I need your advice OTC or Mega Tek...which one should I use??? HELP!!!


New Member
Okay, so I'm pretty new to LHCF, I've been reading a lot of post in the past few days and noticed that there are women out there that have incredible hair growth with the use of either OTC or Mega-T. I have been thinking about giving one of these products a try but need some help.

My hair is naturally thick and curly...i'm looking for the product that will give me more length instead of thickness which one works best for length? Mega-T or OTC

Also where can I order these products? I hear Mega T is for horses is there a Mega-T product there that is safe for humans?

Please help me out...you ladies give great advice:grin:

Also if any one out there have used either one of these products please let me see some growth pictures:yawn:

Thanks Ladies!!!!
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for length then thicknes first use OCT
for thickness then length ..Mega Tek

both do the same its just the order in which they arrive but you might wannat use a garlic suppliment if you go for Mega Tek (what im usin) to curb the shedding :yep:

try going to the Oct thread of Mega Tek and OCT challenge the first page is full of good info :arrowdown::arrowdown:


Well I've been using Megatek for 8 weeks now and I think it's helping. I see the growth from just Sept to Oct so I'm happy. And girl - I was SO scared about the whole "horse" thing, but I looked up everything I could online and settled in with feeling like it will be ok. It even says on the bottle safe for human use (I think if they repackaged it and sold it to humans they would triple the price and change a few words, but that's probably it!)