I never thought I'd say this


New Member
but I love water on my hair!!!!!!! :D
Ok, like most Black women, in the past I would cringe at having water touch my hair, till I saw the light (found the board :) ) Now I love Water, I dont freak out about sweating my hair out when I work out, cause I know I can easily wash it, and "redo it", I dont freak out about getting in the water on vacations :)
I've never quite had an unmanageable hair day since I started washing so frequntly and doing Conditioner washes...I LOVE WATER!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I feel the same way! :yep: The days of fretting over raindrops and swimming pools are over! Even though I'm relaxed, I don't get all bent out of shape over getting caught out in a little rain. :look: Nine times out of ten I'm wearing a wash & go anyway so it's all to the good! :lol:
Ladies I love washing my hair nowadays. WHen I was a little girl getting my hair washed was torture. Since I have been on LHCF I discovered that my hair loves the water and CO washing as well
ITA. Its almost like I am addicted to washing my hair, because it feels weird if more than 2 days goes by without a shampoo or co wash. My hair has been thriving since my frequent washing thing began back in December 04 when I started doing it.
I used to avoid water on my hair before the boards... now I can't go 1 day without moisturizing my hair!!!
ITA as well. I used to freak out about water touching my hair, but I am literally addicted, I cannot go wash my hair once a week, I freak out not doing it everyday, when I get in the shower, I just let the water hit my hair! :) loves it.
My hair is in love w/ water too. Which is why I dont like gettin my hair braided cause I cant wash it how I want to.
Making water my best friend was one of the first things I did when I RE-created my regimen two years ago. Now, I cannot go a day without water spritzing when putting my hair up...When Im in the shower, I let my hairline and half the top of my head get wet like it's a part of my body to be washed. And Im not even talking about wash or Co wash days, I love the way water has restored my hair. My nape was the first thing to show a difference. Within a month it seemed like it returned to the texture it was when I was a baby. I tell you that water is a powerful thing. Too bad more of us dont know the benefits of water on our hair.
My hair :love: water and it always did thrive on the frequent moisture, I just listened to those people-your hairs gonna rott and break off.
I love water on my hair, too, and on my scalp. It just feels good. This is like a secret confession for me because as a black woman, apparently, I'm not supposed to wash my hair frequently or something, I don't know.

Last year when I was at AIT, I CW'd almost everyday because I was so overdue for a relaxer and frequent CWs seemed to be a way to manage the new growth for those buns I had to wear. One of my roommates told my "Kimberly, you wash your hair like a white girl". I tried to explain to her that I do and I don't. That I was skipping the poo and going straight to the conditioner. I think it was over her head. Most people just have never heard of such a thing. 9 weeks and I think I saw her wash her hair 2 or 3 times. We couldn't even get the other roommate in the shower (seriously, she took one in the whole 9 weeks), nevermind wash her hair!
I agree. Washing my hair frequently has resulted in a cleaner scalp, more moisture on the hair and faster growth. To think that I used to wash my hair every 2 weeks! What was I thinking Never again. I now CW every 2-3 days. I am no longer afraid of water. If I get into the pool and get caught in the rain, I just wash it and go. Yay!
Girl, being natural even adds a cherry on top!! I either let the shower spout do it's work on my hair in the morning to freshen it up, or a spritz my concoction of rosemary and sage tea to my hair. Water is a gurlz bestest friend:up:
I spritz my hair with an s-curl & water mixture to give my hair it's moisture fix when i don't wet it in the shower or do my co-wash. Water is my friend!
Yes my hair loves water too. I can't believe years ago I used to go weeks without it touching my hair. Now I can go no longer than 3-4 days then I simply have to wash it.
I recently ran out of Surge and just spritzed my hair with water. I then used WGHO and tied my hair down. The next morning my hair was so soft.

For the past week I've been spritzing my hair with water and loving it. Conditioner washes are great for my hair too.
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During July and August I rinsed my hair daily with a co wash and a shampoo in between, randomly. My hair thanked me by having a great growth spurt. I wasn't worried about wearing a straight style. I air dryed in a bun. Clean scalp and protected ends made for lots of growth retention.
Kimberly said:
I love water on my hair, too, and on my scalp. It just feels good. This is like a secret confession for me because as a black woman, apparently, I'm not supposed to wash my hair frequently or something, I don't know.

Last year when I was at AIT, I CW'd almost everyday because I was so overdue for a relaxer and frequent CWs seemed to be a way to manage the new growth for those buns I had to wear. One of my roommates told my "Kimberly, you wash your hair like a white girl". I tried to explain to her that I do and I don't. That I was skipping the poo and going straight to the conditioner. I think it was over her head. Most people just have never heard of such a thing. 9 weeks and I think I saw her wash her hair 2 or 3 times. We couldn't even get the other roommate in the shower (seriously, she took one in the whole 9 weeks), nevermind wash her hair!

Same thing happend to me my freshman year and my name is Kimberly too :)
I use to get the "white girl" comments also but soon as you wear your hair down :eek: and then they want to know what you have been doing.
For about 14 years I have been washing/co 3 time a week and co wash on the days I don't wash. I've never had a problem growing my hair until I decided I wanted to grow my hair to waist, after seeing how beautiful my aunt's hair was at waist. Now my mother and friends have decided they also want to grow out very long, maybe not to waist, but long. The problem I had was listen to everyone's advice, when I should have olny taken the advice from people with similar hair type.