yesterday I wore the sides in a flat twist and the back in a opened ended french twist. Today I have a large braid down the back of my head. I havent' done a rollerset in 3 weeks. But I probably will this weekend for a change. I usually do this when I feel the urge for straight hair(this usually lasts 2 days max).
You know, I tried going natural a few years ago. It hurt like crazy. I had no idea what I was doing or what products to use. Since then I've been skittish about doing it again. I guess that's why I'm in a wait-and-see mode. Plus, I'm so used to relaxing it. When I visit the beauty supply store I always walk down the aisle with relaxers, seeing what's new! I'm just used to it. I've had chemicals since I was 12. All the women in my family have too. But one thing I've noticed is that most of the older women have lots of breakage too. I don't want that!

How did you go natural? Did you chop it all off or wear transistion styles?
I transitioned until my natural hair got to jaw length and then I chopped off 4 inches of damaged hair(Thanksgiving 2001)followed by 2 more inches of relaxed hair in February of 2002. I started over from chin length. I have a round face so going twa wasn't for me. I did mostly rollersets and loose buns that I moisturized almost daily by rinsing or lightly shampooing all last summer. By the end of the summer I was just above shoulder length.
Thanks for all of the support. I plan on transitioning. Since I cut my hair to chin length in March I have only texturixed my hair. I will let it grow out to a decent lenght and "press" it with my flat iron until it is long enought to cut of the relaxed ends. I have went up to six months without a relaxer and dealing with my natural new growth was no prob. I actully loved touching and feeling how soft it is compared to how much harder the relaxed hair feels. I am soo.. grateful and excited to have you support.

Is texturized hair considered natural? What's the difference between it and a relaxer? If it is considered natural that may be a viable solution for me (while transistioning).
Like someone mentioned earlier, when you find the right products that work for you and your hair it's all good from there on. There's nothing hard about being natural. It may require extra care in how you handle your hair, but even when I wore a relaxer I had to take extra care in how I handled my hair to ensure it's growth and it's good health.

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Well said! I totally agree....
Good question Shelli,

I was thinking about that too. I've tried twice and am just convinced I can't transition... without cutting it off that is. I'm 4b.

My stylist currently uses Design Essentials Lo-Lye relaxer which she says more so texturizes it. My hair is fine and I think the cutback on the lye is REALLY helping it because now, its thicker and is growing fast. Also, I hardly have any shedding.

When I get my touch up on Monday, I'm going to ask my stylist about the possibility of being "weaned" from a lye relaxer to a texturizer (don't know if it's possible or safe) I'd like my hair stronger but still want to wear it in straight styles. Hmmmm, I wonder -

BTW, LOVE your hair color... or should I say, the color of your hair. Fits you nicely

Don't think I'm crazy, or a stalker or anything but I've seen you before!!!!!

It was a few times like last year further back on the Greenline train from the Greenbelt Metro going into DC. I can't be wrong. I remember your hair and I always wanted to compliment you on your hair color. I'm 99.9% sure that its you (based on your "messing around at work picture")

Am I right?
Small world
You may be right. I used to catch the Green line when I lived in Columbia. That's amazing you recall that! I mean, my hair color gets a bit of attention. But I always feel like I don't stand out compared to these sophisticated sistah's in DC (I'm originally from the midwest).
I'm new to the board and I am glad to hear of your decision. I made the same decision just yesterday. My last relaxer was February 19th 2003. Best of the best to all of us
Good for you! Hey, we have the same hair type...I wish you the best in your new endeavor, though. I've got some serious new growth since "quitting" in March. I'm striving to do the 2-texture thing for a while. Best of luck to you!
Going natural is a good decision, if it fits your lifestyle and you're ready to re-learn your haircare routine.

I am natural, and I CAN'T relax. My hair doesn't thrive. It grows (all hair grows)but it breaks off just as quickly.
Anyway. Try to really keep your hair UP while you're transitioning and while it's up keep it oiled and moisturized. I would LIGHTLY press it once a week to keep the new grown mangageable. (lightly press--NOT straighten...)
Good luck
Henrilou, we have similar hair texture. How did you go natural? What tools/products did you use to help you transistion? Was breakage a problem? Which protective hairstyles do you use?
I KNEW IT! Yes you do stand out... and not in a bad way. We sat in the same car but you were on the back end and I would always be in my seat before you walked on. I never said anything to you about it because I would have to get up and walk all the way to the end and say I like your hair... which personally would freak me out for a minute if someone did that and then walked all the way back to their seat

It looks like your natural color... is it? If it isn't you do a good job because it always look soft and not hard or brittle. You're right, you do have thick hair - the kind I'd like to have which is why I always think about ways I can transition without breakage.
Is texturized hair considered natural? What's the difference between it and a relaxer? If it is considered natural that may be a viable solution for me (while transistioning).

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Texturized hair is not considered natural. Natural mean not altering the texture of your hair. Texturizing loosens the curl pattern in the hair.
A texturizer is the same as a relaxer but with a different name. Its just not left on the hair long enough to make it straight.

transitioning was a breeze for me
All i did was put my hair in braids for 9 months then cut the relaxer of when i got to a comfortable length.

Good luck to all those who are transitioning. Just remember it may not be easy and you may get alot of ppl asking you questions about your decision to go natural. But if its what you want to do don't let anyone tell you any different. Do as much research as you can and don't be disheartened. check the natural hair websites they are a wealth of knowledge fo newley napptural or transisioning sistahs

Whatever you descide to with YOUR hair be happy in your decision

Yes, it's my natural color. And yeah it's awfully thick. I have to beat it into submission
But since I started visiting this site I've found a few products that soften my new growth and moisturize my dry ends. See I've always had a lot of hair. But I've never been able to maintain long hair.

Oh, I tried to transition before. I tore up evey comb I had as I've always been tenderheaded.
Yes, it's my natural color. And yeah it's awfully thick. I have to beat it into submission
But since I started visiting this site I've found a few products that soften my new growth and moisturize my dry ends. See I've always had a lot of hair. But I've never been able to maintain long hair.

Oh, I tried to transition before. I tore up evey comb I had as I've always been tenderheaded.

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maybe you wasn't using the right combs to comb while transitoning. Alot of women make the mistake in saying their hair is too nappy to comb when all they really need is a WIDE TOOTHED COMB. Theres no use trying to use a small comb to comb napps. I used to think this until i used a brush or wide toothed comb. It really helped