I Punked Out - No BC for me...yet


Well-Known Member
Yeah yeah yeah... I'm a lily livered chicken sh*t....

I couldn't do it!

I bought trimming shears.
I washed and conditioned my hair.
I saw the curls poppin up top and the wavy ends begging to be snipped.



I punked out.


Was my desire to BC just a passing whim?
I dunno.

Maybe I'll do it one day at random...

Maybe I'll wait till August like originally planned...

I don't know what I'll do, I just know I punked out on my BC last night:yep:
You suck! :lol:

Don't feel bad, you'll bc when you're ready. You don't wanna rush yourself and end up regretting it :yep:
In Your Own Time... :-)

I must admit I was looking forward to seeing your BC pics, lol!

I'm learning from you - I might have days when I'm tempted to BC earlier than my target and I'll have to wait it out and see if I really want to before I start.

You punked out, and we got punk'd :lachen:

We'll still be watching and waiting...

LMAO just call me Whimsy Kutcher

In Your Own Time... :-)

I must admit I was looking forward to seeing your BC pics, lol!

I'm learning from you - I might have days when I'm tempted to BC earlier than my target and I'll have to wait it out and see if I really want to before I start.


What's ur target?
Target is at least 1 year.

I'm beginning to think maybe I can make it past a year but I'm taking it one month at a time.

Not to sound like a broken record but people like you who have been transitioning or have transitioned for a year or more have been real inspirations!

LMAO just call me Whimsy Kutcher

What's ur target?
Yea...last night I kept going back to your thread and checking to see if you posted ur BC pics yet.

But I think you made the right decision in waiting. All in due time I guess
dang it! Oh well, you have to do things in your own time. If we can wait 2 years for Mook's BC, we can sure wait until Aug. for yours. Good luck on continuing to transition! Take your time.
Target is at least 1 year.

I'm beginning to think maybe I can make it past a year but I'm taking it one month at a time.

Not to sound like a broken record but people like you who have been transitioning or have transitioned for a year or more have been real inspirations!

Awww I'm glad I can inspire someone! You can definitely make it past a year. Patience is key.

To be honest with ya, your probably best not to set a date for yourself. When you're ready you'll know you're ready and you'll do it with no second thought..
dang it! Oh well, you have to do things in your own time. If we can wait 2 years for Mook's BC, we can sure wait until Aug. for yours. Good luck on continuing to transition! Take your time.

Thanks, yeah it feels like we reached an LHCF milestone with Mook's BC!!!!:lachen:
Yeah yeah yeah... I'm a lily livered chicken sh*t....

I couldn't do it!
I don't know what I'll do, I just know I punked out on my BC last night:yep:

When you're ready you will cut. You're not a coward, you're just not ready.
Take your time. I did the BC April 6th after transitioning since Aug2008. I got tired of styling it. I did it on a random day. I cut it myself and I have no regrets. Just remember, you are beautiful, with or without hair.
Take your time. I did the BC April 6th after transitioning since Aug2008. I got tired of styling it. I did it on a random day. I cut it myself and I have no regrets. Just remember, you are beautiful, with or without hair.

Aw, thanks.

And um HELLO!!! WELCOME!!!!:yep:
Whimsy, do it on your own time. I agree with others, you need to be ready so there are no regrets. You are an inspiration and we support whatever decision you make regarding when the BC is to be performed.