I need to vent :-S


Well-Known Member
I am soooooo angry right now. My brother gets visitation with his children every other weekend, and whenever he picks them up, his daughters' hair always looks mess. So, last weekend, he calls and asks me if I would help him with their hair. Naturally, I said yeah.

So, my brother and his kids arrive at my house. The two girls, ages 8 and 5, have natural hair. The 8 yo seemed a little worried, and kept saying we shouldn't touch her hair. I thought it was strange how worried she seems, but did as my brother asked. I began taking down their hair (which was in pigtails) to prepare it for washing. I literally had to comb out their hair before I could even think about washing it. Those babies' hair had locked it some places, it had been that long since their retarded, crazy-tail momma had combed their hair. It was filthy-dirty...so dirty, in fact, that the doggone suds from the shampoo were brown. :wallbash:

I washed their hair in twists (to avoid re-tangling after the comb-out), and deep-conditioned each girl. I then put two different heat protectors on and dried their hair. Because they were going to church the next morning )and I thought it would be a treat for them), I flat-ironed their hair. The 8 yo's hair was to the middle of her back, and so shiny....she literally danced around my living room swangin' her hair. she kept touching it, running her fingers through it, and she look genuinely happy. The five yo's hair was SL, and very bouncy. Both girls had huge smiles, and their older brother kept telling his sisters how pretty their hair looked and saying he had never seen their hair look so nice.

Now, while I was in the middle of doing their hair, their mother calls, and she speaks to each of the kids. When she spoke to the 8 yo, I guess she asked her what she was doing, and she told her she was getting her hair done. I don't what that woman said to that girl, but her face dropped, and she just kept saying yes in response to what ever question/statement her mother was making to her.

Fast forward to today. I get a text message from my brother's fiancee telling me that, the day after the girls went back home, the 8 yo tells my brother during his daily call, "Thank to YOU, my hair is falling out!" Then their mother said she had to cut their hair, because it was coming out at the roots.

THIS CRAZY WITCH CUT THIER HAIR OUT OF SPITE. SHE CUT THEIR HAIR because WE did their hair. How do I know this? Because anything we do for them she makes it bad and takes it away. If their nails get painted, she takes it off. My brother was giving them an allowance and they were happy. they go home, and the next visit, they say they don't want allowance. That's emotional abuse...pure hate. She damages those kids because she hates my brother.

I literally want to kick the living daylights outta that retarded *****. I wanna

Pray for me...pray I don't end up on the news. I am that angry.
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she sounds like the mom from that youtube video that was all over the hair forums.

im sorry the little girls have to put up with that.
AngelEyez I am so sorry to hear this. You were merely trying to nurture and spend bonding time with these girls but for some reason this invoked a feeling of jealousy and hatred in her. She is clearly tying to turn the girls against you. But no fear children are not silly and they do not remain silly forever and one day they will not thank their mother for the vitriol she poured out against you and your brother.

Big hugs from me and keep you head up girl.
I hate when kids are caught in the crossfire of adult drama. Don't feel bad, MyAngelEyez, I would have done as my brother asked as well. 'Ol girl got some issues she needs to deal with.
AngelEyez I am so sorry to hear this. You were merely trying to nurture and spend bonding time with these girls but for some reason this invoked a feeling of jealousy and hatred in her. She is clearly tying to turn the girls against you. But no fear children are not silly and they do not remain silly forever and one day they will not thank their mother for the vitriol she poured out against you and your brother.

Big hugs from me and keep you head up girl.

I know this in my heart, but I still hurt for them. You only get one childhood. :sad:
Is there any way your brother can fight to get his kids full time. this chick is going to cause more and more issues for the kids in the long run.
Is there any way your brother can fight to get his kids full time. this chick is going to cause more and more issues for the kids in the long run.

I think he and his lawyer are aiming towards this. I think their plan is to let her hang herself by continuing to do crap like this to give them a stronger case. The court started out biased towards her as the woman, but I think that's changing. She's been threatened with contempt charges on more than one occasion. I hope this hair thing is enough to put the final nail in the coffin she's created for herself.
Obviously conditioning and flat ironing doesn't cause hair to come out at the roots. I wonder if she thought you put in a relaxer and would therefore be convinced by that story?

Anyway her story doesn't fly and she is a horribly cruel mother to take out her relationship problems on her little girls.
I think he and his lawyer are aiming towards this. I think their plan is to let her hang herself by continuing to do crap like this to give them a stronger case. The court started out biased towards her as the woman, but I think that's changing. She's been threatened with contempt charges on more than one occasion. I hope this hair thing is enough to put the final nail in the coffin she's created for herself.

I think this is enough ammo for them. The more they stay with her the more damaged they will get and your brother will have to work triple hard to bring some sense of normalcy into their lives by the time they get them.

Your brother may need to BARK at his lawyer to get things moving quick...(stretching all out so that he can get paid more while the girls suffer!)
Obviously conditioning and flat ironing doesn't cause hair to come out at the roots. I wonder if she thought you put in a relaxer and would therefore be convinced by that story?

Anyway her story doesn't fly and she is a horribly cruel mother to take out her relationship problems on her little girls.

I think she did think that. My bother told her he was calling child protective services on her and that no chemicals were used. After that she started freakin' out. trying to find other reasons to justify what she did.
I think this is enough ammo for them. The more they stay with her the more damaged they will get and your brother will have to work triple hard to bring some sense of normalcy into their lives by the time they get them.

Your brother may need to BARK at his lawyer to get things moving quick...(stretching all out so that he can get paid more while the girls suffer!)

I agree. I told my brother this already.
What an evil wench! I feel so bad for those poor girls. I know it hurts to sit back and feel like you can't do anything.

At least they know what it feels like to have someone else care for them, even if they don't get that from their mother. I hope your brother gets them for good, she does not sound stable.
This hurt my heart for those babies. I feel bad for them that they would have to suffer like this because their mother has issues with herself and their father.
Sounds like there is definitely some anxiety hair issue there. Perhaps she believed there was something bad to come of someone else messing in her daughter's hair. If that is the case, the ex-husband and father (your brother) may have already known that the mother would be displeased...the daughter did.

Dirty hair or not, and no matter how "right" you and the father are, the fact is that now those babies don't have their hair.

Hair doesn't get that dirty in two weeks time, and since your brother gets his kids every other weekend, he would have (or surely the finance) assessed the girl's hair as dirty long before you were called in, right?

.... don't take it personal mamabear, and don't beat her down if you see her in the grocery.
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Hair doesn't get that dirty in two weeks time, and since your brother gets his kids every other weekend, he would have (or surely the finance) assessed the girl's hair as dirty long before you were called in, right?

.... don't take it personal mamabear, and don't beat her down if you see her in the grocery.

I think he was trying to force her to comb the girls hair by complaining, I know he took pics each time they came like that. Having his fiancee do their hair was out (the ex woulda DEFINITELY tripped about that...probably worse than she tripped about me doing it.
Oh my that is horrendous. I will keep your family in my prayers. Its already bad enough these girls are growing up with a woman that has AWS (Angry Woman Syndrome) Thats how the cycle starts with crazy females who will never love properly or know how to be loved. I'm sure since your brother is trying to do the right thing by them he will break the cycle.
How dirty the kids hair were really upset me, you had them! TAKE CARE OF THEM!!! She getting child support don't tell me she can't afford kiddie Shampoo.

That women has issue, probably stems for her own inability to provide for her children... What ever it is its just sad and wrong.
Wow, that's terrible. What an awful person.

The girls probably get made fun of at school if their hair is that dirty, it probably smells. :nono: That makes me so mad. Awful.
I am really saddened by this. I don't think I have ever heard such nonsense in my life! Did she cut off ALL of their hair..or just a few inches do you know?? I know she feels like a fool now that she knows you didn't even put a relaxer in their hair..what a shame :nono:
I am really saddened by this. I don't think I have ever heard such nonsense in my life! Did she cut off ALL of their hair..or just a few inches do you know?? I know she feels like a fool now that she knows you didn't even put a relaxer in their hair..what a shame :nono:
we haven't seen them yet,but he is supposed to pick them up friday, so we'll find out then. I hope she didn't cut a lot. I seriously think I might snap if she did.
I'm sorry to hear this is happening to your family. But be very, very careful when dealing with this situation. I don't want to cause you alarm but my 5 year old nephew is dead because my brother divorced his mother. And she killed him out of spite. So if this woman is as evil as it seems, your brother needs to do everything in his power to get his kids away from her. I'm not saying that she is capable of murder, I'm just hoping that what happened to my nephew never happens to another child. It's a horrible situation and I'm not sure if my brother is going to ever recover from it. It's been 3 years and he's still deeply mourning because he feels like he could have prevented it. But he did nothing wrong, he saw his son every weekend, he paid child support. Again, I'm sorry this is happening to you. And I apologize in advance if I've caused you additional worry. It's not my intent. Just to say be careful when dealing with irrational people.
I'm sorry to hear this is happening to your family. But be very, very careful when dealing with this situation. I don't want to cause you alarm but my 5 year old nephew is dead because my brother divorced his mother. And she killed him out of spite. So if this woman is as evil as it seems, your brother needs to do everything in his power to get his kids away from her. I'm not saying that she is capable of murder, I'm just hoping that what happened to my nephew never happens to another child. It's a horrible situation and I'm not sure if my brother is going to ever recover from it. It's been 3 years and he's still deeply mourning because he feels like he could have prevented it. But he did nothing wrong, he saw his son every weekend, he paid child support. Again, I'm sorry this is happening to you. And I apologize in advance if I've caused you additional worry. It's not my intent. Just to say be careful when dealing with irrational people.

Thank you and no, you've caused no more alarm than I feel already. I've told my brother I think she would hurt the kids to get back at him (is doing it emotionally now anyway). He doesn't think she will, and I hope for everyone's sake that he is right.
Thank you and no, you've caused no more alarm than I feel already. I've told my brother I think she would hurt the kids to get back at him (is doing it emotionally now anyway). He doesn't think she will, and I hope for everyone's sake that he is right.

Yeah, no one in my family saw this coming. We, never in a million years, thought she would do something like that. But she did. And my brother saw it on the news before he was even contacted!!! Can you imagine that? It was a crazy time for my family. And her trial drug on for a year. The totally sad part is that she only got 10 years. Yes, 10 years for murder!! We just put it in God's hands. She'll get her just due.

It's something I'll never understand.

You and your family are in my prayers.